
Ch. 12 - The Conflict inside U.S.J

Izuku, the vigilante Shadow, kept on running until he found a large lake with a ship sailing in the middle.

On it, there's a frog-like girl and a diaper boy while many villains surround them by staying on the surface of the lake. Before he even gets to where Izuku is right now, he fought ten villains with Quirks that have Strength Enhance, Four Arms, and much more.

It was a difficult task for him since the villains know who he is, but does not know the face under the handkerchief and hood that covers him. He slowly walked towards the coast where the land meets the lake, thinking of how can he go there without the effort to defeat those villains that are on the surface of the water.

Then, an idea came to him as he thought, "(Hey.)"

"(Who? Wha-Me?)" A voice can be heard inside Izuku's head and yes, the voice is a male that has a little bit distorted tone, but during the vigilante month or two, Izuku had managed to talk with the voice inside his mind, and somehow a blooming friendship began to rise within themselves.

Sure, it was a rocky start, but ever since then, they would always chat about random things that came to their mind, making Izuku be... a little social since he is not alone. He had Emerald and Mittens, so with a new companion, it's not bad after all.

Izuku already had a feeling that the voice inside him is just like him.

"(Yeah. Still don't know how to call you now, but any ideas to save those two?)" Izuku said internally as the voice answered, "(Okay, first, you can call me whatever you want, or maybe Shadow if you want.)"

The voice, or Shadow, is filled with sarcasm tone that caused Izuku to roll his eyes and shook his head. "(Very funny, sarcastic guy. Very funny.)" Izuku can hear a chuckle inside as the voice said, "(Just wanna pull your spirits up, that's all since, you know, you really hate people who look down on others because they're Quirkless?)"

Hearing that statement made Izuku rolled his eyes again and sighed before he said, "(Can't complain with that one. Wait, why are we talking about my life?)"

"(I don't know. Maybe because you started it?)" The green-haired boy shook his head before he asked, "(Any ideas?)"

"(Try to run as fast as you can.)" That was all the voice said, confusing Izuku by raising one of his eyebrows before he walked backward for a running start... and started running to the lake. The moment he run on the water, he couldn't believe his eyes. He was running on water.

If you think that he is a Japanese Jesus, then yes.

His amazement was interrupted when multiple small, yet sharp weapons are coming towards him.

Not really at him, but they threw the weapons at the direction ahead of Izuku. With an always support of Spider-Sense, Izuku dodged those incoming attacks at once by jumping higher.

Then, his Spider-Sense is still there as Izuku predicts something's coming towards him and it's not good. He turned to his right and saw incoming beams of water that are about to hurt him. Those are not ordinary water, it's scald or some Quirk that can shoot out very hot water.

With that, Izuku maneuvered in the air, dodging those hot beams of water. Soon enough, he is almost on the boat and because of the forward motion with fast speed, he landed on the boat and rolled like a bowling ball, but it took a few spins before he stopped and was back on his feet again.

He saw multiple purple balls that were attached to the metal bars that either avoid any people to fall from the ship... or even prevent some villains to climb to the level of where they are on.

"Get away from us, you evil!" He heard a child shouted and it came from behind. Turning around, his eyes were met by two persons.

A girl and a baby boy in a diaper outfit. Was it really necessary? The boy was cowering in fear as Izuku stood up and raised his hands before he said, "Whoa, there. Chill down, boy. I'm not one of those villains."

"Says the man wearing a villain clothes." This made Izuku's mind mentally fell down to the ground. He did not hear that, right?

Izuku's mind or body falls down comedically from the stupidity of the diaper boy.

"And here I thought I'm famous." He said with a little tone of pride in his voice.

"S-S-See?! You're-"

His stuttering mouth was interrupted by the girl's long tongue that slapped his cheek.

"Cut it out, Mineta-kun. You're talking to Shadow, kero." The girl said, croaking at the end, making Izuku surprised. Not because of her slapping him with her frog-like tongue, but it's her knowing who he is.

"(Wow.)" The voice, or Shadow said.

"(Shut it.)" Izuku said, internally talking to Shadow.

"(You meanie.)" With Shadow pouting, Izuku went back to reality and said to the two, "I'm here to save you two."

"O-O-Oh yeah? H-H-How can you prove that?"

"(The hell is this kid so scared? Is he even a student or a hero-in-training?)" Izuku thought, seeing the boy called Mineta, and his very scared expression that even tears are coming out of his eyes.

"(I wish I wanna know, bro. Does his parents even know that their child is a crybaby hero?)" Shadow said, indirectly roasting Mineta.

With those questions putting aside, Izuku said something that made Mineta's eyes went wide open.

"Throw your balls." Well, that sounded very wrong.

