
Chapter 1 (Prologue(1))

"Mom, today is the day I'm going to get my quirk! I'm so excited to find my quirk. I hope it will be like All Might or the other heroes. I can't wait! »

A child who appeared to be 4 years old was now holding his mother's hand. His mother seems very young, one would think it was a brother and sister walking down the street.

Today is a special day for Uriko, the day he will discover his quirk. It's the day he will find out if he will be able to become a hero or remain a normal person.

His dream since he was a child he wants to become a super hero, like All Might, only he has an extremely weak physique. His weak physique prevents him from being able to do sports, weight training... but he doesn't lose hope.

He knows that even if his body is weak, he will be able to become a hero if he has a good quirk. But if he doesn't have a good quirk, he will feel extremely bad, so bad that he will never leave his house again.

"Yes, today you will discover your quirk. I hope it will be good, otherwise it doesn't matter. Don't forget that you have parents who are rich so you can always live a good life. A life where you can ask for whatever you want, I love you son. »

The one who spoke is her mother, Hishina, she is a person who has a quirk that makes her much smarter. Thanks to her quirk, she has managed to create a world-renowned company. The problem is that she has a lot of enemies, who want to have her skin, so all the time she has bodyguards with her. Only as today is a special day for her son she didn't take a bodyguard with her.

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