
Surviving In A Reverse Harem With A System

Meet Wei Feng, an 18-year-old with a devilish charm that matches his striking looks. His cunning ways had a knack for turning friends into foes and convincing them to indulge in misdeeds. However, Wei Feng's life takes an unexpected turn when he's abruptly killed and transported to a reverse harem world with an intricate harem system. In this new realm, he resolves to utilize his devilish skills to the fullest extent, aiming to claim the coveted position of the female Monarch's favorite consort. Follow Wei Feng's journey as he navigates a world filled with intrigue, romance, and rivalries, using his talents to both advance his ambitions and grapple with the complexities of this unique universe. "Hello guys! although the novel may seem to have a more dominating FL than an ML, I reassure you that our ML will dominate so do give this novel a try" - DansepatSu ** • Cover Doesn't Belong To Me • Every 20 PS = 2 Bonus chapters. 2 Chapters Per day!

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18 Chs


"Concubine Wei, strip yourself!"

She said as I was a little taken aback slightly. Strip myself? Did she want me to show my body in front of everyone?

I sighed inwardly but I had no other choice, I brought this upon myself.

I hesitated but finally complied as I removed my outer garments to reveal a series of scars etched into my body.

Each one tells a story of pain and suffering, the physical and emotional toll of the former Weifeng who request for justice.

Ming Xia Su's eyes blaze with fury as she takes in the evidence of his suffering. "Who dared to hurt a concubine belonging to I, Monarch Ming. If it's death they ought for then they shall have it!"

She says, her voice cold and determined, anger very much visible in her eyes.

Immediately her eyes turned back to Jin Ling and Mo An who were almost about to break in fear.

They kept on shivering and denying it all, "N-n-no your Majesty! W-we are innocent, we Didn't do anything to brother wei," I heard Mo An say as I smiled slightly.

Such thick minded pigs, even in such a situation they still descide to lie.. then they should be ready for I won't back down so easily.

"You two know very well that I am not very patient, confess if you are guilty and face your punishment but if I go through my investigations and find you both guilty then you won't like what I'll dare to do to you!"

The monarch warned her voice frightening, even I felt a little aback.

I could see well that Jin ling was about to break but I won't let him confess just yet.

Quickly running towards the monarch, I cut him short of his words as I stood in between them.

With my green eyes fixed with her brown one's, I said, "Your majesty, I'm sure they both had a good reason for doing such.. after all I can be quite annoying, I'm sure they saw me as a nuisance, everyone here sees me as a nuisance so getting rid of me must have been the best idea,"

I said as I bowed my head slightly, tears slowly falling down my eyes, "So your Majesty I appreciate your involvement in my problems but there's no need for all these."

I said as I smiled pitifully.

I could sense the Monarch's tumultuous emotions as if they were a storm raging within her.

Her initial fury at seeing his scars, coupled with her resolve to seek justice, was evident.

Her eyes blazed with anger as she expressed her determination to bring those responsible to justice.

However, as I with my pitiful act could see a change in her demeanor. Her brows furrowed with a mixture of sympathy, doubt, and perhaps a touch of confusion.

After all, this was something his foster Aunt thought me before her passing, "Feng'An, remember, there are two approaches to capturing someone's attention. You can either present yourself as a resolute and steadfast companion, or as a pitiable and vulnerable individual. In doing so, you'll discover that person's heart gradually swaying toward you with every passing moment."

And she wasn't wrong because I could see it! That gaze, exactly what I needed from her.. PITY!

[ System report loading..... ]

[ Monarch's Affection rate increasing.... 10% ]

[ 20% 30% 50% 80% 99% ..... congratulations user 105! You have captured the Female Monarch's Attention! ]

[You are now a Level 1 user]

[ Healing Skill - 20p ] -

[ Mind Control - 10p ] (Congratulations) -

[ Manipulative Skill - 10p ] -

[ Mana - 5% ]

[ Sword Physique - 0 ]

[ Charm Skills - 30p] -

[ Would User 105 like to view new skills now? {Yes} {No} You have Ten seconds to reply or will automatically show skills ]

[ 10.. 9.. 8.. 6.. 5..... ]

I saw the holographic program say as I immediately tapped on my response.

{No} I tapped and it immediately disappeared from sight.

I have finally completed my first mission, wow! I feel quite happy and excited for some reason.

Just then, I heard the female monarch say aloud, "Ma'am Han, what punishment would be given to anyone who dared to hurt a man belonging to the Monarch and most especially the punishment given to those who dared to lie to the Monarch!"

She said as ma'am Han a little shaken, bowed and said, "The shall face an immediate banishment from the monarch quarters and will be set to spend the rest of their life and training pigs!"

# In this word, training pigs and there for warrior's to use as training equipment to test their sword sharpness, strength and cultivation skills..which would eventually lead to death and sufferings for those Training pigs #

Hearing Ma'am Han's words, Jin Ling and Mo An already felt like fainting in fear.

"Please your Majesty, have mercy upon us.. we were stupid minded and were used by the devil, please show mercy!" they cried out as I almost burst into laughed.

Used by the devil? That's quite insulting to my name. Even thought you were to be used by me what makes you think I manupulate weak and worthless people like yourself. You just be kidding me!

"Please your Majesty, forgive us" they still continued to cry out as murmurs in the hall erupted at their plea.

No one seemed to beg the monarch for mercy which meant that wei Feng mustn't have been the only one they had done this to.

Who knows, maybe he just happened to be the only one with a scar visible on his face and the rest had scars in their body and inner parts.

But just then, the Monarch said, "Forgive you? What you did is unforgivable... How dare you try to hurt my man in my quarters? So for that you shall face severe punishment but... Since wei Feng was the one hurt by you, he shall be the one to punish you however he sees fit!"

And now their live's depended on me