
Ch. 3 - Letter

Two days have passed since the incident that makes Izuku a hero to those people. But now? He's lying on the bed, taking a rest from his school works.

But that's not the case of him lying down on his bed. He still remembers that day, four hours after the incident.

Two weeks before the incident, Izuku tried to apply for becoming a student at the U.A High School. Mr. Principal, also known as Principal Nezu, interviewed Izuku with his application for enrolling in U.A.

It took two whole weeks for the principal to decide if they can enroll a Quirkless person like him.

Then the day also came, where the letter was sent to Izuku's house.


Izuku is little feet away from his house, but he saw a mailman putting a mail in the mailbox. What caught his eyes is that the mailbox is inside the territory of his house, which means... Izuku received a mail.

When the mailman went away, Izuku opened his mailbox and grab the mail he received. He didn't see what's inside, so it's better for him to go inside his house and there he'll see what's inside the mail.

When he's in his bedroom, he quickly went to his work desk where he's doing his school works, especially home quiz, home works, assignments, and where he needs internet research from his laptop.

After he uses his arms to push aside the unnecessary things he needed right now, he opened the mail and the seal says 'U.A'.

Seeing the seal... makes him... either excited or devastated. His hands are shaking and sweating about the result.

Slowly but surely, he opened the mail and saw a letter... from Principal Nezu.

'Dear Izuku Midoriya,

I'm the Principal of U.A., you may know me as Mr. Principal and I have some news. I've read your application letter and your determination to become a hero is admirable. On U.A's behalf, I sadly must inform you that someone without a Quirk can't be accepted into the hero department of U.A no matter how well they do on the entrance exams. However, you can still apply for the General Department. Those classes are more suited for students who don't have a good Quirk or any Quirk at all.

Here are the...'

There was more on the letter, but Izuku stopped reading when he saw that he can't become a student in U.A. All because he doesn't have a God. damn. Quirk!

This causes him to cry, knowing that his dream to become a hero from studying U.A is done.

He didn't read the whole letter as his tears of sadness grew more and more. He went on his bed and there he lies for a day, never eating his dinner.

==Flashback End==

"(What am I suppose to do now?)" He thought to himself, because of his dream got crushed by getting rejected from one of the strongest schools in Japan.

"(Why bother it?)" The voice can be heard with a tone of irritation, causing Izuku to stand up from his bed and look around. There's no one, so... why is he hearing a voice? It must come from...

"Wh-Who are you?" He asked with hesitation and worry, since that voice was not found around his room or the house, which means it came from his head. The voice replied with anger lingering in the tone, "(Show them what you're made of. Why do you even cry for only a rejection of becoming a student at U.A?)"

Hearing that question made Izuku get angry, because why would the voice even know-how, without a Quirk, really strike his life so badly? Due to the voice wanting to know the boy's answer, he answered with an annoyed tone, "(Why do you even care if I don't know who in the world are you?"

"(Soon, you'll see. For now, listen.)" The voice was about to say something, but Izuku interrupted it. "How 'bout I don't?"

"(Then do what you wanted to do. Your path is leading in the right direction.)" That statement from the voice confused Izuku and also curious as well. Why is the voice telling him that he is going in the right direction? Is the voice some kind of a god or a fortune-teller?

"How do you know?" Izuku asked with an eyebrow raised from his face.


Only for him to receive no answer as Izuku scanned his surroundings before he lies down on his bed again, wondering whose voice is he talking to.

"(I don't know who he is, but I don't trust him.)" He shook his head after thinking about the conversation between the voice and himself, not believing from what he just heard. As for him getting rejected by U.A? He doesn't have a choice. He found some schools, but somehow they lack the teachings to become a hero.

Closing his eyes for a few minutes, he remembered Kacchan bullying him and how All Might changes his views of Quirkless people can't become heroes. What he wants right now, is to be with his parents. He missed their touch of love, caring, and raising him to become a fine boy.

"I miss you, Mom. Dad." He said, talking to himself that he clearly and dearly miss his parents after years of being alone and being bullied by people whose age are the same, a year older or younger than him. He glanced at his hands before he started to stand up and went to a big mirror, reflecting his whole body.

With the mirror before him, he took off his clothes and saw how ripped he is, but that's not the reason why he removes the clothes he's wearing. The reason he removes his clothes is to see his scars of survival. Every scar he looks, a quick flash of his bullies physically and verbally attacking him.

