

The sound of police siren and ambulance was heard during the night of a heavy rain in the mountain area outside a farm house. Not many people were present but only a police car with two police officers and an ambulance with two male nurses.

" I hope you will keep your words officers?" a stern voice asked .. more like it was a command

" yes yes , you don't need to worry sir" the fat police man who seemed to be in his early 40s with his tummy sticking out of the belt line replied while laughing showing his teeth with which one of them is a gold tooth .

The policeman gave back the smart touch phone to the guy standing in front of him after the call is hanged by the other person on the line.

" The chairman seemed busy, he hanged the phone " the police man added while the guy took the phone from him .

Passing by them were the nurses that were pushing the ambulance stretcher that has a body layed while going towards the ambulance. The policeman and the guy standing with him were looking at it's direction with the policeman have a sympathetic look while the guy has no expression whatsoever.

The guy was still in his working clothes , the old classy white shirt with a black waistcoat covered by a black suit. He pushed his specs backwards as it went forward and went into his inner pocket of the suit taking out a cheque book from it .

He took a pen from his pocket and wrote something on one of the pages of the cheque and tore it off giving it to the policeman.

The policeman's partner went over to him when he was taking the cheque paper from the guy and both of their eyes widen in surprise seeing the number on the cheque , they couldn't even count how many zeroes are there after the number 2 !

" this- two... two"

" Twenty million dollars" the guy informed which made the two policeman smile in excitement.

" Right after you tell that girl's family what you are suppose to tell , this case must be closed as soon as possible." the guy added and the policemen nodded straightening their shoulders as if being serious.

The policemen and the ambulance soon left the place with the guy watching till their vehicles disappeared from his sight.

" Sir, who was that? and why did they gave a cheque of Twenty million?" asked the policeman who is in the driver's seat

The chubby policeman hushed strongly making his partner flinched and tensed thinking he asked something wrong, and he did.

" don't say this to anyone if you want to keep your job, go it?!" the policeman commanded while his partner can only nod and agree with his superior.

" don't worry you will also get a share from this twenty million " assured the fat man laughing while fanning the cheque while his partner still doesn't know who the person that gave the cheque is .

" listen, once we reach at the hospital all we have to say is that she fall down from the stairs"

" fall from the stairs? but what if her family members asks us to investigate more?"

" you- tsk" the fat man got annoyed by the questions the newbie was asking

" listen here, since you are new I'll explain to you something .

In this world, Power and Money rules everything. If you don't have either of that you won't be able to survive so just follow what your superior tells you that's the least that can give you a simple life with no troubles"

The newbie still didn't get a hold of what his superior is saying but he didn't want to ask anything further incase it might anger him and just nodded his head in understand-ment .

" do you know who that guy that gave the cheque?" the man asked with his eyes widely in cautious

" no"

" He is the secretary of the Chairman of the Hunter Corporation. The place that this incident happened is owned by them and if you don't want to lose your job and live off on streets, you better do as I say" .

The man commanded with a stern voice as if warning him to not et into trouble and drag him along .

Reaching the hospital a couple more nurses came out to help bring the patient in while one getting on top of the bed pumping her lungs out to keep her breathing alive while the rest helps to push the stretcher.

They went into the emergency ward and shifted the patient from the ambulance stretcher to the hospital ward bed carefully and swiftly.

While the nurses and doctors checks on the patients, 3 people an aged lady with a man a bit older than him seems to be a couple and a young boy in his teens came rushing to the registration table with panic.

" excuse me Milly ... Milly Dawson , can you please tell me which room is she? we are her family" said the teen boy with worried face while his black brown hair is split-ly messed

up due to him rushing.

Before the nurse in charge of the registration could search up for him, the policeman intervened making them look at him .

" Are you Milly Dawson's family?" The fat policeman asked and the teen boy nodded in response .

He sighed showing a sympathetic look to the patient's family

" Your daughter had an accident when walking down the stairs and her head bled when we reached the scene" he informed with a sad tone with his hand in one of his pocket as if rummaging something , while the lady covers her mouth in disbelief what the policeman just said.

" Did you find out how she-"

" We are still investigating on it " interrupted the officer before the lady's husband could finish his question .

" Well... can we go and meet her?" the young boy asked meeting with a silent from the officer not along after the officer said " she is still under treatment, so you have to wait for a while"

The husband was comforting his wife hugging her by her shoulder incase she stumbles cause that's all he could do right now, now that the police is involved . The lady rested her head on her husband's chest while placing her hand on her own chest trying to keep herself strong but it was not possible for her .

" Can any of you come with me ? I need to file the patient's details in the police file" stated the officer and the boy nodded " Yeah, I'll go with you".

"Oh- and.... if you guys don't want any more troubles involved , it's best you keep this incident a secret not letting any more people know " the police added

" What do you mean?" asked the husband with confusion not sure what the policeman is saying .

" Don't get me wrong, but if news goes out and it caught the media's attention, they won't leave you until...." the police stopped mid-way and looked at the family members with observant eye and sighed

" you know how the medias are, right? and on top of it the netizen will strongly be blaming your own daughter for going out late at night-"

" but she went because her boss called her for urgent work matters!" the husband defended

" EXCATLY!" exclaimed the officer

" who goes out late night to their boss's house? specially on weekends! " stressed the officer pin pointing his point to shut the family member's mouth about the incident.

Just then the doctor and a nurse appeared , on seeing the doctor the lady went to him and asked about her daughter's condition.

" She lost a lot of blood from her brain and is lacking oxygen , we have to immediately do her surgery before it's too late and she goes to coma"

The lady gasped in shock and whispered a "no" under her breath while her husband told the doctor to proceed with the surgery soon.

The nurse and the doctor soon left to prepare for the surgery after the husband signed some papers the doctor told him as the patient's guardian/family member.

The policeman hearing all these gave him an idea to completely make them agree to not tell anyone and continued,

" look, even if you try to file a case against the person, he is a well known son of a famous figure, and the result of the case will already be obvious , so don't make things hard on yourselves than it's already are and focus on the treatment of your daughter "

The officer suggested but when the husband was still about to say something his wife stopped him and agreed at what the police said.

" Thank you for your understanding ma'am, Let's go kiddo" the officer took the boy with him to fill some formalities for the police station.


" Full name?" The police newbie asked with a pen on his hand and a paper on a table while the superior stands beside the boy

" Noah Dawson"

" Age?"

" Eighteen"

" Patient full name?"

" Milly Dawson"

" Patient age?"

" Twenty three"

" Siblings?"

Before Noah answered the question his phone rang and he took it out to see who it was.

" Can I take the call first please?" he requested and they allowed so.

Noah answered the phone , walking away from the policemen .

" Sir, do you think they will keep silent about the case?" the newbie whispered questioning with curiosity

" Yeah, after all the strongest will only survive even if they file anything against them"

The world is just like a jungle, the stronger overpowers the weaker. With fear within them and with determine to live, the weak would dare not go against the strongest nor would appear in front of them in order to survive, that's the law of nature and the safest is to hide away from them.

Few minutes later, Noah returned and answered " One ".

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Pink_Lipscreators' thoughts
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