
Tale's of Yonus- The Chaos Chronicles

This is my First Novel, so if you see any mistakes please point them out. Notice: This Novel is currently in the process of being rewritten, I ask for your patience until the rerelease. You may still read the current version at your own discretion. It will remain until I'm read to release the remade chapters. Every Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 A.M EDT --------- In the ever-shifting realm of Yonus, the fabric of reality is constantly under siege, twisted and contorted by those wielding unimaginable power. Over time, the populace has grown accustomed to this unsettling state of flux, adapting to the unpredictable nature of their world. However, the arrival of a new era shatters the fragile peace they've come to accept. From the depths of the cosmos, unfathomable horrors descend upon Yonus, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. These otherworldly abominations, once beyond the realm of mortal comprehension, now roam freely, spreading chaos and despair across the land. In the face of such overwhelming threats, the denizens of Yonus are forced to retreat to fortified enclaves, clinging to the hope of survival. Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of defiance ignites in the hearts of the brave few who dare to challenge the encroaching darkness. As the battle for the fate of their world rages on, alliances are forged, secrets unearthed, and heroes rise from the ashes of destruction. With every passing moment, the stakes grow higher, and the line between salvation and annihilation blurs. In this gripping tale of courage and resilience, the destiny of Yonus hangs in the balance, teetering on the brink of oblivion. Will the inhabitants muster the strength to reclaim their homeland and banish the encroaching terrors, or will they be consumed by the relentless tide of chaos? --- Before you decide you don't like the story or it's not to your taste please try and read to chapter 12, so you could get a taste of how I write action scenes as well. Book cover image is made by AI for now

TrueVoid45 · Fantasía
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32 Chs

Chapter 9 Mock Battle

"Alright, class, listen up. Today, we're diving into a mock battle scenario. I wanna see what you've got when it comes to handling yourselves in combat."

Mumbles filled the room, expressing the concerns of the students. Some were disgruntled at the prospect of combat, knowing they weren't proficient fighters. Others dreaded facing off against the Transcendents in their class, fearing the potential for serious injury.

"Alright, I understand your concerns. Some of you might not want to get hurt, and that's perfectly valid. But let me make one thing crystal clear: out there on the battlefield or in the dungeons, those monsters won't give a damn about whether you're hurt or not. You're lucky that this school cares enough to prepare you."

Her words, harsh yet true, struck a chord with the students. Some acknowledged their cowardly behavior, hanging their heads low, while others could only grit their teeth in frustration. Brandon, Jaylen, and Sarah shared a silent acknowledgment of what some of their classmates lacked in the face of danger.

With calm and steady steps Miss Xirenia walked over to an inconspicuous panel, directing everyone's attention to it. "This panel right here is meant to keep you all safe during the arena fights. You won't actually get hurt; it's just an illusion. But let me be clear, you'll still feel a bit of discomfort. Think of it as a reminder to stay sharp. Now, I just chewed you out, so don't mistake this explanation for coddling. You're here to learn, and part of that means facing some discomfort. Got it? Good."

"Now, onto your other concern..." She sighs, tapping a holographic screen displaying the class roster. "Well, isn't this convenient? Yuki Heartfall decided to take a personal day today, leaving us short one student. Lucky break, huh? Since we're down a player, I'll step in and take on the class's self-proclaimed number one myself." There's a hint of irritation in her voice, softened by resignation.

A hand shoots up from the students, and in a questioning tone, asks', "Who would be fighting first, sensei?"

"Good question, Blake... Hmm..." She taps her finger rhythmically on her chin, considering her options. "Alright, let's have Brandon and Sarah step up first. And if either of you two needs a weapon, they're hanging on the wall over there." Her tone is thoughtful yet decisive, as she sets the plan into motion.

They glance at each other with silent acknowledgement. Rising to their feet, they begin their walk to the arena. Glancing back at Jaylen, they start to exchange words as they move forward.

"Jaylen, pay attention. You're about to witness me handing Brandon's behind to him on a silver platter. It'll be a breeze." Sarah Voice echoed with her usual Charming smile that put a few members of the class in a daze.

"Hah, you wish. Jaylen, watch closely, maybe then you'll finally figure out how to use real magic." Brandon's tone drips with mockery, his confidence evident. 

"And when this is over, I'm not just challenging Yuki, but you too." There's a shift in Brandon's voice, now laced with challenge as he declares his intentions.

