
Hell On Earth

"So, down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him."

-Revelation 12:9

The world crumbled like ancient biblical prophecies foretold, and the remnants of humanity found themselves trapped in a relentless struggle for survival.

[In a Car on the Road]

"It was all so sudden. Just another day. None of us could have anticipated it happening, yet it did. They came and took everything away from us. They take. Yes, that's what they do. Destroy all that we cherish and hold dear," Norah's thoughts echoed as she leaned against the window, drowning in Beethoven's symphony.

"Sis - sis - sis," Noah's voice cut through the music.

"What do you want?" Norah replied in an unmotivated tone.

"You good?" Noah's gracious smile sought reassurance. Norah removed her headphones, "I was... till you decided to disturb my peaceful therapeutic music."

"You've been quiet this whole time... Is everything okay?" Noah's eyes searched hers as he continued to navigate the fractured roads.

"Eyes on the road," Norah calmly redirected.

"Aaaah!!!" The screech of brakes interrupted the symphony as Noah realized the road led to a dead end. The car stopped on the edge of destruction.

"Whew! That was a close one. Nearly lost our ride there," Noah sighed with relief.

"You know you could have said that with some sense of urgency. It's like nothing gets to you these days. Are you really okay, sis?" Noah's intent gaze sought answers from her.

Norah adjusted her seat, laid down, and closed her eyes. "Am I okay? Look around, genius. What part of anything looks okay to you? The world is screwed up. We're barely surviving. So yeah, big brother, I am doing just fine. Get us out of here before trouble finds us."

"Okay, sis," Noah acknowledged, realizing the burden his sister bore. As the car reversed, he connected his phone to the stereo, filling the air with Elvis Presley's voice.

The environment, damaged beyond recognition, bore witness to their struggle. The roads were a tangle of despair. Towns were abandoned and were cities in ruins. Civilization fractured into factions, fighting for survival against an imminent threat. Every day was a fight for survival.

"I really hope we can find some shelter along the road. We're gonna run out of gas soon. We're low on 'Ammunition', and the food will last us a few days tops. Fudge! Fudge! Fudge!" Noah's frustration echoed through the damaged neighborhood as the car pressed on, navigating a shattered world that seemed to resonate with their desperate journey.

Norah stirred in a low murmur while half asleep, "hmmm?"

"Go back to sleep, Sis. It's nothing," Noah soothed, patting her hair with one hand while navigating the battered road with the other.

"Can't let her see me like this. Gotta figure something out pretty soon, or we're screwed big time. I can't put all the burden on her. I'm the big brother, so I'll come up with something. I have to," Noah pondered, the weight of responsibility pressing on him.

[In The Past At Area 51]

The first case of 'Demonization' surfaced in the 'United States Of America.' Initially dismissed as extreme schizophrenia, it soon became evident that 'Subject Zero' was a harbinger of biblical proportions. A creature named demonic, it defied comprehension. The entity, cocooned and transformed, emerged as a grotesque manifestation that terrified even the scientists studying it.

The atmosphere within the containment facility grew thick with an air of impending doom as 'Subject Zero,' cocooned in an enigmatic transformation. The creature displayed signs of an otherworldly metamorphosis. Its hand, coated in a viscous yellow substance, dramatically breached the confines of the cocoon. An eerie glow emanated from the creature's now-exposed extremities, casting an unsettling paleness across the sterile laboratory.

Alarms blared, and the scientific team rushed to activate maximum security protocols, the urgency in their movements reflecting the gravity of the unfolding situation. The creature, disfigured and bleeding, advanced toward a reinforced window with menacing clawed arms. Each step left a trail of unsettling imprints on the floor. The scene was like a dance of impending chaos.

The appearance of 'Subject Zero' sent shivers down the spines of the observing scientists. Its face was a grotesque fusion of human and skinned animals. They bore witness to the unnatural metamorphosis taking place. As the creature moved, blood from its wings dripped in a rhythmic pattern, painting the room in a sinister red hue. The air became charged with an unspoken terror as the creature growled, its feral instincts taking hold.

Within the containment chamber, fear reached a climax as the reinforced window succumbed to the relentless pressure. Cracks spiderwebbed across the transparent barrier, amplifying the terror among the scientists.

The commander, a steely figure amidst the chaos, barked orders for the soldiers to clear a path for the scientists. The reinforced glass shattered, and the creature's growls reverberated through the facility like a haunting symphony of impending doom.

Soldiers, ready for a confrontation, witnessed the creature forcefully emerging through the exit. The structural integrity of the walls crumbled in response to the creature's malevolent presence. Following their rigorous training, the soldiers unleashed a barrage of firepower, their weapons ranging from 'Henry rifle,' 'Winchester rifle,' 'Lee-Enfield,' 'Gewehr 98,' 'M1 Garand,' 'MAS-36 rifle,' to 'AKM' unleashing a storm of projectiles upon the creature.

Bullet holes pocked the entity's disfigured form, momentarily instilling a glimmer of hope among the soldiers. However, their relief was short-lived as the wounds inexplicably began to close, defying the laws of nature. The creature, seemingly impervious to conventional weaponry, emerged from the onslaught with an ominous resolve.

"[Distorted and slow Voice] You will plead for mercy from us. Your pleas will fall upon deaf ears. You will witness the abyss that awaits you, feeble beings. Your demise shall serve as a symphony to the chaos that reigns supreme. There is no escape from your fate, mortals. 'ARMAGEDDON' has come," the demonic proclamation echoed through the facility, chilling the hearts of those who dared to defy the encroaching darkness.

Have some thoughts about my very odd story? Comment it and let me know.

DrGray003creators' thoughts
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