
Chapter 3: The Flash, The Thief and The Wizard

Chapter 3: The Flash, The Thief, and The Wizard

Barry runs to Star City, determined to come up with a plan to take down Clyde. He was filled with frustration and anger towards himself for letting Clyde escape, but he wasn't going to let it get the best of him. He had to be better, to help people.

"I can't believe I let him get away. I had the chance to make a difference, and I blew it," Barry muttered to himself as he arrived in Star City.

Barry stood on the roof, looking out over the city, feeling dejected and frustrated. He had come to Star City hoping to find inspiration, to come up with a plan to take down Clyde. He thought back to his conversation with Joe earlier when he had offered to help but was turned down. It still stung, even though he knew Joe was trying to protect him. He was gifted with the power of speed. He was supposed to be the one who saved the day, not the one who sat on the sidelines.

Maybe Professor Wells was right about him.

Barry was pacing back and forth on the roof, thinking about his failed mission. He was determined to do better, to be better. He wanted to be the hero that people needed, but every time he tried, he seemed to fall short.

"I wanted to be more, to help people. But every time I get the chance, I screw it up. How can I expect to be a hero when I can't even catch a criminal?" Barry said, talking to himself.

"Barry, what are you doing all the way out here in Star City?" a voice said from behind him. Barry turned to see Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, standing there with a smirk on his face.

"I just needed to get away for a minute. I messed up Oliver. Clyde escaped, and it's all my fault," Barry replied in a defeated tone. "I just feel like I'm not fast enough, that I'm always one step behind."

"What do you mean?"

"I wanted to be more," he says, his voice tinged with frustration. "I wanted to help people, to make a difference. And the moment I finally get my chance, I screw up and let Clyde escape."

Oliver placed a hand on Barry's shoulder. "Listen, we all make mistakes. What makes us heroes is how we bounce back from those mistakes. You're too hard on yourself. You can't beat yourself up over this. Every hero makes mistakes. It's how you handle them that defines you."

"Thanks, Oliver," Barry said with a small smile. "I needed that."

"Anytime," Oliver said, before turning to leave. He stopped just before he reached the edge of the roof and looked back at Barry.

"Oh, and one more thing," he said with a grin. "Wear a mask."

With that, Oliver disappeared, leaving Barry standing there in awe. "Wow," he muttered to himself. "That was cool." He looked down at the city below, feeling inspired and determined.

Myles Walley, also known as Tachyon, walks out of the waffle shop and starts writing in his journal about his plans. He felt a pang of guilt, knowing that he was not living up to his promise to Flash about not causing trouble. But, he couldn't help himself.

"I need to focus, I can't let my urges get the better of me. I need to stay low, for now," Myles mutters to himself as he writes.

Myles resumes his stroll, resisting his urge to steal. He wants to keep his promise to Flash and not start trouble until Clyde is captured. As he walked, he passed by a TV shop but stopped in his tracks when he heard a news report about a woman who was about to jump off a building.

"No, I need to stay low, I shouldn't get involved," Myles thought to himself, trying to ignore the urge to help. But, with a heavy sigh, he quickly backtracked and headed towards the scene, leaving a trail of black and white lightning in his wake.

Arriving just in time as the woman was about to jump off, time slowed to a crawl as he ran up to her and placed her back on the roof. The woman was confused and scared when she saw Tachyon. She warned him not to get any closer or she would jump.

"Calm down, why are you doing this?" Tachyon asked, trying to sound comforting.

The woman told him that her life had been nothing but tragedy and the last straw was losing her job. Tachyon sighed in disappointment and scolded her before giving her an uplifting speech.

"Life isn't just a straight path, it's full of twists and turns. You have to find your own way, and suicide isn't the solution. You need to live your life first," Tachyon said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

The woman asked how he knew so much and Tachyon explained his past, how he became a villain of his own choice. She asked if she should follow in his footsteps and Tachyon berated her, telling her to make her path.

"No, you shouldn't follow my path. I made my choices and I have to live with them. But, you, you can make a difference, you can make your own path," Tachyon said, handing her a large sum of money.

The woman cried while muttering her thanks to the thief, who simply nodded and disappeared in a blur of speed.

"I might be a thief, but I'm also a hero in my own way," Tachyon thought to himself as he wrote in his journal. "I might not have the flash's heart of gold, but I have the power to make a difference."

Joe and Eddie cautiously approached the barn, guns at the ready. They had finally found Clyde's hideout, and they were determined to take him down. As they entered the barn, they found the villain standing in front of a large board covered in newspaper clippings about the particle accelerator accident.

"Well, well, look who finally found me," Clyde said, with a hint of amusement in his voice. "You two must have been searching for a long time."

Joe stepped forward, his gun still trained on Clyde. "Shut up and turn around," he ordered. "You're under arrest."

Clyde chuckled. "I don't think so," he said before he started monologuing about his past. "You see, my brother and I were leaving the city in a plane before the accident happened. I don't know how I survived the crash, but I did. That's when I found out about my powers."