"You still gotta beat me first, and I won't hold back one bit," Sarah counters, her voice firm and resolute, with a hint of defiance.

Jumping into the arena, they both stand an equal distance away from each other. Everyone in the class, eager to see the two fight in the arena, begins to make predictions on who would win.

As the tension mounted in the arena, the hushed whispers of the students permeated the air, blending with the palpable anticipation. Each of them leaned forward in their seats, eyes trained on Brandon and Sarah, who stood poised like warriors about to engage in a battle of wills.

"I have my money on Brandon. He's totally going to win," one student asserted confidently, his voice echoing with unwavering belief.

A dissenting voice chimed in, "No way, dude. What do you mean? Sarah's totally going to win. Vampires are naturally stronger than humans."

The debate continued to simmer among the students, each offering their own analysis and predictions, their fervor heightening the atmosphere within the classroom.

"Yeah, but Brandon scored higher than her, so he must be stronger for some reason," another student interjected, attempting to rationalize the impending showdown.

Amidst the chatter, a voice of reason emerged, cutting through the speculation like a blade. "Hey, both of you numb nuts," Blake, the voice of reason, interjected, drawing the attention of his peers. "You see how Jaylen hasn't said anything. I think this match is going to be much closer than most of us think."

A ripple of agreement coursed through the room as the students contemplated Blake's observation, their excitement tempered by the realization that the outcome was far from certain.

"Huh, you're right. I guess the only way to know would be to watch the fight," one student conceded, a sense of anticipation lacing their words.

"Definitely," another affirmed, the anticipation in their voice matching the eager glint in their eyes.

With the stage set and anticipation reaching its zenith, the students settled in, ready to witness the clash of titans unfold before their very eyes, their energy fueling the atmosphere with an electric buzz of excitement and tension.

"Are you both ready?" Standing over the arena with her arms crossed, Miss Xirenia questioned, her voice carrying authority and expectation.

Glaring into each other's eyes, they both shout, "Ready!" Their voices echoed with determination and anticipation, setting the stage for the battle ahead.

"Alright... Begin!" Miss Xirenia's voice sounded, marking the start of the anticipated battle.

Brandon initiated with a spell, enhancing his physical and cognitive abilities, before rushing forward. Sarah met his charge head-on, their clash echoing through the arena. Exclamations echoed around; many couldn't believe the speed at which the two moved.

After the first clash, they both leaped away, assessing each other.

"Hmm, seems you got a bit stronger, huh?" Sarah remarked, stretching her shoulder.

"Of course," Brandon replied, readying his staff. "Unlike you vampires, most humans have to train if we want to compete against you."

"It doesn't help that fool over there. though, born human isn't fully human," Brandon finishes, his anger simmering below his demeanor.

"Ughh, not again with this," Sarah's annoyance was clear in her tone as she heard these all too familiar words. Using her top speed, She flashes behind Brandon. Swing her right leg forward towards his head.

Brandon ducking narrowly dodges her attack. With a quick twirl of his staff he strikes Sarah in the abdomen.

"Agh!" Taking the hit, Sarah flies back a short distance. Landing on her feet, she glares back at Brandon. "That hurt, how could you hit your wife like that?

Brandon retorts, "Hmm... that's weird. Aren't you supposed to be stronger than that as a vampire?"

"Grr, that's it!" Dashing forward, Sarah begins to close the distance, only to be instantly met with a bolt of lightning. Quickly turning into a colony of bats, she just barely dodges. Reforming a bit away from there, she resumes her charge.

But as if anticipating that, Brandon slams his staff into the ground, forming an earth spike in Sarah's direction.

As the earth spike surged towards her, Sarah's instincts kicked in, and she sidestepped with fluid grace, narrowly avoiding its jagged trajectory. With a steely focus, she channeled the power coursing through her veins, drawing upon her innate abilities as a vampire.

With a swift motion, Sarah drew upon the potent essence of her blood, shaping it into a lethal weapon in her hand. Four crimson slashes lanced through the air, slicing towards Brandon with deadly accuracy.

Reacting with the agility of a predator, Brandon rolled out of harm's way, his movements fluid and precise as he evaded the onslaught of Sarah's attack. But before he could fully regain his footing, Sarah seized the opportunity, her hand wreathed in flames as she unleashed a fiery assault upon him.