"W-What?" He was so not expecting that answer and internally was taken back. For the girl? She did not even flinch or even react to what Izuku said before her.

"I said throw your balls towards the lake as many as you can." Izuku knew that since he develops his observational skills from his surroundings in his entire life.

A few seconds ago, those purple balls didn't fall off the metal bars, instead they stick on it, which made Izuku jump into that conclusion right now.

"H-H-How do you-"

"I just observe my surroundings. Now, do what I say."

Mineta went stiff, but quickly nodded and followed his instructions, because of many results that will happen to him, but those results will never happen to him thanks to Shadow, Izuku's vigilante alias, not that kind of a person to threaten him.

He threw the balls towards the lake in any direction that his head is bleeding. He kept on doing it until he heard the order.

"Okay, that's enough."

Mineta fell down on his knees, cannot bear the pain of his Quirk while shouting, "It hurts! It hurts!"

While the crybaby was complaining, Izuku talked to Shadow. "(Hey, think you can create a large shockwave from my hands? Not the electricity, but a powerful wind?)"

"(No problem, bro.)" Shadow said, earning a slight nod on Izuku's head as the green-haired boy looked at the girl before he asked, "Miss, what's your name?"

"Tsuyu. Tsuyu Asui." She answered, allowing Izuku to know her identity before he said, "When I give the signal, jump as high as you can while holding him. If I did, grab me with your tongue."

She was confused by what the vigilante said as she wanted to understand the situation that is about to happen by asking a specific question. "What is your plan, kero?"

"You'll see it." That was all Izuku said as he put his foot on the metal before he jumped high in the air, allowing him to see the better view of the U.S.J and also to see how many villains that are on the surface of the lake.

He can see Mineta's balls floating or even stuck on some villains. Knowing that he did not have the appropriate time to count the villains, Izuku was falling fast, but not without a plan in his mind.

"(Ready?)" Izuku asked Shadow.

"(Ready when you are.)" Izuku's dominant arm cocked back and...


A large amount of energy wave was formed around his arm. A few feet left and his body would have hit the water, but Izuku punched the air, creating a powerful force of wind that is going towards the lake below him, making Izuku bounce in mid-air.


The signal is off and Tsuyu was prepared. She was strapped Mineta around his body with her long tongue as she jumped high from the ship and uses her tongue to wrap Izuku around his body.

They landed on nearby shore as they saw the villains drown in the lake. They watched for a few seconds before Izuku said, "Let's go. We should go back to where Uraraka-san is."

"Wait, you know Ochako-chan?" Tsuyu asked, a little surprised at how the vigilante knows the name of her classmate and close friend.

"I just happen to save her from her unfortunate fate. Never mind the details, let's go."

==Time Skip==

They are all at the entrance of the U.S.J. It took about five to ten minutes to get everyone back together. Of course, Ochako, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Kaminari are there as well. Including...

"Bakugo..." Izuku muttered underneath his handkerchief mask and black colored hood. His stare is not normal. It's a glare. A glare that has hatred in it. Before him is the boy who was once his childhood friend, the boy who turned his back on him. The boy... who made his life miserable.

Katsuki Bakugo.

"Who the fuck is this?!" This time, it was the exploding boy who rudely asked who is the hooded person before him.

"It's Shadow, the vigilante who came out of the shadows." The one who said that is Yaoyorozu herself. Hearing the name made Katsuki Bakugo's eyes went big.

Apparently, Shadow, Izuku's vigilante alias, is already famous throughout Japan. Because of his heroic actions every night, he gained new nicknames that are "Moonlight Hero" and "Hero of the Night".

Some people say that he is on par with the famous All Might, but those who were saved by Izuku, they said that he was one of the heroes of the old, including All Might.

Most heroes today rose to the top because of the popularity, wanted to be famous than saving those who are in need.

"You're a villain! Why the fuck are you here?!" Katsuki said, getting angrier and angrier by seconds as he used his Quirk and launched himself towards the vigilante Izuku to hurt him, but predicting the attitude of the ash-blonde boy, Izuku dodged his explosion from his hands as he jumped backward and did a backflip and landed on a rock.

"Listen, kid. I'm not those villains, all I want is to help those who are in danger."

"You know what?! We don't need your help! We can fight by-"

Katsuki's words were interrupted by a loud battle cry as everyone turned their heads to look at the source of the noise.

A black large creature, whose face has an appearance of a bird, its body is pure black and the hands have claws.

Only wearing a ripped brown shorts, it looks down on the bruised, bloody and wounded man... who is the teacher to the students whom Izuku saved.

