
Supreme Investment System

In the bustling urban jungle of Concordia City, where money talks and ambition reigns supreme, we follow the transformation of Alex Turner, a once-average and weak-willed young man who discovers a unique opportunity to change his life. Armed with financial intelligence, above average looks, and a mysterious cash reward system, he embarks on a journey to become a formidable investor while attracting a harem of admirers, each with their own unique talents and secrets! ___________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/ARC4rWXXdY

Mr_Lomo · Ciudad
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28 Chs

The Confrontation

The next morning, Alex woke up from his comfortable bed, he made a mental note to seize the day.

Feeling the need to stay active and energized, Alex decided to head to the gym.He preferred the gym at the mall because it was bigger and had more equipment .

Physical fitness was a crucial part of his routine, helping him maintain focus and drive. He changed into his workout gear, grabbed his gym bag, and headed out.

The gym was a familiar place for Alex, a place where he could channel his energy and clear his mind. 

He started with some cardio exercises, the sweat began to bead on his forehead, proof to the effort he was putting in. As he pushed himself through the workout, thoughts of how to go about his day ahead played like a motivational soundtrack in his mind.

After cardio, Alex moved on to strength training. He did light weights since he wanted to keep his physique and not bulk up.

As the session came to an end, Alex felt invigorated. He wiped down his equipment, exchanged a few nods with familiar faces in the gym, and headed towards the showers.

Meanwhile David, fueled by anger and resentment, continued to closely monitor Alex's every move. His decision to hire people to follow Alex and gather information showed a determination to play dirty in their business rivalry. 

David saw Alex's recent success, especially the acquisitions of struggling companies, as a direct challenge to his own standing.

In the shadows, David orchestrated a plan to undermine Alex's progress. He knew that information was a powerful tool, and he intended to use it to his advantage. The hired individuals discreetly gathered details about Alex's business dealings, personal life.

In his quest to damage Alex's reputation, David took his dirty tactics to a darker level. Determined to create a scenario that would damage Alex's public image, he hired a group of hooligans to cause a confrontation.

The hooligans, with instructions from David but not directly, planned to stage a public incident that would put Alex in a compromising position. They aimed to provoke a confrontation that would capture the attention of onlookers and, potentially, the media.

As Alex went about his day, unsuspecting of the impending danger, the hooligans positioned themselves strategically, waiting for the right moment to strike. Their goal was to create chaos, incite a heated exchange.The plan unfolded when Alex least expected it.

 The busy city street, usually filled with the sounds of traffic and people going about their day, became the unexpected stage for a clash between Alex and the hired hooligans. Outside the gym where Alex had just completed his workout.

As Alex exited the gym, he noticed a group of rugged looking individuals loitering near his car. The hooligans, positioned to provoke a reaction, had leaned against Alex's sleek Lambo, their intentions evident. Their presence and the damage they were causing brought an immediate feeling of frustration in Alex.

With a controlled yet determined demeanor, Alex approached the scene. His private training had groomed not only his physical strength but also his ability to remain composed under pressure. The hooligans, however, seemed oblivious to the storm that was about to be unleashed.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Alex's voice cut through the air, firm and authoritative. The hooligans, sensing his displeasure, turned to face him with smirks on their faces.

One of them, perhaps the appointed troublemaker, spoke mockingly, "Oh, look who we've got here. Fancy car for a fancy guy."

Alex, unaware of their intentions, took a deep breath, maintaining his composure. But as the hooligans continued vandalizing his car, a flash of anger ignited in his eyes. With a swift motion, he stepped forward. He was immediately pushed back aggressively with a punch which he swerved.

The first punch was lightning-fast, catching the troublemaker off guard. The hooligan stumbled back, surprised by the sudden retaliation. Alex, however, wasn't done.

His private training, usually a disciplined routine, now served him in a real world scenario. Each move was intentional, he wanted not just to defend himself but to neutralize the threat posed by the hooligans.

As the scuffle unfolded, onlookers gathered, their smart-phones capturing the unexpected street fight. The hooligans, initially confident in their provocations, now found themselves overwhelmed by Alex's skill and strength. Despite being outnumbered, Alex was too angry to care.

As the confrontation intensified, clenched fists and gritted teeth revealed the building tension between them. 