Joe was about to cuff Clyde, but the villain was faster. With a gust of wind, he threw Joe against the wall and then did the same to Eddie. Joe recovered, but before he could do anything, Clyde sent another gust of wind, knocking both men out of the barn.

Joe dragged Eddie to their car for cover, watching in shock and fear as Clyde walked out of the barn, resuming his monologue. "I've become a god," he proclaimed. "A being of immense power, beyond anything you could ever imagine."

"A god?" Joe scoffed. "Why would a god rob a bank?"

Clyde glanced back at Joe as if he had just said something that made sense. "You're right," he said, with a nod. "Why would a god do something so petty? It's time to think big."

With those words, Clyde created a tornado that was growing larger by the second. Joe watched in horror as the tornado headed toward the city, knowing that there was nothing he could do to stop it.

As Joe watched Clyde make his way to the city, he heard something above and looked up. It was a piece of the roof that Clyde had destroyed, and it was falling toward him. Joe covered himself and Eddie and braced for the pain.

"Look out!" someone shouted.

Suddenly, a red blur caught the roof and altered its course in time. Confused, Joe looked back and found someone in a red suit pushing the roof off himself. It was Barry, and he was out of breath but still determined to fight.

"Barry, are you okay?" Cisco's voice echoed through the earpiece.

"Yeah, I'm good. I've got this." Barry answered as he caught his breath.

"Cisco, what's the current clock speed on that tornado?" Barry asked as he watched Clyde's tornado from the distance.

"It's still building, Flash. If it continues, it'll level the city." Cisco replied.

"How do I stop it?" Barry asked, looking to his friends for a solution.

Caitlyn and Cisco stared at each other, both unable to come up with a plan.

"Caitlin, I've got an idea. Can I unravel it?" Barry asked.

"How are you going to do that, Barry?" Caitlin asked, her voice filled with worry.

"I'm going to run around it in the opposite direction. How much speed do I need?" Barry replied, determined to save the city.

"It's going to be tough, Flash. Your body might not handle it." Cisco warned.

Barry took a glance at Joe, who was still hiding behind a car.

"I have to try." Barry said, his voice filled with determination.

Just as he was about to take off, a familiar black and white lightning bolt stopped beside him. Tachyon has arrived with an improved costume.

"Hey, Flash. Nice spandex," Tachyon teased with a grin. "You're looking good in that red suit,"

"Tachyon, why are you here?" Barry asked, wasting no time.

"As a thief, it's bad for business if the city gets destroyed," Tachyon replied, his eyes fixed on Clyde's tornado.

"I've got a plan to stop it," Barry said, quickly explaining his idea.

"That was my plan, too," Tachyon said with a smirk.

The two speedsters raced toward the tornado, determined to unravel it. Clyde noticed the two speedsters and shot out lightning. Tachyon avoided it with ease, but Barry didn't have enough time and was blown away.

"Flash!" Tachyon called out as he caught Barry before he could get impaled by a sharp piece of wood. "You okay, Flash? I've got you!"

"Thanks, I owe you one." Barry said, still dazed from the shock.

Tachyon quickly put Flash down and rushed back to stop the tornado. "This thing is too strong!" Barry yelled as he was struggling against the wind.

"Barry, you were right about me. I'm responsible for all of this. My hubris created this madness. Every time I see you, all I see is a victim," Harrison/Eobard admitted. "But now, only you can stop this. Now run, Barry, run!"

With renewed determination, the Flash headed back toward the tornado. Tachyon looked at Flash and playfully complained about him taking his damn time.

"Finally, took you long enough, Flash. Let's get this over with.". The last one to unravel this tornado is a rotten egg," Tachyon said with a smirk. "You won't stop me!" Clyde yelled as he shot out lightning bolts once more.

Clyde, Barry, and Tachyon let out their battle cries with a final burst of speed, the tornado exploded, leaving Clyde standing in its place, dazed and defeated.

Barry fell on his knees, exhausted, only to hear Clyde call out to him with a gun pointed at his head.

"I didn't know there were others like me." Clyde said still dazed from the explosion.

Barry gives a defiant glare and said "We're nothing alike, Clyde. You've killed people, innocent lives. You're a murderer."

Clydes smirks but before Clyde could pull the trigger, Tachyon appeared, knocking him out cold with a frying pan. "Now I know why Rapunzel uses this." Tachyon said looking at Clyde before looking at Barry.

"Told ya, Flash. I'm always one step ahead."

"Thanks, you saved my life."

"Anytime, Flash. Anytime." Tachyon said with a smirk.

The two speedsters looked at each other, both exhausted but victorious. The city was saved and justice had been served. The chapter ends with Tachyon and Barry, two unlikely allies, standing side by side, as the dawn appears.

An: For anyone wondering what Tachyon's new costume looks like I've placed it in the second chapter of this site and on Wattpad. Please review this story and give my friend support.

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