
Supreme Investment System

In the bustling urban jungle of Concordia City, where money talks and ambition reigns supreme, we follow the transformation of Alex Turner, a once-average and weak-willed young man who discovers a unique opportunity to change his life. Armed with financial intelligence, above average looks, and a mysterious cash reward system, he embarks on a journey to become a formidable investor while attracting a harem of admirers, each with their own unique talents and secrets! ___________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/ARC4rWXXdY

Mr_Lomo · Ciudad
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28 Chs

Weekend Treat

The following day, Alex found himself entering the office a bit later than usual. Despite the late start, he appeared relaxed and composed, ready to go about another day of managing a company. As he waled into the workspace, he exchanged pleasantries with colleagues, maintaining a friendly and approachable demeanor.

Among the welcoming faces, Emily greeted Alex with a warm smile. She was seated at her desk, seemingly immersed in her work. As Alex approached, their eyes met, and they exchanged a few casual words.

Emily, with a composed tone: "Good morning, Alex. Ready for another productive day?"

Alex, returning the smile: "Absolutely, Emily. Let's make it a great one."

The subtle exchange didn't go unnoticed by Kathleen, who observed the interaction from her own desk. There was tension as Kathleen, couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy. 

She had grown used to being the one who shared private sessions with Alex, and seeing him exchange pleasantries with Emily in a seemingly familiar manner stirred a sense of competitiveness within her.

Despite her feelings, Kathleen maintained her stance, focusing on her tasks and acting cool. However, the green-eyed monster of jealousy continued to lurk beneath the surface.

As the morning progressed, Alex decided to hold a brief team meeting to discuss the outcomes of the previous day's discussions and to outline the next steps for the proposed ventures. The team gathered in the conference room, and Emily, once again, showed how effective she can be as she had prepared a plan.

Kathleen, attempting to regain the spotlight, actively participated in the discussion. She raised good questions about the technological aspects of the proposed ventures, demonstrating her expertise in IT and security matters.

Alex, appreciating Kathleen's contributions, acknowledged her expertise but made it clear that a collaborative effort was important. The meeting continued, with Emily and Kathleen often exchanging professional remarks.

The meeting ended with everyone being assigned things to do to reach their target of expansions. Emily had the role of looking for prime areas to set up business and Kathleen was tasked with creating a bigger server and companies website.

They wrapped up the meeting and Alex headed to his office quite tired.

As the weekend got close, he thought of spending some time away from the all the hustle and bustle. The thought of Matilda's calming presence crossed his mind.

Alex picked up his phone and dialed Matilda's number. After a few rings, Matilda answered, her warm voice through the phone.

Matilda: "Hey, Alex! What's up?"

Alex: "Hey, Matilda. I was thinking... how about I come over this weekend? It's been a while, and I could use a change of pace."

Matilda, genuinely delighted: "Oh, Alex, that sounds wonderful! I've missed having you around. You're more than welcome. What brings this on? Everything okay?"

Alex, with a sigh: "Work has been hectic, and I need some time to relax. I just need a break, and being with you always helps me clear my head."

Matilda, reassuringly: "Of course, Alex. Anytime you need a break, you know my door is open. We can relax, catch up, and maybe forget about the stress for a while. How about Saturday?"

Alex, grateful: "Saturday works for me. I'll pack a bag and head over in the afternoon. Looking forward to it."

After the call with Matilda, Alex decided it was time to address some pressing matters at work. He called Emma, his personal assistant, into his office to discuss the adjustments in his schedule.

Alex: "Emma, could you please come into my office for a moment?"

Emma, entering the office promptly: "Sure, Alex. What can I help you with?"

Alex, gesturing for her to take a seat: "I need you to make some adjustments to my schedule. I've decided to take a break this weekend and spend some time away from the city."

Emma, concerned: "Is everything okay, Alex? Do you need me to reschedule any important meetings or appointments?"

Alex, reassuringly: "Everything is fine, Emma. I just need a change of scenery to clear my head. I'll be at Matilda's place for the weekend."

Emma, understanding: "Alright, Alex. I'll handle the rescheduling and make sure everything runs smoothly in your absence. Is there anything specific you'd like me to prioritize?"

Alex, appreciative: "Thank you, Emma. I trust you to manage things efficiently. Focus on the upcoming client presentation, and keep an eye on any urgent matters. I'll be reachable if anything critical comes up, but I plan to have some time to myself."

Emma, nodding: "Got it, Alex. I'll ensure everything is in order. If there's anything you need while you're away, don't hesitate to reach out."

Alex, with a reassuring smile: "I appreciate your support, Emma. I'll be fine, and I'll catch up on Monday. Enjoy your weekend as well."