The hooligan lunged forward, swinging a powerful right hook at Alex . He, more agile, skillfully dodged the blow with a swift sidestep. The momentum carried the aggressor off balance for a moment, creating an opening.

Seizing the opportunity, Alex retaliated with a series of quick jabs, aiming for the midsection. Each punch landed with a force, The hooligan , now on the defensive, tried to block the strikes, but some found their mark.

A grunted exhale escaped the hooligan as the blows connected. Determination flashed in his eyes, and he countered with a sweeping kick aimed at the legs of Alex. He stumbled backward but managed to regain footing.

Alex was the held by the second guy preventing his movement but he managed to release himself and twist his arm, breaking it. This lead to him cscreaming on the floor in pain.Alex stepped back and they noticed he was really skilled.

In the end, the hooligans, battered and defeated, retreated from the scene. Alex, catching his breath, observed the aftermath. His car, had been vandalized. The onlookers, now witnesses to the unexpected display of self-defense, exchanged glances, their perception of Alex shifting from the victim to the victor.

Shaken by the unexpected confrontation with the hooligans, Alex, determined to address the situation promptly, decided to head to a nearby hospital. While he wasn't physically harmed, the incident had left him a bit rattled, and he wanted to ensure there were no underlying issues.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Alex explained the situation to the staff, and they conducted a thorough checkup to rule out any potential injuries or health concerns. The medical examination provided some relief; there were no apparent injuries, but the emotional toll lingered.

After the hospital visit, Alex headed to the local police station to file a report about the orchestrated confrontation. He recounted the events, providing details about the individuals involved and the provocative nature of their actions. The police assured him that they would investigate the matter and take appropriate measures.

As he left the police station, Alex couldn't shake off the feeling of vulnerability. 

Alex's phone buzzed incessantly. Concerned family members, eager to ensure his well-being, flooded his inbox with calls and messages.

First up was a call from his mother, her voice filled with worry, "Alex, are you okay? I saw the news, and I couldn't help but panic. Please tell me you're safe."

Alex reassured his mother, "Mom, I'm fine. It was a weird incident, but I'm handling it. The police are on it, and I'm taking necessary precautions. Don't worry too much."

His sister who was home, sensing the need to lighten the mood, chipped in, "Well, litle brother, you're officially a internet sensation. How's it feel to be famous?"

Alex chuckled, "Not exactly the kind of fame I was aiming for, but I'll take it. Seriously, though, I'm okay. The authorities are doing their job."

His father, a bit more serious, added, "Alex, we know you can handle yourself, but this situation worries us. If you need anything, just let us know."

"Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it. I've got things under control," Alex assured his family.

As he hung up with his family, Emily's name flashed on his phone screen. He answered, "Hey, Emily. What's up?"

Emily's tone gave away her mood but she maintained her composure and professionalism, "Alex, I just wanted to check in. How are you holding up after everything that happened?"

"I'm good, Emily. It was unexpected, but I'm managing. The police are on it, and I'm making sure our security measures are top-notch," Alex explained.

Emily sighed, "This whole situation is insane. I'm glad you're okay. If there's anything I can do or if you need extra support at the office, just say the word."

"Thanks, Emily. Your support means a lot. Let's stay focused on our goals. We've got a company to run, and this won't derail us," Alex said, appreciating Emily's loyalty.

The police investigation unfolded, and evidence started to surface regarding the nature of the confrontation. It became apparent that the hooligans were not merely random troublemakers but individuals hired with a specific agenda.

Two days after the confrontation, a significant breakthrough occurred in the investigation. The police, aided by CCTV footage from the parking lot, managed to identify and apprehend one of the individuals involved in the incident. During the interrogation, the person admitted to being paid for their role in the confrontation but claimed that the payment came from a stranger.

The revelation added a layer of mystery to the situation. The hired individual couldn't provide specific details about the person who had approached them with the job. It seemed like Alex's rival, David, had taken extra precautions to distance himself from the hired hooligans.

As the news of the arrest spread, media outlets picked up the story, further amplifying the public's interest. Speculations and theories circulated about the mysterious figure behind the orchestrated attack on Alex. Some suggested that it might be a competitor with a vendetta, while others theorized about political motives.

Alex, meanwhile, maintained his focus on the ongoing police investigation. While the apprehended individual provided valuable information, the stranger orchestrating the attack remained elusive.