
The Suneater (Part 2)

The blue-robed man and everyone standing in front of it tried to fly away, yet the air magic imbued in Howling Hunger sucked them in with the strength of a tornado.

Then, they Blinked, only to discover that the black wave had Blinked as well, making their effort useless. Those who had moved in the opposite direction from the fake Fallmug still had a chance to make it out alive but only because Howling Hunger ignored them to follow its mark.

The blue-robed man kept Blinking non-stop and so did Tezka's spell. He tried to move towards the members of the Queen's Corps, hoping that the monster would worry about them as well, but the Fylgja didn't give a damn about anyone but the Yehvals.

He stood between the fake Fallmug and Zinya's house so that the only way that anyone could get close to them was by going through him.

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