
Ding Yi Wake Up

Open his eye, he look around and saw a nurse beside him and ask

"where am I "

the nurse heard his voice and turn around and answer him

"you are in the hospital and was brought here by a girl"

Ding Yi was thinking that which girl will wasted her time by bring him to the hospital when the door to the room was push open and two people came in.

The two people are Ding Yi parents (Mr and Mr's Ding) his mother(Liu Rou)came to his side and said "my son you got us worried, how could we able to live without our only son".

"mom I am sorry, I just wanted to help the girl when I saw the situation she was in" Ding Yi told his mother.

His father came up to him and pat his shoulder while saying "my son I may not approve of the way you did, but I say you were a man for standing up for justice" his mother gave his father a glare for what he said.

"how did you know I was here and what happen" Ding Yi ask, because he does not understand how they got to find out.

"the girl you saved call us through your phone and told us about what happen and which hospital you have been taking to" his mom told him.

"but if she called you, were is she, because I did not find any one here when I wake up apart from the nurse" ding yi wonder.

his mother remembering that there is a someone else apart from them in the room, turn and ask the nurse "how is his condition".

" he is in good condition, but he will have to stay in the hospital for two days"

said the nurse to ding yi mother.

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