He looks down in disbelief, can't believe that Katsuki hated him his whole life. He closes his eyes for a few seconds, hoping that the stress in-

"You've grown, Izuku." A random voice came as Izuku's eyes shot wide open. The tone is filled with pride and happiness, but mostly sadness as well. He turns around and cannot believe what he's seeing. A man in his late thirties and his hair color is black but what caught Izuku's vision is that the man's eyes are the same as his.

The man slowly walks towards Izuku while the boy is standing, shivering in fear that the man might do something worse to Deku.

Somehow his tingling sense didn't activate, meaning he isn't a villain or someone that does something that harms him.

"Wh-Wh-Who...?" He didn't finish his question, for the distraction was greater than what he needs to say. Standing before him... he was seeing a ghost. "I'm sorry for leaving you and your Mom. I'm sorry for not being there with you." The spirit replied and those words of his... struck Izuku because... there is only one thing that is in his mind right now.

He was hesitant at first, but with eyes wide opened and a little high pitch tone that may describe as a surprised tone. "D-Dad?"

"It's him, Dear." Another voice came, but it's a lady's, whose tone is angelic. Izuku looks behind the man and saw his mother. "Mom?" He can't believe what he's seeing. His mother and so-called father are alive.

Is he hallucinating? Why is he seeing the ghost of his parents? Is it his Quirk? But there's no way he can see ghosts. He is hallucinating. He must be!

"I'm sorry for not being there as you grow up, Izuku." His mother said with pure sadness and guilt as she slightly looks down in shame. His emotions get the best of him as he ran towards his mother, wanting to hug her... but he went through her.

"I'm sorry, Izuku. You can't touch us."

Izuku can hear what his Mom said, but he can't control his tears anymore as he said with sobbing and tears on his cheeks, "I don't blame you for who I am, Mom. But... you, Dad. Where were you when... we needed you?" Hearing his son's question made his mouth quiver in fear as it took seconds for him to answer the question.

"I'm so, so sorry Izuku. I should've been with you and your Mom, but my job caused me to separate myself and you with your Mom. I'm sorry, Izuku. I don't want you to be involved with something life-threatening. If you all die, I would rather kill myself as I cannot see the purpose if my family dies as well."

Izuku didn't reply after what his Dad just said. After a few seconds, Izuku finally found what he needed to say after a few seconds of silence. "I can feel what you're feeling, Dad. Blaming yourself so much that I became like this." Hearing this causes Hisashi to feel guiltier.

"But... thank you for being my Dad, even though I haven't seen your face for a very, very long time. I only saw your face at the funeral, but seeing you right here with me makes me know... that you care for me and Mom." This causes Hisashi in tears, knowing that his son still cared for him after what he did to his only son.

"Thank you, son. It means to me so much." He said with tears running down from his cheeks. He looked at his wife and they both cried on how Izuku matured by himself but needs more guidance from the elders or someone that has more experiences in living a super-powered, yet cruel world.

They internally thank Katsuki's parents for giving their son a place to live and treating him like their son. They walk towards their son, whose eyes are sore from always crying, and they tried to touch him. Izuku saw his parents tried to touch his face. Once their hands are almost in Izuku, somehow, he can feel their love.

"It's time for us to go. Be brave, Dear. We'll always be by your side no matter what. Be a hero to everyone. Be a true hero to the world. Save those who were lost in the dark." Inko said as her figure slowly fading, but was not done with her speech. "Show them the weapon of a true hero. We love you, Number 1 future hero, Izuku Midoriya."

His Mom faded away after that, but it gives Izuku motivation. The boy turned to his father with a small, sad smile as the mentioned person said, "No matter what path you choose, just promise us that you'll do it for a greater cause. No matter who you are or what you are, we love you so much, Izu. Remember that." That is all his father said... before his ghostly figure faded away.

"I'll become a true hero, Mom. Dad. I will continue to strive well and hard to become a hero you all want me to become." He said to himself, but internally speaking to his parents with a smile.

He turns his head to the table, where the mail is lying on and started to think, "(I want to become a hero, but since U.A didn't accept me. I guess.)" He closed his eyes.

"(I'll become a person who is not a hero, but not a villain as well. I'll become... a vigilante.)" That was all he thought as he finally drops everything to save what he loves the most.

Saving people.

Even if the people despised him, he will stand up no matter what the consequence is. He will do it for the greater good, for the sake of the incoming future generation as he will live. Soon... all eyes will be opened to the people... as they will see the hero in front of them. The hero they needed... the hero that will become a savior.

The hero, Izuku Midoriya.

As soon as he about to doze off on the bed, ready to sleep, a shadow figure was leaning against the wall, right next to the window of the boy's room. Smiling until it faded away into the dark.

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