Everyone looked at their teacher with a shocked or horrified look except Katsuki, who gritted his teeth and for some reason, very angry at the thing who beat his teacher to a pulp.

Bakugou tried to go forward and kill the thing, but Izuku grabbed his arm with a glare at the ash blonde's intention and shouted, "Don't you dare! That thing's gonna kill you!"

"Stay out of my fucking way! That's my teacher and I won't gonna let that thing fucking kill him!

For the first time of his life, to say that Izuku was surprised? It's an understatement. Who would've thought that his childhood bully, always brash, angry and arrogant, has a caring side?

Because of the sudden revealing side, His grasp around Katsuki's arm loosened, making the ash-blonde boy ran towards the thing. By the time Izuku was removed from the trance, Katsuki was already blasting large explosions to the thing.

"Nomu, kill that kid." A random voice can be heard from behind the thing that is now known as Nomu.

The explosions that Katsuki caused it only tickled the thing called Nomu, which angered the boy more and more. Blinded by his rage, Katsuki still fought the Nomu head-on, but the Nomu saw an opening.

Katsuki launched forward and attempt to blast its face, but the Nomu caught his face first. It then grabs one of the boy's legs and began to smash him to the ground like a certain villain god being smashed by an angry mutated human.

The sight caused everyone who is watching... shiver at the sight, including Izuku. Don't know why, but in his heart, he wanted to beat the Nomu for... hurting him... and it sucks that he needed to save his childhood bully, knowing that Katsuki Bakugo himself will not say 'thank you' to him and never will be.

After a few smashes, the Nomu throws Katsuki to the large boulder. Katsuki, being smashed around, was unconscious as he was thrown to the boulder getting hit on the back.

"Pathetic human." Said the man, who finally reveals himself with a hand on his face as the Nomu slowly walks towards the unconscious Katsuki, but its sense of danger was triggered when something made contact with its face.

Sent flying back, the man whose face is covered by a hand was shocked that the creature he has brought with was sent back by a powerful punch from a certain vigilante. It was Izuku Midoriya who delivered a powerful punch at the Nomu's face.

Looking at his unconscious childhood bully, Izuku checked Katsuki's pulse, which is still beating but at a slow rate.

Stating that he's okay, Izuku faces at the now-standing Nomu, holding its beak cheeks as if it said 'What a punch, I'll give you that, kid' to Izuku.

With that, Izuku Midoriya began to pull Katsuki up, and carried him on his back while glaring intently at the Nomu, who was slowly walking towards him.

"(Need to retreat, bro.)" It was Shadow who said that. Izuku agreed. As a vigilante that wanted to be a hero, his priority is to never let a civilian get involved in a battle they should not get into and to protect them at all costs.

Izuku turned around to face the entrance of U.S.J and began to power-up. The students were staring at him, wondering what he was he doing until something made them scream.

"Look out!"

Their voice echoed, loud enough for Izuku to hear their warning. At the same time, his Spider-Sense activated and he quickly sensed danger coming towards him.

He dodged to the left and heard a loud cracking sound from where he was standing just a few seconds ago. He looked to his right and saw the Nomu, whose fist was implanted on the small crater.

Immediately in the danger zone, Izuku had to get rid of the Nomu as he faced the thing with green electricity now surrounding him and the unconscious Katsuki.

Knowing that his hands are busy in carrying Katsuki, Izuku had to use his legs. As of this moment, the Nomu slowly turned his head, only for it to receive a destructive kick to its face.

Izuku delivered a powerful kick or a super kick if you are a fan of a used-to-be famous television show.

This made the Nomu stumble and fell sideward, giving the vigilante to run towards the U.S.J entrance. After taking the long staircase, he finally reached it. The entrance of where all the students are.

"Bakugo!" Shouted the redhead boy who ran towards the vigilante, who slowly and carefully put Katsuki Bakugo down.

The redhead boy caught the unconscious ash-blonde boy before the vigilante said, "He's fine and alive. Just a concussions here and there. It'll be best to take him to the hospital."

The boy nodded, before a loud gasp came out of every student's mouths. It was at this moment, Izuku knew...


They're in danger.

His Spider-Sense began to tingle as he turns around and instinctively put his hands above, stopping a hard object. All Izuku see is black and he was shocked at how fast the sudden appeared Nomu recovered.

That kick was strong, but it is not strong enough to take the Nomu down. Realizing that this is going to be hard, Izuku needed to take it to the next level.

He saw an incoming punch. He lowered his right arm and used it as a shield. He took it, but only for him to sent flying to the glasses of the entrance.

Back to his feet, Izuku felt the impact and it hurts. This level of power is not what he expected. Sensing the blood that is coming out of his body, Izuku's outfit was torn from the shards of glass, but his hood and mask remained unscathed.

