
Prologue: The beginning

It was a dark, starless night. There was an army, in black uniforms with each soldier armed, with rifles and all sorts of different melee weapons from staves to machetes, all heading to the stone castle they surrounded. There were tanks pointing their barrels at the castle walls, creating openings in the wall for the soldiers to stream through as the helecopters above shined lights for the soldiers to see by.

"Well shit, this is how it ends? I killed my brothers and killed that old son of a bitch that fucked my mom and yet I, Ivan Von Heln, conquerer of all and merciful to none, is going to die because of those worthless pieces of shit!!!!" Ivan said as he flung the furniture around in the library he was in.

"So, this is what happens to the great conquerer in his time of despair." A feminen voice said from the corner of the room.

"Alison!!!! What the fuck are you doing here!!!" Ivan screamed as he turned to face her. She was short, petite woman with shoulder length blonde hair and freckles. She was wearing what appeared to be a servants uniform.

"To watch you as you fall into despair and get everything you ever deserved for everything that you have done. You killed my husband!" Alison screamed at him as she finally lost her control over the fury that drove her.

"Michael?! That spineless sack of shit!!! You are the one who gave the location of the supply depots to those damn refuges!!!" Ivan screamed as he threw everything he could get his hands on at Alison.

"Haha, you are going to get everything you have worked fo..." Alison was saying as she covered her face to avoid getting hit by what Ivan was throwing.

"Even if I have failed I'm taking you down with me, you damn whore!" Ivan said as he grabbed a letter opener off one of the tables he had yet to throw. He rushed Alison and repeatedly stabbed her in the stomach as he pinned her against the wall of the library by her throat and watched her drown on her own blood as tears ran down her face.

" There he is!!!" A soldier screamed as he made his way into the library with his platoon behind him.

"Take him alive and we will hang the son of a bitch." The commander of the platoon said as they surrounded Ivan with his back against the same wall he pinned Alison on.

"I'm taking some of you bastards with me!!" Ivan roared as he rushed the soldiers with nothing but a letter opener.

The first soldier Ivan made it to got stabbed through the eye and died as the man next to him cut off Ivan's arms from the elbow down with his bayonet.

"aaaaaaahh!!!" Ivan screamed as he fell to the ground.

"cauterize his arms before he bleeds out!!" The commander said as he made his way over to check on the man that got stabbed through the eye.

"Another poor soul lost to the mad conqueror." The platoon commander said as he closed what was left of the soldiers eyes.

Ivan awoke to find himself on a platform a few feet away from his castle that was in ruins.

"I should have followed Jerry's warning and built a fortress out of steel. I probably would have had a better chance if I did." Ivan said to himself as he looked at his surroundings.

He was on a wooden platform that was 10-foot above the ground. There was a crowd of people that numbered in the thousands, gathered around him. There was a wooden arch with a noose that hung above a trap door.

"Stand up you worthless piece of shit!" A man that Ivan recognized as the leader of the refuges. He was dressed in a black uniform just like the other soldiers wore but the striking difference was his identical appearance to that of Michael.

Ivan slowly stood to his feet, it was hard to do without his arms.

" Ivan Von Heln, you stand here today in front the remainders of the United Cities. Ivan you have slaughter millions in your conquest, many personally, in your obsession to conquer everything. Why did you kill my brother? What do you have to say for yourself?" The leader of the refugees said as the executioner readied the noose.

" My only goal has been revenge. Even if I slaughtered every human on earth until I killed those bastards then I don't care. I accept what ever execution you pick but know that I never would have been at odds with you all if you didn't get in my way." Ivan said as he looked at the leader as the executioner readied the lever that would lead to Ivan's death.

" You bastard! You killed all those innocent people over revenge?!?! You are a demon! No, your a fucking Devil!! Pull the lever!!" The leader screamed as the executioner pulled the lever and Ivan dangled from the noose.

'Huh, so this is how I died? I didn't even get to kill the bastards I wanted to kill.' Ivan thought as his vision blacked out and his heart finally quit beating.

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