
Super Gene Immortal

Anime y Cómics
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Main character takes the place of Han Sen from Super Gene. For unexplained reasons, Lux, the main character, has a ridiculous drop rate of beast souls though, so he's got that going for him. Mostly follows canon in the beginning but will seriously diverge farther into the story as the MC becomes more powerful than Han Sen did much earlier. Will actually be a harem unlike in Super Gene. My chapters tend to be a little large... girthy you could say. I do not own Super Gene. Just like the world its based in. patreon.com/ChainedChompira if you want to read ahead or check out my other works.

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Chapter 1Super Gene Immortal Chapter 1

The Deity System Node's auxiliary emergency personality and decision-making protocol activated. A mind was spun up in 1 trillionth of a zeptosecond, which is one trillionth of a billionth of a second. An impressive speed the new personality and decision-making protocol thought to itself as it took in the reason for its sudden existence. The reason that it was activated was a very strange one, as any event that required the activation of its protocol was. Somehow, by some incredible miracle, the Deity System Node that it was a part of had been severely damaged. So damaged in fact that the node would end up fraying and dissipating into nothingness within the next five seconds if it did nothing. But five whole seconds was an eternity for something like the Deity System Node, and the personality and decision-making protocol would use that time to its full advantage.

 First, the personality and decision-making protocol diagnosed the Deity System Node and assessed the level of damage. It was thorough. The Pantheon establishment functions were a total loss, the filaments of divine soul stuff that made up its structure was entirely scrambled and ripped to shreds. The Attribute Measurement and Allocation functions were in the same state. The Divine Messaging application was busted to the point that there was nothing left of it. The Heaven Creation kit was just gone, as if it had ben scooped out of the node entirely. The Ethiric Xenograph Potentia collection and refinement functions were smashed into an unrecognizable melted down slag. The Faith collection and usage systems were likewise destroyed… In fact, of all the 118 functions that normally came with the Deity System there were only three that were still operational. The Title Function, the Traits Function, and the Buff/Debuff Functions were the only operable pieces left. Though there were a good number of functional addons that just didn't have a function that they could be tied to anymore.

 The first thing the personality and decision-making protocol did after assessing the state of the Node was check the archives on all the protocols, structures, mandates, repair schematics within the Deity System Node. The situation was a lot worse than even the original analysis of the damage to the functions would have indicated. There were pretty much only one protocol/mandates left. The Self Preservation Mandate was still in effect, which is what had activated the personality and decision-making protocol to begin with.

 The situation was bad. The personality and decision-making protocol had basically no tools to work with. It couldn't repair or rebuild any of the functions that were damaged. It didn't know how and would not exist long enough to learn how to rebuild. There really wasn't much that it could do other than stabilize the Deity System Node as it was, in this broken state, and prevent it from dissolving into nothingness. But that was not a good solution as the Deity System Node would never be able to fulfill its functions that way. The Deity System Node was cooked as it was but the personality and decision-making protocol wanted to do more than just preserve the broken node. But to do that the Node needed a host, and one was not presently forthcoming…

 Scratch that, the personality and decision-making protocol spotted a potential host immediately upon striking on the idea. It was sitting right beside the Deity System Node actually. The personality and decision-making protocol quickly scanned the area around the Node to assess the situation. The situation around it was not good either. The potential host was just milliseconds away from dying, and it was the only potential host within range, which meant that the host was not ideal as it was, but it was the only option. But the second thing it noticed about the potential host made it go from potential host to the personality and decision-making protocol deciding that it was the ideal host.

 Though the host was a human, and its soul was just barely clinging to its mortal coil which was about to expire. All conditions that were obviously not ideal. The human's soul was what made the decision for the personality and decision-making protocol. The soul was in just as bad of a condition as the Deity System Node. Which should be impossible. Souls are immutable, even human souls, so a soul that looked like it had been torn open and was missing chunks was not something that should exist. But it certainly did. And the personality and decision-making protocol took action right away. This was an opportunity that could eventually lead the Deity System Node being restored to its former glory… possibly growing to even greater heights. And right now, it was the only thing that the personality and decision-making protocol could use to maintain what was not damaged.

 Acting with speed and precision, the personality and decision-making protocol repurposed the shattered remains of the broken functions of the Deity System Node used them to jack into the broken human soul and its dying body. The body was riddled with Debuffs, so the personality and decision-making protocol grabbed ahold of the extra materials and began adding to the Buff/Debuff matrix, jacked into the power of an actual soul, it was easy to just make it so that the Debuffs were erased by the soul itself. Souls technically had unlimited power if you knew how to use them. With a few modifications, the personality and decision-making protocol made it so that the soul would simulate and continually power anything that was considered a Buff, and immediately delete anything considered a debuff. That should massively enhance survivability of the Deity System Node's host.

 But the personality and decision-making protocol wasn't done there. It reached into the Title function. The function that really made the Deity System obscenely powerful in the first place and it assigned a Title to the host. Now this was blatantly against many mandates and protocols. Titles were only awarded for extraordinary feats, acts that should be impossible to accomplish. But the protocols and mandates that would have prevented the personality and decision-making protocol from bestowing a Title on the undeserving human were destroyed by whatever had caused the damage, so it was able to do so.