Izuku powered up and launched himself towards the Nomu and speared him in the gut, leaving the students alone and safe from it. While in mid-air and that they are high above the ground, Izuku went behind the Nomu and touched its back with his left hand.

After doing that, Izuku tried to do a left roundhouse kick, but the Nomu blocked it with its left arm and cackled loudly.

"I'm not done yet!" Izuku shouted as he retracted his left leg, and spin in a counter-clockwise motion.

With one spin, he punched the Nomu's face with his right hand before he soccer kick its back again. The vigilante maneuvered and did cause damage to the thing.

As of this point, they are going down. But not without a finishing blow. Izuku performed an uppercut attack under the Nomu's beak and shouted, "This is the end!"

Kicking the back of the Nomu's head, the thing will land roughly on its back. Izuku did a one spin front flip. After that, his right leg was stretched out, landing on its chest with much force.

Izuku stored up all energy in his vicious right leg as he released an axe kick to the Nomu's chest and shouted, "Lions Barrage!"

The impact it made a large crater on the ground as the Nomu screamed in agony and pain while Izuku jumped back to get out of the crater.

Izuku stared at the lying Nomu with heavy breathing, panting from the fight he was given. Then his Spider-Sense began to warn him as he dodged something.

A rock.

He looked at the source of where it was thrown, and saw more villains glaring at him.

"This is the end for you, Shadow!" One of them shouted. Yes, they all know about Izuku's popularity as a vigilante and he was wanted by not only the villains, but also heroes as well.

"Shadow..." It was the man with a hand on his face who said that. Izuku turned to his left and saw him standing with a dark purple mist with yellow eyes.

"You think that can end the Nomu? Think again before you shout it." The man had a tone of pride in it, confusing the vigilante boy before the idea registered to his brain.

That idea turned into a warning, because- "(Bro, look out!)" Shouted Shadow in his head and at the same time, his Spider-Sense is going haywire.

He dodged by getting down, but only to receive a knee to the face and it really hurts. He was sent to a tree with a groan of pain that came out of his mouth.

He landed on his butt on one of the large stems of the tree before he lifted his head up, only for him to see the Nomu standing before him, towering his whole body.

"No... way..." He muttered tiredly with a mixed feeling of pain. It then grabbed his head and was thrown to a boulder that caused great damage to his head.

"Gah!" He screamed in pain, blood coming out and landed face-first onto the ground. Then he felt something trickling down from his head. It was blood.

Blood that bathed Izuku's face. But the boy's stare did not waver, for he was still glaring at the thing.

"At long last. After you stole my show for months and months, it has finally happened." The man said, appearing right beside the Nomu and walked forward, closing the distance between himself and Izuku.

After kneeling down on both knees, he said, "I can already see the headline. The vigilante Shadow was killed by villains inside the U.S.J. That is something I wanna see, you know."

He continued, "But what makes me like it more... is to you see you begging me to live. Isn't that what you wanted, Shadow?"

Izuku did not utter a word for a few seconds, before he did say a word a sentence. And that is, "Like I... would beg for my life. I already had a purpose... you douchebag."

That made the man angry, but the green-haired boy was not done. "My life is made up of metal... became a shield and a sword... I strike fear to those who attack the innocents... and I'll do it... again and again..."

With the pain that should have stopped him, he was persistent to go further. "I was beaten up... so many times, yet I stand still and held my ground. So... even if I beg my life... I would never do that... because..."

His right hand slowly turned into a fist as he quickly stood up and punched the heck out of the man with a face on his head before he palm thrust the Nomu's face.

Both of them went flying back from Izuku's sudden attack and it made the villains surrounding the green-haired boy take a step back and flinched from what he did.

"If I die here... then..." Izuku said, panting heavily and slowly lifted his right arm and clenched it before he shouted, "Then I would give up my life just for them!"

He shouted and everyone heard it, including the students. Five students were carrying their teacher back to the entrance when Izuku was fighting the Nomu.

"Huh. Such a stubborn brat." Unfazed by the attack, the man slowly stood up and glared at the vigilante.

"I could say the same thing... to you..." Izuku was panting heavily as he said that.

"I may be a stubborn brat, but..." With that, he lifted his left arm.

"I could do this all day until I die..." A determined tone came out of his mouth.

"Heh, whatever. Nomu, kill him once and for all." The man said tiredly as the Nomu heard him and was slowly walking towards the tired, wounded Izuku.

It cocked his right back and was about to end Izuku... but was interrupted by someone's voice, shouted, and revealed himself to everyone inside the U.S.J.

It was none other than...

"Have no fear! For I! Am! Here!"


"Heh. About time he get here..."

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