4 Loophole 2

{Dawg you are enjoying this way too much!}

:I've been killed by these bastards. Just because I need to find an alternate food source for them doesn't mean I need to stop killing them.:

{You do you Dawg.}

So, an update on what has been going on. Jin Chen has taken full advantage of the "Iron Sword"s he bought. Meaning he gathered a team of like-minded slayers and formed a team to kill demons. He hasn't stopped killing the demons sense. Shen Jiang has grown interested in Jin Chen once more. Although Jin Chen hasn't shown any interest in Shen Jiang. As the Chosen of the World, Shen Jiang isn't really willing to be ignored. So he has started to kill as many Demons as Jin Chen is. Sure enough, after Jin Chen went on his slaughter spree with his team, Shen Jiang followed shortly after, forming his own team, and finding a weapon that allowed him to kill Demons and Ghosts just as easily as Jin Chen was able to now.

On the other hand, I was gaining a small amount of Karmic Merit every time he killed a Demon. So I'd say that's a plus. Jin Chen showed his talent of being a slayer as time passed, he was no easy pickings for any demon. And he was iron-willed. But there is a time limit for these activities.

{Dawg yo going to run out of time soon. Yo have one month to make Shen Jiang fall. That boyo is keeping up with ya dawg.}

:I know. It's difficult when he is always pulling some miracle out. That protagonist halo can't be that strong!:

{Ya don't need ta worry about em too much. Your falling behind on the other two tasks as well. If you can complete either of them you would be able to finish this with ease.}

He sighed. :Alright. How do I get to the underworld?:

{Figured you would go for this first. Underneath the Temple of Slayers there is a gateway to the Underworld.}

He froze at that. :Under the Temple of Slayers?:


:How! How could anyone make a gateway under the Temple?:

{Dunno. It hasn't happened in the time I have been here. And looking into the past takes a bit too much energy for me to care how.}

:Can I exchange any demon materials for points?:

{Nope. Those things are useless to me.}

He sighed again, then he focused.

:Alright, destroy the Underworld and make a new one. I can do this.:

I have no idea how he will do this.


So. That might work.

Jin Chen stole Jiang Chens new weapon. The Sword of Galys. Galys was apparently a legendary figure in his time, and his blade was embued with Galys spirit, and Galys had hatred against the demons who hunted humans. He had died in battle, but his spirit was put into his blade, so he could kill more demons. Despite his death. Technically he can be considered a ghost. But he can't really leave the blade.

Anyways, Galys spirit is extremely powerful and can be used as a catalyst to set the foundation of a sturdier underworld, after Jin Chen destroys the old one. He then started to move back and exchanged some items through the store on loan. I did warn him that his soul would be harvested if he failed to deliver on completing the task. But Jin Chen wasn't as afraid as I thought he would be. Anyways, he spent One-hundred and ten points, three for a teleport power. Seven on ingredients to make a new underworld. 50 on Autonomous Soldiers, who he spent another 50 points to arm with "Iron Blades".

Then he teleported over to the Slayer Temple. Snuck in and teleported to the Gateway. Which was sealed, he spent two points to unseal it. Which alerted everyone in the vicinity. Then he jumped down into the Underworld.

Upon arriving he summoned the Autonomous Soldiers. Then used another 5 points to completely seal the underworld. I was getting annoyed by this point, as I was running out of energy to use.

However, he kept going. Slowly ripping through the Underworlds army. As they were forced to fight him. Eventually, he harvested enough demons that the Galys Spirit started to assist as well. Slowly they started to destroy the underworld.

Eventually, the Demon King arrived and tried to kill Jin Chen. But by this point, Jin Chen had gained Asuras Aura, as he ripped apart enemies with ease. Using the "Iron Blade" and the Gladys Sword, he cut the Demon Kings head off. Causing the world to begin to collapse.

:What now 4!?!:

{Don't worry Dawg. Bring out the ingredients and lay them down on the ground. I'll do the rest from there.}

He places the Gladys Blade down, then he takes out the World Orb, the Crystal Of Fate, Eternal Flame Core, Essence of Earth, Essence of Death, Essence of Life.

I start to manipulate the forces of chaos. Forming a large green forge, the items fly to into the forge made out of Chaos Energy.

I start with the Gladys blade.

"Gladys. Here me. With the Underworld destroyed, a new one must take its place. You have been chosen to become the King of the Underworld. Do you accept it? Or do you refuse it?"

It only takes a few moments, then Gladys accepts.

Then I start to sculpt the Underworld. Using the World Orb I stabilize the dimension. Then with the Crystal of Fate, I create the system of Rebirth. With the Eternal Flame, I create the pits of retribution. With the Essence of Earth, I replace the original connection with the underworld. with the Essence of Death I make it where only the dead can come to the Underworld. With the essence of life, I forge the Servants of the King of the Underworld, who will make it all run smoothly.

In a mere half a month. We had a new Underworld. I could feel the Karmic Merit enter my soul.

{Congratulations Dawg, the first task is complete!}

[Task: Destroy and Rebuild the Underworld Complete. Reward: 1,000 Chaos Store Points]

[Removing 110 Points]

{Yo Dawg, There's more!}

[Gained: Trust of the Origin]

[Gained: Child of the World]

[Gained: Asuras Aura]

:What are these?:

{Apparently your actions caused you to get Protagonist status in view of this World. While it isn't the Child Of Heaven tag, it is still extremely powerful. You should be able to go head to head with Shen Jiang now.}

:What about trust of the Origin?:

{Basically that means death won't treat you unkindly. Your reincarnation won't be to bad.}

:How did I gain these?:

{Simple. You saved this world.}

:How did I save this world?:

{Well, before I interfered and gave you this task. The World spirit was hoping for the Spirit of Heaven to help fix the situation with Ghosts and Demons. As they were supposed to stay in the Underworld. With the Demons and Ghosts constantly leaving the underworld, they were weakening the barrier between the two worlds. Eventually, the barrier would collapse and the two worlds would collide in a violent matter. Killing all living creatures in this world, and killing the Spirit of the World itself.}

:So I'm a hero?:

{Yep. Congrats on saving billions of lives.}


{Oh, the task just completed.}


{Yep. See ya Jin Chen.}

And then I'm gone.

Well, I never removed his access from the Chaos Mall, I hope he has fun spending those points. So apparently with the reason being is that the Protagonist lost the Blessing of the World. I guess I messed up at some point and thought that the Spirit of Heaven blessed him. Eh, I really need to work on paying attention. Anyways, since the Protagonists Halo was now Jin Chens, all of Shen Jiang's past deeds started to catch up with him. All-day he was now chased by the influential people he offended by killing their kids or having a one night stand. Eventually, his misdeeds stacked to the point where he received the curse of the world.

Jin Chen was returned by Gladys to the living world. Secretly of course. No one was able to figure out who exactly went down into the Gates of the Underworld. Especially since the Gate no longer worked. No one knew Jin Chen went down there in the first place. So it was just a mysterious benefactor.

Jin Chen and the other Demon Slayers hunted down every last Demon on earth, completely ignoring the first mission I gave him. Goodbye, sweet Karmic Merit. After finishing he got together with another man that he found he liked. I don't really understand male on male relationships that much, as I don't get the point really.

Jin Chen then used what was left of his points to make sure he lived a nice and happy life with the family ever since. Eventually dying with his lover after making it to nearly one hundred and twelve years old. They had adopted a child who took after them very much. That Child went on to be a successful merchant and was one of the key figures in bringing the next age to that humanity.

I had gained all the points for the completion of my task, and I had a completion rating of 100%. I'm going to enjoy having fun with all these points.

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