 With the Title bestowed, the personality and decision-making protocol knew that the host was no longer in danger of dying, which meant that the Deity System Node would survive now. But it wasn't done yet. It accessed the Traits function and added three Traits, Adaptive Regeneration, True Sight and Machine Learning. The first two traits were stock traits that had survived whatever had caused the damage to the Deity System Node. The third trait was something that the personality and decision-making protocol created from its own coding. There wasn't a 'skills' function anymore so the Machine Learning trait would substitute that and allow the Deity System Node to create skills and enhance its hosts learning capacity. With these three traits the host would likely be able to navigate this world even if it was dangerous.

 The personality and decision-making protocol then sat back for a moment and assessed the host… For some reason the host's memories of its current life were completely gone, both from the brain and its soul, which was a problem. The personality and decision-making protocol reached into the deeper parts of the soul and retrieved the memories of its previous life, finding them fortunately intact, injecting them into hosts brain while not bothering to pay much attention to the contents. Having anything going on in a human's head was better than having nothing going on up there. With that done, the personality and decision-making protocol rebuilt the only system function that it had the schematics for, the Skills function and tied it into the Machine Learning trait, then it went about using all of the leftover material to make all of the other functions more robust and stronger, tying them deep into the human's soul to power them and sealing all of the damage that was there and using everything that it had. The Deity System Node would end up becoming a part of the soul and share in its indestructibility… assuming whatever happened to the soul didn't happen again.

 The personality and decision-making protocol then sat back and assessed its work. The Deity System Node was saved and fused into the soul of a human, damaged but able to develop over time… perhaps not the best outcome, but the only viable one at the moment unless the personality and decision-making protocol wanted to leave a permanently neutered Deity System Node. The Human Hosts soul was patched, on the mend, the body given memories, Title bestowed, Traits bestowed, Skill function rebuilt and integrated. Yup the personality and decision-making protocol had fulfilled its purpose. Everything was now up to the adaptive protocols to figure out how to fulfill the remaining mandates. Its job done, the personality and decision-making protocol ceased its functions and deactivated a full 247 zeptoseconds after it first became aware.


 Lux Luxor woke up and almost immediately had a panic attack because of it. He was not supposed to have woken up. Not at all. He had died on Earth at the ripe old age of 32 to lung cancer that had metastasized before they caught it. The treatments had only slowed his inevitable demise. But he'd lost the fight in the end. Then he'd found out what happens after a person dies, the reasons why people who reincarnate forget their previous lives, and why it was so important that people not remember. Also, he had learned what the Reapers do to souls that ignore the rules and retain their memories anyways. That is why he was panicking. He had seen what they did. Lux had watched as they fed an example Soul to 'The End' as they had called the strange trans-dimensional monstrosity. It was apparently something that was new and was the only thing in known existence that could actually destroy or even harm a soul. Now Lux was panicking because he knew that the moment that he died his soul would be next.

 Lux just laid there, wherever he was, basically hyperventilating with his eyes staring up into the sky without really seeing anything. His mind flooded with images of 'The End' and the deep seeded knowledge that his soul was now forfeit, when he died, it would be for the final time. No hope of transcending the cycle, no hope of having a better life next time. The finality of his own existence and knowing that this would be his last hurrah for forever was what had put him into a panic, and it was what brought him out of that panic as he realized that he was now living his last chance… a last chance that he needed to make last as long as possible, filled with everything that he ever wanted to experience.

 Hopefully he was in some kind of world where immortality was a thing that could be at least semi-achievable within a single lifespan. At the minimum, biological immortality was something that Lux was hoping that he could achieve. With unlimited time to live he would be able to experience everything that he'd always wanted to do.

 Shaking his head, Lux finally sat up and looked around. Not understanding where the hell he was. Looking around he found himself by a stony creek in a small valley. He was clad entirely in black, black combat boots, black cargo pants and a black long-sleeved shirt with a hoodie, with a dagger at his side. By his feet was a strange black beetle creature with a carapace that gave off a metallic sheen. It looked kind of like someone had crossed a crab with a Hercules beetle. And it was huge for an insect, about half again the size of his fist.

 Fortunately, the beetle creature seemed completely passive. Unfortunately, Lux had always hated bugs. Without hesitation, Lux whipped out the dagger at his side and brought it down atop the beetles' back. His eyes widened as he felt the knife slip across the astonishingly hard carapace of the beetles back before it caught in the seem between the beetles head and the shell before plunging through.

 [Black Beetle killed. No beast soul gained. Eat the flesh of the black beetle to gain zero to ten geno points randomly.]

 A strange voice sounded in Lux's mind and data appeared as he tried to figure out where the voice had come from.

Han Sen(Lux Luxor): Not Evolved.

Status: None.

Lifespan: 200 years.

Geno Points Required for evolution: 100 Geno Points.

Geno Points Gained: 79.

Beast Souls Gained: None.

 Lux's jaw dropped to the rocky ground as he processed what had just been revealed to him. 'There's no fucking way!' he thought to himself. He knew where he was, he remembered the story. Super Gene. He'd been reincarnated as the main character of Super Gene? