
Survival of a Loner MARVEL

My life had always been kind of shitty, but seriously, mutants wanting to "help "me and then brainwash me? Heroes, that only put villains inside cages only for them to escape? And multidimensional entities wanting my head? What did I even do?

daoistofeverything · Cómic
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67 Chs

Chapter 14

I get up from the ground and move toward one of the broken windows, ready to become a camper.

From the window, I could see a street filled with zombies, either staying idle or moving in a noncertain direction, but one was sure, each of one of them was growling and producing a lot of sounds.

I take out my bow and start shooting the horde of zombies, luckily these zombies based most of their movements on sound, unless they were mutation like the one I fought before, so thanks to their growl no one notices the falling zombies.

After 10 minutes I finally leveled up, thus bringing my MP regen to 8 per minute, and my total Mp to 4400, the regeneration is too slow though.

After thinking for 2 minutes, I decided to put all of my status points in Wis, I can easily upgrade Int and all of my other stats, but Wis is the strangest and maybe hardest one to upgrade, but also one of the most useful ones, and considering how I am a mage, having a slow MP regen can put me in danger.


Congratulations, you have reached the 50 points mark on Wis, thus gaining the perk: Mana Storage

Mana Storage

Effect: Each point in Int will give you double mana( from 100 each point to 200)


'Fuck yes, more mana storage, less probability of it ending, now I need to unlock the perk for Intelligence, because if it is similar to the first one, then my problem with Mp regen will be resolved.' I thought while moving away from the window ready to explore the rest of the building I am in.





Level up


'This is so slow, but there is no better way, I surely won't jump in the middle of those zombies and die.' I thought while removing my arrow from the zombie I had just killed.

It had more or less been an hour from my camping, and in one hour or more I was only able to gain a level.

Fortunately, this also worked as training for my skills, my Sneak skill had reached level 26, Piercing Lv.4, Mana Skin Lv.7, Bow Mastery Lv.20, Sword and Axe mastery both reached level 16, Opportunist Lv. 10, Fast Punch Lv.10, Tracking Lv.8, and lastly Focus had reached level 21.

I sigh, and before I could head towards the next floor an idea strikes my mind, the idea causes a sickening and creepy smile to form on my face, yeah having 9 in Cha doesn't with my look.

I take out from my inventory the components that were stored in the warehouse, that I now always carry with me, and start tinkering with something.

New York isn't a city of flowers and rainbows, finding gunpowder, or unused bullets isn't so hard, and through the years I was able to collect a few, I had them but I didn't know what to do with them, until now.

I take out several cans, the gunpowder, metal scrapes, and parts of lighters, and start tinkering with the tools I had stolen from a workshop.

After 5 minutes I was finally able to create a... Home-made Grenade, surely not with the same explosion powder, but that could be covered with the powers of the Gamer.


You have created a: Home-Made Grenade

Home-Made Grenade

Grade: Uncommon

Damage: 500(Explosion) 50 x where it hits( pieces of metal)

Secondary effects


Mutilation: Has a 50% chance to causes the removal or making unable the who is hit to use one or more of their limbs

Burn: Causes 5 HP of damage per second, can stack

Delay: Through your tinkering, you were able to delay the explosion by 5 seconds.

Durability: 1/1


I make 4 more and head towards the nearest window that points towards the road that was filled with zombies.

'Fire in the hole.' I said while throwing all of the five bombs in different directions.


The bombs start flying above the heads of the zombies, not attracting any kind of attention.


I take cover under the window, waiting for the explosions.


The bombs finally reach the ground, causing a metallic sound and attracting the attention of the zombies.


More and more zombies start heading towards the Bombs.


Some zombies try to get on the ground to bite the bombs.








Level Up

Level Up

Level up

By killing a horde of zombies in a smart and not dangerous way you received a +1 in Int and Wis.


'One point away from 50 in Int, might as well use a Status point.'

But before I could put the point, something that would remain impressed in my mind happened.

An enormous green being, with rotten flesh, white eyes, claws, and green and black hairs, drops in the middle of the street causing an even bigger explosion than what my bombs did.

The beast slowly turns towards me, it lunges towards me, covering the distance between us in less than 3 seconds, and just as he was about to punch me I disappeared, leaving the hungry beast dissatisfied, destroying the building.




I reappear in a human empty building, heavy breathing, just realizing what that being was, or more like who it was.

'That was The Hulk.'


By discovering a main character in the Zombie Dimension, the true name of the dimension will be revealed: Zombie Dimension > Earth-2149


'... Fuck.'