
How to find a work

Now the story starts on a family trip to Disneyland on Hong Kong, the main character Chris was travelling with his family on a plane with his father and sister. Then a sudden event occur.

The plane they are ridding crashed on the pacific Ocean before they arrive on their destination. Many lives are lost on this incident including his family and Chris is the only survivor of the plane crash.

After 1 year of the incident Chris start to live alone and he has a big struggle because the previous company of his father has gone bankrupt since he does not have experience on how to handle their business, what only left on him is the house of his family. He stop going to school instead start working at a near store on his area.

One night while he is walking on the alley going home he see a old guy being beaten by 5 person, he tried to ignore them but he suddenly remember what his father told him that never turn your back on a person in need of help. As he remember this word he run towards the guys trying to beat the old guy and push them.

Chris told them to stop this can't you see the old guy is not fighting back and don't pick on someone if you feel like it.

and one of the thugs replied oh you are trying to be a hero kid, you should just ignore us when we haven't notice you now we are quite interested on how can you compensate us for pushing me.

Chris replied with a serious eyes, If you will not stop this i will report you to the police and you will be arrested right away, and you can be imprisoned for doing this.

Oh! are you trying to scare us, Fuck off kid then a punch was delivered on Chris face, however he was able to avoid it and have a counter attack by throwing the guy. Since Chris does not want to fight and was being bullied during his middle school his father enrolled him on a martial arts school for self defense purpose. Then the other 4 people start to attack him all out, and Chris avoid their attack and have them knock out. After the fight was over Chris helped the old guy and treated his wounds, on his house since he cannot afford to bring the old guy on the hospital.

Then the Old guy woke up and asked where am I?

Chris replied Mister you should take rest, and now Chris asked what is the old guy doing there before he was attack by the 5 thugs. And the old man replied I was planning to go to the nearest Ramen shop to buy some food when I bump with a guy and the last thing I remember is that he Started punching me.

Chris said good thing I was able to pass by and help you out or else your situation will be life threatening, by the way mister my name is Chris.

The old guy replied, Thanks for helping me Chris my name is Gung Ghe and I appreciate that you have helped me even though you don't know me. And Chris replied that's not a problem like my old man said to me never turn your back on people in need of help. Then he laughed with the Gung Ghe.

By the way I don't know how I can repay you so here is my contact number if you need help just give me a call and I will do try my best to help you out.

While laughing Chris replied that's not a problem and you don't need to feel in debt about it, for now take a rest and I need to go to work now I have prepared some food on the Fridge you can get anything you need while I'm out so feel at home. Gung Ghe replied you have a kind heart and i appreciate that you have treated my injuries and letting me stay here. Nothing to worry by tomorrow I will be going so I would not bother you anymore.

And Chris replied I need to go to work now good bye.

Gung Ghe was curious to see the picture of Chris on the wall with his Father, and sister and the tear started to fall in his eyes. What a big surprise the man that helped me before has raise his son the same way that's why I remember you old friend. Then after seeing the picture Gung Ghe pick his things up and leave a letter on the table " Thanks for the help and everything Gung Ghe"

Before the Old man left the house he contacted someone on the phone, Please provide me all the information about this kid and family back round regarding to the plane incident that killed Alfred Smith and her Daughter Emilia Smith, and I want you to keep an eye on Chris Smith.

Then Chris is now on the store started working as usual then a the 5 thugs that he have a fight broke in on the store, Hey you kid we are here to give you a pay back on what you did.

Chris eyes widen to see a group of thugs is starting to enter to the store. Then the Store manager come out and asked how can we help you. Then the Thug started to kick the Manager and start destroying the place, Chris was on a shock started to shake him self up and fight the thugs while fighting them the store was on a mess and after several minutes all the thugs fell on their knees while Chris is catching his breath. Then the Store Manager shout Chris what have you brought on my store you are now fired. Chris was in a big shock then he started to pick his things and walk out of the store.

Now that he does not have a job he went home to see the message of Gung Ghe on the table. He started to ask himself why I have experience this kind of things why! as he shouted and tears run down on his eye. While he remember his father's words " Son sometimes life gives you a huge Struggle but it doesn't mean it was unfair, sometimes you can consider it a test on how you can handle a circumstances that is not favorable to you" Then he cried why I'm the only one Survive on the plane Crash why Father you and Emilia died.

Then he fell asleep, then on the next day Chris updated his resume and start looking for a job, however he is not lucky. Then he remember Gung Ghe left a contact information, now he is on the tight spot he contacted Gung Ghe.

