
Search and Destroy

As soon as the sun came up the next morning all of the hunters headed out. First they went to the hardware store to get walkie talkies, then they got sever grid maps of the island. Then they had Stan Mark the areas where the caves were. Then they broke the twenty hunters into groups. Everyone had plenty of weapons as well as lanterns. Sam, Dean, and Ketch each led a group. They all stayed together for the first mile then they broke up and headed out to their caves. All of them searched the ground looking for signs that people had bean around. No one found anything till they got close to the caves.

Sam and his group got to their cave first.

" Oh my god, what is that smell?"

"That my friend is the smell of DEATH! Dean, Ketch come in... We have made it to our cave and the stench of death is all over the place. If there are any survivors I will be really surprised."

"Okay Sammy keep us informed and be careful."

" It's Sam and you know I will. Any news from your sides."

" I don't know about Ketch but we haven't made it to our cave yet. But we have found a lot of tracks around here. Maybe we will get lucky and find someone alive."

"Maybe, hey I'm going into the cave now the walkies might break up depending on how far in we go."

"Awesome, hollar if you need me. Talk to you in a bit then."

Sam and his group walked into the cave. The smell of rot was horrible. One of the men ran back out of the cave and threw up in the bushes. He decided to wait there and guard the entrance.

Sam walked into the cave for about thirty feet, that's when he saw the first body. He got out his phone and took a picture of only the face. Which was a good thing because the body had large wholes in it where the vampires or the wild animals had been feasting on it. The intestinal tract was pulled out of the stomach and stretched out across the cave. Same moved in further, they found several bodies. He told all the ment to take pictures of only the faces. This way Stan could identify and tell their family's what happened to them. Once they went as far as they could they turned around and headed back out. Once outside Sam sent out a call on the walkie," Dean, Ketch you guys there? We just made it out of the cave and let me tell you it's not pretty."

"Dean just went in his cave, he said he heard noises and to let you know when you get out to head over to that cave in case he needs help. I still have a few hundred yards to go in order to get to my cave. I will let you know when I get out if I find anything."

Meanwhile Dean and his group enter their cave. Stan is with him, they both swear they hear crying. Everyone has their lanterns set on high as they go in. They take it slow and no one says a word or makes any noise. They get about ten feet in and the crying starts again. Stan starts typing on his phone then hands it to Dean.

"We have to find them. How many do you think could be in here. What if they are like the little girl at the church?"

Dean clears it out and types in," I don't know how many of them could be in here. We will take it one step at a time. And before we leave this cave I will preform the spell to break the hold of the master vampires. Then it will be safe to take them back to the church. Now let's move."

They walk into the cave for about five hundred feet, then they come to a u shaped bend in the entrance. Dean tells everyone to stay still for a minute, then Dean gets flush with the wall while Stan gets low to the ground. Then they turn around the corner only to come in contact with a huge cage. First thing Dean does is performed the spell, three of the people screamed then went quiet. They knew three had been touched by the master vampires. Then Dean picked the lock on the cage and they slowly made their way out of the cave. Once outside Stan took a head count while Dean called Sam and Ketch. "Hey guys you got your ears on? We found a boat load of survivors here and think a bigger escort back to the church would be just ACES."

Stan comes over to Dean and says," Well it looks like we have almost two hundred survivors left here. But you know the masters won't be happy about us getting them out of there."

"I know that's why I sent out a call to Bobby last night, He is coming with Garth and another hundred hunter, we will get your people out of town and find the vampires today. I also sent out a mayday to Sam and Ketch. One or both should be here soon. Let's start heading back to town."

So the hunters circle around the survivors and they head back to the church. About half way there they meet up with Sam and his group.

"Well at least your cave had a positive impact on things, our cave was very bad. Stan we have pictures you need to see but it can wait till we get them back to safety."

"Okay I don't think I am going to like this am I? Never mind I can wait till we get them back home."

Hey have you heard from Ketch recently? I know his cave is farther away but I don't like the radio silence."

"The last time I heard from him they just got to their cave so they won't hear your call being inside. Let's hope he does better than my group"

"That bad?"

"Yes, that bad. I don't even want to think about what's in that cave."

"Awesome let's get back, these people need rest and food. I performed the spell, three of them were touched but they are better now. We also need to get more food for them. Bobby should be here soon. Once we get them out of here hunting will be easier. We won't have to worry about any more casualties. MOVE OUT PEOPLE."

So Sam, Dean, Stan and their group got the people to the church. Stan got everyone down to the basement and settled in then Sam and Dean went out to get more food. While they were collecting things they got a call from Bobby saying they were half an hour out. Then they got a call from Ketch, he said he would be there in ten minutes. They said they would meet him at the church.

Once everyone made it to the church Sam and Dean gave the food to Stan then Ketch gave his report.

" Okay boys we need to get these people off the island before dark. The third cave has twelve vampires in it. We already killed the thralls so it's just them. But we have to be careful I don't trust it. It's just to easy if you know what I mean."

"Awesome well at least when Bobby gets here we will have more men. So we might have a fighting chance. He should be here in fifteen minutes."

"Good deal then let's get these people ready to go. The sooner we get them out of here the sooner we can do some hunting."

So everyone sat down to wait for Bobby and the reinforcements.

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