Alex found himself with a few hours to spare before heading home. The day had been filled with discussions, proposals, and technical details, and he welcomed the opportunity to unwind before the weekend.

Alex decided to take this time to do his grocery shopping and also get some stuff for Matilda. He thought it would be a good idea to invite Emma, to join him. Not only would this be an opportunity to ensure he picked up all the essentials, but it could also serve as a chance for them to bond outside the professional setting.

Alex got out his office after making a list of things he will need and approached Emma's desk with a friendly smile, "Hey, Emma. I was thinking of doing some grocery shopping for the weekend, and I thought it might be a good chance for us to grab a coffee and chat. What do you think?"

Emma, always professional but approachable, nodded, "Sure, Alex. I'd be happy to help you with the shopping, and a coffee sounds great."

The two of them headed out to the parking lot, where Alex's car was parked. The drive to the grocery store was filled with casual conversation. They discussed work, upcoming projects, and even talked about some personal interests. Emma shared more about her background, and Alex found himself learning more about the person behind the professional demeanor.

Arriving at the grocery store, they grabbed a cart and started walking through the aisles. Emma proved to be quite knowledgeable about what to pick up, efficiently guiding Alex through the various sections. As they selected items, they continued their conversation, finding common ground in shared interests and experiences.

The grocery shopping excursion turned out to be more enjoyable than Alex had anticipated. It wasn't just about checking items off a list; it was an opportunity to build a connection with Emma outside the formalities of the office. Their dynamic shifted from professional to more friendly, creating a foundation for a positive working relationship.

After paying for the groceries, they loaded the bags into the car and headed back to the office. Alex felt good , not only because the shopping was done but also because he had taken a step toward fostering a good rapport with his new personal assistant.

After the grocery shopping and coffee break adventure with Emma, Alex returned to the office to wrap up his tasks for the day. The workday was coming to a close, and he wanted to ensure that everything was in order before heading home for the weekend.

As they finished up, Alex expressed his gratitude to Emma, "Thanks, Emma. I appreciate your help today. It was a nice change of pace, and the groceries are all set for the weekend."

Emma smiled, "You're welcome, Alex. If you need any further assistance over the weekend, feel free to reach out."

With a nod, Alex gathered his belongings, bid farewell to the team, and headed home. The weekend felt relaxing, and he looked forward to spending time with Matilda.

Upon arriving home, Alex took a moment to unwind. He set the groceries in the kitchen, appreciating the fact that the weekend essentials were already taken care of. The pleasant experience of shopping with Emma had left a positive impression, and Alex felt a sense of contentment as he prepared to enjoy a well-deserved break.

The weekend was his time to recharge, and he decided to kick-start the day with some indoor stretch workouts. Instead of heading to the gym, he opted for a more relaxed routine within the comfort of his home.

In the quiet solitude of his living space, Alex rolled out a yoga mat and began a series of stretches and exercises. 

After the workout, Alex felt rejuvenated. He headed to the bathroom to freshen up. The sound of running water and the scent of his favorite shower gel filled the space. As he looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but appreciate the positive effects of a good workout. 

Dressed in casual weekend attire, With a quick glance at the clock, Alex realized it was time to set off to spend the weekend with Matilda. He reached for his phone and dialed her number, looking forward to the quality time they would share.

Matilda: "Hello, Alex. Are you on your way?"

Alex: "Hey, Matilda. Yes, I'm just finishing up a few things. I'll be heading your way soon."

Matilda: "Great! I'm looking forward to it. Safe travels."

After the call, Alex grabbed a suitcase and packed a few essentials for the weekend. He carefully selected some of the casual and comfortable clothes, ensuring he had everything he might need. As he zipped up the suitcase, his mind drifted to the prospect of a relaxing weekend away from the usual hustle and bustle.

Next on the agenda was the grocery shopping he had done the previous day. Alex gathered the bags filled with fresh produce, snacks, and other essentials. He wanted to contribute to their weekend together and thoughtfully selected items that Matilda might enjoy.

With his bags packed and groceries in hand, Alex headed out to his car. The day was bright, and the weather promised a pleasant drive. He loaded everything into the trunk.

Upon reaching Matilda's place, Alex parked the car and carried the bags to her doorstep. He rang the doorbell, a smile playing on his lips as he eagerly awaited Matilda's welcoming presence.

Matilda opened the door, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Alex.

Matilda: "Hey, you made it!"

Alex: "Wouldn't miss it for the world. I brought a few things for the weekend."

Matilda's smile widened as she gestured for him to come in.

Matilda: "You're too sweet, Alex. I'm glad you're here."