The phone ring and then Gung Ghe answered This is Gung Ghe how can I help you? Then Chris spoke with on a low voice, Hi there Gung Ghe this is Chris I would like to ask if you know any company that has a job vacancy?

Gung Ghe yes We have a vacancy here why did you ask?

Then Chris replied i have lost my job now I'm looking for one if you don't mind can you send the address so I go and apply?

Gung Ghe replied no problem I will send you the address and I'm very sure that you will be able to get a job here.

Thanks mister I appreciate your help.

Gung Ghe then calls someone, Hello I have a applicant named Chris Smith please notify all employee about him and give him the best position he can get and I will be the one to set his salary. then replies yes sir.

Then Chris arrive on the museum front gate then he asked about applying for a job and a guy on suite pointed the door on the left. Then Chris proceed and submit the resume.

Then a big guy calls him to proceed on the main office to have a interview, Then the interviewer introduce her self Hi mister Chris Smith I'm Ada Kim it's a pleasure to meet you and by the way may I know what is your job experience?

Chris replied I have been working for 6 months on a store as a cashier and merchandiser on a mini store. And regarding this I don't have other working experience.

Then Ada ask what skills do you have that will give us details that can help us on getting you a available position?

Chris replied, I can cook, fix computer play music, and I learn a bit of martial arts for self defense purposes.

Ada have a deep sigh

Well Chris as of now we will hire you as one of the night Guards of this museum tomorrow night will be the start of your shift you will receive a allowance to buy uniform, meal and transportation. And to show case your skill we would like to test your martial arts capability if it's okay for you?

Chris replied that is not a problem for me I'm willing to demonstrate it.

Then Ada have smiled and then said to Chris let's proceed on the other room to test your skill we have prepared a ring there and you will have match for 3 minutes, you only need to last 3 minutes or you can Knock out your opponent this will not harm you even if you lose. Because this way we can gauge you on what position we can put you in as one of the night Guards.

Then Chris asked sure that's not a problem and by the way who will be my opponent?

Ada gives a smile and replied I will be your opponent to test your skill.

Chris eyes widen and replied sorry but I'm not going to fight a woman

Then Ada was quite pissed on the reply and said so you consider me as a opponent that you can defeat.

Chris replied no I was raise to protect woman not to hit them.

Then Ada laughed and said to Chris then you should not consider me a woman just this once or else you will not be able to get this job.

Then Chris was on a tight spot and replied then come at me!

Ada rushes with a barrage of attack but Chris was able to dodge every attack with at ease. Then Ada replied are you going to run and avoid me until the end!

Then Chris replied while thinking of a way how he can defeat Ada without hurting her, No it's just that i can't see opening on your attacks.

Ada was knowledgeable that Chris is holding back so in order to push him she attack with a killing intent.

Chris was unable to dodge anymore and only 1 minutes has passed he still need to endure it for 2 minutes. Then Ada see an opening on his stomach then kick him, Then Chris fell and then Jump back up again. Saying to him self Ada was not fighting to gauge me anymore it as if she is trying to kill. I don't want to hit her because she is a lady but i got no choice but to counter in order to avoid fatal injuries. Then Chris started to doing the counter by catching the attacks of Ada and have locked to stop her barrage. But Ada was anticipating it already then she dislocated her shoulder then use this opportunity to counter the lock. Chris was surprise and was hit on his face.

Now it's only 1 minute left until the match is finished Chris feels like he will loose consciousness. But Ada already retracted her hands again. Then Ada start attacking again then Chris turn the tables down using the footwork to counter the attack that made Ada loose her balance and then the a waited ring of the bell sounds.

Chris grabs Ada's hand then Ada get back up with a blushing face. While giving a reply you passed and she started to walk away. And the other guards that watch the match was still on shock to see that the Ada lost to Chris.

So Chris walk home with a smile on the face that he have a new job,

meanwhile Gung Ghe is talking to Ada by the way how was Chris Ada?

Ada replied mister president he was very skilled he even beat me without getting serious on the fight. Gung Ghe laughed so hard. I never thought you will lose to to him on a fist fight even you are trying your best to kill him. Then the tone of voice of Gung Ghe change, Ada replied I'm sorry sir i just got carried away because of his exceptional skill on martial arts. Well it's fine nothing can be done about it and by the way how's the status of the relic did it already gave a response when it will open?

Ada replied no sir the ancient relic is still not responding to any treatment it means that there is a key needed to open it or some kind of ritual that can open it.

Gung Ghe replied it will better that this relic will not open because we don't know what it will brought up to us if this is only the same relic as grail but this one has a different aura so we will need strong people to protect it against evil. Ada replied understood.

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