The blazing fist connected with unerring accuracy, striking Brandon square in the face with a force that sent him reeling backwards, and leaving him sprawled upon the ground.

As the arena erupted into gasps and murmurs of astonishment, Sarah stood tall, her eyes gleaming with an intensity that spoke of her unwavering determination to emerge victorious. 

"Oops..." Sarah says, holding her hand over her mouth. She smiles sweetly with an apologetic face and says, "Sorry about the face, sweetie."

Standing back up, Brandon spits out a bit of blood, and Glares at Sarah. "Fine if that's how you want to play," At an incredible speed Brandon launches six different spells at Sarah.

Sarah moved with lightning-fast reflexes, her movements a mesmerizing dance of evasion and grace. With a fierce determination in her eyes, she ducked under a searing fireball, the heat of its passing grazing her skin as she narrowly avoided its deadly trajectory.

In a fluid motion, Sarah executed a perfect back handspring, gracefully evading a razor-sharp wind scythe that sliced through the air with deadly precision. With each movement, she demonstrated the agility of a seasoned warrior, her body a blur as she effortlessly navigated the onslaught of elemental attacks.

As an earth spike erupted from the ground beneath her, Sarah's instincts kicked in, propelling her into a soaring leap that carried her effortlessly over the deadly obstacle. With a deft slide, she skirted under a bolt of crackling lightning, the air sizzling with energy in its wake as she narrowly escaped its lethal embrace.

In a daring display of supernatural prowess, Sarah transformed into a swarm of bats, their sleek forms weaving effortlessly through the air as they evaded a blazing Firebolt hurtling towards her. As she reformed, her human shape solidifying once more, a sudden impact rocked her frame as a sphere of water crashed into her with unexpected force, sending her staggering backwards.

Her clothes, once dry, were now soaked in water. "Hey, what the hell, you did that on purpose!" she exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice.

Playing dumb, Brandon kept a stoic expression. "No, I didn't," he replied, maintaining his innocence despite Sarah's accusation.

"Oh yeah, Well That's it I'm finishing this fight" With a fierce determination etched upon her features, Sarah's surroundings seemed to ignite with a fiery hue as she channeled her mana into a potent spell. The air around her shimmered with heat as she unleashed her attack, the "Prominence Blast," a searing beam of fire hurtling forth from her outstretched hands with unstoppable force.

"Okay then I'll match you on that" Not to be outdone, Brandon matched her intensity with his own, his mana coalescing into a swirling vortex of crackling electricity. With a resounding crack, a fearsome black tiger made of pure lightning materialized beside him, its form pulsating with raw power as it roared with electrifying fury. This was his signature move, the "Lightning Raiju," a force of nature unleashed upon his opponent with unyielding ferocity.

As the two devastating attacks hurtled towards each other, the arena trembled with the sheer magnitude of their clash. But before the collision could occur, a sudden force intervened, halting both spells in their tracks with a power that seemed to defy comprehension.

"That's enough!" Miss Xirenia declared, her tone firm. "This is supposed to be a friendly spar, not a battlefield. Your spells are too destructive, and the mana they release is too much for your classmates."

As Sarah and Brandon stood frozen in disbelief, their gazes sweeping over the aftermath of their clash, a somber realization washed over them. The once lively classroom now lay in shambles, the air thick with the scent of burnt ozone and the lingering echoes of magical energies.

With a heavy heart, Sarah's eyes darted around the room, taking in the sight of her fallen classmates. Some lay sprawled unconscious upon the ground, their bodies still twitching from the residual effects of the powerful magic unleashed in their midst. Others stood with wavering resolve, their strength all but depleted by the intensity of the battle that had unfolded before them.

But amidst the chaos and devastation, one figure remained untouched by the havoc that had wreaked havoc upon their surroundings. Jaylen stood resolute, a pillar of strength amidst the turmoil, his unwavering composure a testament to his indomitable will and inner strength.

Both Sarah and Brandon apologized, chastened by their teacher's reprimand.

"Sigh, alright, both of you, go help wake up your classmates. We'll take a break to make sure everyone is alright," Miss Xirenia instructed, allowing a short moment before the next fight to ensure everyone's well-being.


Chapter End

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


What has more beauty and terror then innocence. Leave your answer in the comments and I'll release an extra chapter

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