
Superman in the Marvel

A boy born with the powers of Superman in the Marvel Universe. It is the story of a young man who will rise to the peak. The story will include universes like 'The Incredibles, Marvel, and Ben10. [It is a simple story, made for fun and entertainment and doesn't intend to damage anyone. It's purely fictional. I don't own any content and it belongs to respective. the content I write belong to respected owners and this is simply fiction]

Luciferjl · Cómic
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19 Chs

I will rip you off

Magneto, using his mastery over magnetism, summoned nearby metallic objects, forming a swirling vortex of projectiles. Jagnar, adapting to the onslaught, weaved through the storm of metal with unparalleled agility. The ground shook as the projectiles collided with the earth.


Jagnar retaliated with a shockwave of energy, disrupting Magneto's control over the metallic storm. The reprieve allowed Jagnar to close the distance, delivering a series of rapid punches and kicks. Magneto, however, was not one to be easily overpowered.


With a focused mind, Magneto manipulated the iron in the soil beneath them, creating spikes that emerged from the ground. Jagnar, caught off guard, dodged the impromptu weapons with precision. The fight intensified, and Jagnar was growing impatient.


In a surprising twist, Magneto conjured a magnetic force field, deflecting Jagnar's attacks. The force field expanded, creating a protective barrier around Magneto. 


Jagnar hovered in the air before him, watching in silence to see what he was doing.


Then his eyes and the skin around his eyes turned bright red and orange as the heat vision shot out of his eyes.


Channelling his heat vision, Jagnar focused on a specific point of the force field, increasing the temperature until the magnetic field weakened. The force field wavered, giving Jagnar the opening he needed. With a burst of superhuman strength, he shattered the weakened barrier, sending Magneto sprawling.


The battle continued on the ground, with the combatants trading blows with unparalleled force. The park echoed with the clash of superhuman strength and the manipulation of magnetic forces. Magneto, however, wasn't one to be easily defeated.


Summoning his unparalleled mastery over magnetism, Magneto lifted several large metallic objects from his surroundings, forming a colossal suit of armour. The metallic behemoth advanced towards Jagnar, each step causing tremors in the earth.


Jagnar, faced with this formidable adversary, didn't back down. He focused his superhuman strength, launching himself at the metallic giant. The clash was colossal, the impact reverberating through the park. Jagnar aimed his punches at the chest area and on the metal head, attempting to smash the whole metal giant.


The clash between Jagnar and Magneto reached its zenith, the park echoing with the symphony of destruction and beyond human prowess. The air crackled with tension as Magneto had reached his limit and Jagnar still had it in him to take this longer. 


With a burst of energy, Jagnar propelled himself into the air, evading a barrage of metallic projectiles that Magneto had hurled his way.


As Jagnar soared above, he focused his attention on the massive metallic suit that Magneto had fashioned. With precision and strength, he unleashed a concentrated heat-vision barrage, targeting the joints and vulnerable points of the makeshift armour. The intense beams of heat cut through the metal, gradually weakening the structure.


Magneto, realising the threat, manipulated the remaining pieces of the armour to form a protective shield. The ground beneath them quivered as the force of the beams collided with the makeshift barrier. The night sky was illuminated with a spectacle of energy and power.


Seizing the moment, Magneto redirected the remaining shards of the armour towards Jagnar. The airborne pieces converged, forming a deadly cyclone of metallic fragments. 


Jagnar, however, anticipated the attack. Using his transcendent agility, he manoeuvred through the storm, avoiding the deadly projectiles with finesse.


The battle shifted once again to the ground, where Jagnar landed with a resounding thud. Magneto, undeterred, called upon the iron in the soil to form sharp spikes that jutted from the ground. Jagnar swiftly dodged the emerging weapons, his movements a dance of agility and precision.


With a determined focus, Jagnar closed the distance between them, launching a flurry of punches and kicks. Magneto, relying on his mastery over magnetism, created a magnetic barrier to deflect the blows. 


As the confrontation intensified, Magneto, recognizing the resilience of his opponent, unleashed a surge of magnetic energy. The very environment seemed to respond to his command as metallic objects from the surroundings were drawn into a swirling vortex, forming a formidable barrier around him.


Jagnar, surrounded by the metallic storm, remained steadfast. He harnessed his superhuman strength, creating a shockwave that dispersed the metallic barrier. The air vibrated with the force of the clash, and the ground bore the scars of their battle.


In a strategic move, Jagnar phased through the ground, evading Magneto's sight momentarily. The magnetic master scanned the area, anticipating the next move. Suddenly, Jagnar emerged from the earth, catching Magneto off guard. With a powerful punch, he sent Magneto hurtling backward.


The tension in the air was palpable as Jagnar closed in on the wounded Magneto. With a burst of speed, he sprinted through the air, closing the distance between them in an instant.


Magneto, groaning in pain as he struggled to rise, was caught off guard by Jagnar's sudden approach.


Before Magneto could fully regain his footing, Jagnar caught him, his hands tightening around Magneto's neck. With a swift motion, he removed Magneto's helmet, exposing the vulnerable man beneath. Magneto, realising the danger, attempted to summon the nearby debris to his aid, but his efforts were futile against Jagnar's relentless grip. He wasn't able to concentrate.


Jagnar's words cut through the tense silence, his voice laced with a mixture of anger and determination. "You old fuck, I didn't expect you to be this strong." Magneto's struggles only intensified as he felt the pressure of Jagnar's hands tightening around his neck.


With a surge of desperation, Magneto attempted to summon his magnetic powers once more, but Jagnar anticipated his move. With precision and ruthlessness, Jagnar unleashed a searing heat beam, cutting through Magneto's arms. A scream tore through the air as blood trickled from the wounds, staining the ground below.


"You shouldn't have come here, old man," Jagnar growled, his eyes blazing with fury. With a swift motion, he snapped Magneto's head to the side and hurled him to the ground with a resounding thud. The once formidable master of magnetism lay motionless, his life extinguished in an instant.


Emma Frost, who had been observing the confrontation from a distance, remained silent as she watched Magneto meet his end. Her attention shifted to Jagnar, who descended to the ground with an air of grim determination.


The night bore witness to the aftermath of their deadly encounter, with the echoes of their conflict reverberating through the silent park.