
Chapter 22 : Impact of Broadcast

Since the U.S. government has currently cut off all civilian Internet access, television and radio have become the only ways for all U.S. citizens to obtain external information. The female host on TV is broadcasting the major news of the past few days with a solemn face:

"According to the latest news obtained by our internal staff from the World Health Organization, the latest vaccine has been confirmed to have failed in the vaccination test!"

"The bureaucratic government has been unable to control the epidemic in the infected areas. They have dug large areas of "mass graves" outside major cities and even inhumanely removed those who were still infected and those who had died."


After talking about some important news, the female host on TV held several manuscripts in her hands. Suddenly her face changed, and she said to the camera with a face filled with grief and resentment:

"American citizens in front of the TV—what you see next are the images captured by our reporters who risked their lives. All of them are real events that took place in the infected area."

Then the camera turned, and a not particularly clear video was played on the TV. Several soldiers held assault rifles and violently shot at the infected people who rushed towards them. After solving these infected people, more than a dozen survivors ran out of the building next to them. Although the camera was blurry, it could be seen from their body movements that these people were very excited.

A soldier came to these survivors and confiscated all their weapons. Just when everyone thought that these survivors would be escorted to safety, what happened next shocked everyone in front of the TV. They were all dumbfounded.

After the soldier left, the remaining soldiers raised their rifles without hesitation and fired at the dozen survivors in front of them. In just a few seconds, they were all killed. They shot and killed them without caring that they were old people and children.

Later, the TV played videos of soldiers from other places shooting and killing survivors in infected areas, and when reporters interviewed survivors who had escaped from various infected areas, these people condemned and angrily denounced the government's brutal actions!

Brian even saw in these videos the lakeside cabin where they once stayed, as well as Angela and Barton's corpses on the ground.

"Assholes, what are they doing?" Seeing such a cruel scene, the surrounding crowd was furious, and waves of curses kept coming.

Then the scene turned again, and the camera returned to the female host. She was seen holding up the manuscript in her hand and shouting hysterically, "Everything in these videos is an order issued by our country's bureaucrats. They issued it in secret." With the "indiscriminate elimination" plan, all people in the infected areas will be killed regardless of whether they are infected with the fungus or not. They are delusional that they can control this disaster through killing!"

"They have been deceiving us. We can no longer blindly wait for a vaccine. There is no time. We cannot let these corrupt guys continue to govern. Our country is in danger, and we must have people who are truly capable of guiding us. Only in this way can we hope to save our country."

At this moment, a "bang" was heard from the TV, and the screen instantly flipped 180°, as if something had hit the camera.

Then several soldiers appeared in front of the camera. They rushed forward and grabbed the female host. One of the soldiers stepped in front of her and said sternly, "Madam, you are now charged with fabricating and deliberately spreading false information. You are arrested; please come with us now."

When the soldier finished saying this, the picture on the TV suddenly stopped and turned into a no-signal state.

After the TV signal disappeared, survivor camps across the country suddenly fell into a brief silence. But a moment later, the entire city was like boiling water and exploded in an instant.

Whether they are residents living in the city or survivors who have escaped from the infected area, they have always believed that this terrible epidemic, like the viruses they have experienced before, is only temporary and will be conquered sooner or later.

But today, when everything was pierced like window paper and they knew the story of everything and understood what the US government had done, especially after knowing that the vaccine production had failed, they began to truly feel the fear of death and doomsday.

This is a naked conspiracy...

Comforting Sarah, who was crying in her arms because of the deaths of Angela and Barton, Brian looked at the reactions of the people around him and sighed secretly.

He finally understood why the soldiers didn't chase them out after they broke out of the blockade in Austin. It wasn't that they didn't want to chase them, but that someone was deliberately letting them leave.

The female host always reminds everyone of the word "bureaucrat." There are a lot of videos of soldiers shooting survivors, the confessions of people who escaped the soldiers' pursuit, and the right interruption of the signal after the female host was arrested.

If you look at this whole thing from a third party's perspective, this is simply a conspiracy that has been planned for a long time. Some people want to use this conspiracy to arouse the anger of all the people and use the pressure of public opinion to carry out the campaign. Dismiss and seize power from the government.

Brian knew that no matter in the past or the future, relying solely on the condemnation of public opinion would not have much influence on those in power unless...the military was also involved in this conspiracy...

"Forget it; why am I thinking so much? It's none of my business."

With a wry smile, Brian shook his head, patted Sarah's back gently, and looked at the people nearby; some were whispering, some were crying, some were dull and despairing, even the children who were still playing excitedly in the morning. They huddled in the arms of family members, not daring to make the slightest noise.

He turned his head to look at Osbourne and Kelly, who looked sad next to him and said in a low voice, "Now is not the time to think so much. I'm afraid Dallas won't be peaceful in the next few days. It's best not to let others know about us. No matter how many supplies there are, I'm afraid someone might have some wrong intentions."

Hearing what he said, Osborne also knew how much panic the events just now would cause. He was a little glad that he didn't contact his friends this morning, and he was also a little glad that the female reporter exposed the matter in advance so that it was not a false accusation. 

They didn't expect that something like this would happen less than a day after they arrived in Dallas, and they didn't know what kind of things would happen in the future.

He nodded in agreement and took Kelly to the RV. He planned to reorganize the supplies and try to put them in some secluded place to avoid being seen by others from the outside.

Their neighbor, Antoine, also seemed to be in a hurry. After the TV signal was interrupted, he quickly returned to his RV and closed the door, wondering what he was doing.

The next afternoon, the entire camp suddenly became busy, as if under instructions. Brian frequently saw people outside tents or RVs in the surrounding areas making weapons and knives with things picked up from outside.

He keenly noticed the abnormality and asked Sarah to get back to the car first while he stood up. His eyes searched back and forth between the tents and the RV and found several people in black clothes moving back and forth from tent to tent, looking at them as if they were trying to persuade the people in the tent to get involved in something.

When Brian saw this, he immediately told Osborne about the incident. Although he couldn't tell what the other party was going to do, he still wanted to remind him in advance to avoid being caught off guard.

Not long after, he saw a bald man, also wearing black clothes, walking towards the area where he was. Seeing this, he pretended not to see the other person and knocked on the door of the RV vaguely.

"Child, are your parents here?" The bald man walked to the side of the RV and saw that there was only one child there. He scratched his bald head and asked with a fairly amiable smile.

Before Brian could answer, Osborne, who heard the commotion outside, opened the RV, wiped his forehead, pretended to be curious, and looked at the bald man and said, "Hello, what's the matter?"

After seeing Osborne come out, Brian wisely took two steps back. After all, some decisions were not something that he, a "child," could make, and adults still needed to communicate.

When the bald man saw an adult appearing, he didn't say anything and said directly, "That's it. You know the news right now, right? Those damn bureaucrats don't care about our lives at all. I think we can't wait for this. We must plan for ourselves early. Look at the people around us. They are already preparing weapons. Wait until tomorrow, and we will get together to grab supplies and try to hoard as much food as possible. If you want to participate, prepare early."

After saying these words in a hurry, the bald man turned around and walked towards another RV. It seemed that he just came to convey a message and didn't care whether they wanted to participate.

Watching the bald man leave, Osborne frowned deeply, looked at Brian aside, and said, "It seems you are right. I'm afraid it won't be peaceful in the next few days."

"Don't worry about them; I'd better wait for the next announcement from the government." Brian shrugged indifferently. He just wanted to know what kind of actions the government would take next because that would ultimately determine the future of mankind. How to continue to survive.


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