
Sweet Spices

Thoughts are mundane yet complicated. We always see that what we think only affects us and sometimes people around us. What's if there's more... What if simple kind thoughts or carefully thought the malicious plan could affect more than our actions and emotion. This is a story about how a simple thought can affect more than what we imagine, and how the thoughts can affect us deeper than what we felt. A Sweet story, with a bit of Spices.

CheezyChess · Fantasía
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9 Chs



It was dim and stormy night as a hooded figure running down the field of scrapped metal. There's nothing the figure could see besides mountains of discarded machinery, rusty skeleton of vehicles and other small parts towering between the muddy road he passed through. Each step was heavy and painful, but he keeps running with his shriveled footwear. The hooded man finally stopped behind one of the piles of trash with heavy breathe still passing down his nose. He took off his hood and revealed a pair of hyaenidae ears on his brown fur covered head.

The hyena brushed his wet and rough hair as he looked down to saw the object he was holding in his hand. The heavy rain made him hard to see what's in front of him, but it was enough to inspect the object he tightly held. It was a metallic ball with a blue line of light trailing down and created some sort of pattern that he couldn't even understand. "Good job Marshall, 'Hey, those armed men have a shiny stuff, let's take it'. Agh! Why I did that," he scolded himself out of his stupidity. At first, he thought it was easy money to sold whatever this object he was holding to the pawnshop, but now he was chased by several dozen men with guns.


The shout broke off his self complaint as his first instinct was to escape from whatever spot he was standing. Sure enough not after a couple of seconds later, the spot he was standing on was shot with several hot leads and topped off with an explosion. The explosion made a flash of hot air, which is relatively comfy in the heavily chilling storm. The hyena had no time to be grateful to his instinct nor the warm air as another round of shot was directed at him.

Marshall keep moving, where ever he goes as long he persists enough, the chaser soon gave up to pursue him. But the fate immediately betrayed him when he looked forward and saw a huge canal that separates the junkyard into 2 huge sections. He stopped at the edge as he looked at the dark and smelly water, 'it was toxic for sure,' he thought. His subconsciousness keep telling him to jump but his mind tells him the otherwise


The hyena backed down but the sound of approaching steps made his survival instinct kicks in


He tried to run for it but he stopped at the last second which made him flailing right on the edge of the canal. He looked around for another escape but his intention dropped as a bullet just flew right beside him.


Then he ended up slipped out of shock. "Fuck!!" He shouted as the time seems to move slowly around him. He closed his eye right before cold water hit him on his back and suddenly it was all dark.



"Good morning passenger, we're approaching the main station."

A pair of brown long ears tensed up as the announcement echoed around the train. The people inside the train looked up toward the echoing voice and started to prepare themselves. The train was full of anthropomorphic animals ranged from all species from rodents, feline, reptiles, and even orcas. They're dressed in varied ways from a neat businessman to highly fashioned tourists.

"Please prepare your passport and make sure you follow the immigration instructor on the station when you arrive," The announcement lady keep speaking in the background as Chance took off his earphones and yawned. He stretched his body as his long rabbit ears tensed up again in response to the growing commotion in the train. The silence of the night train immediately swallowed by the sound of people waking up and preparing their lugage.

"Thank you for riding with us, we looking forward to traveling with you again," the voice keeps playing as the rabbit looked outside and saw a suburban area filled with houses, small commercial businesses, and peoples started to come out from their homes. Everything looked peaceful and serene for a minute before it replaced by a busy street with an elegant skyscraper towering between it. That was his cue to got up and took his baggage and walked towards the nearest door. He stoked his brown fur around his neck as the view of the station came into his face. A quite busy one despite in the early morning.

"Please mind your step and belongings," the announcement final sentence echoed right before the train went to a full stop and opened its door.

"Welcome to Ailurpine"

[Act Prologue: Opportunity meets The Unexpected]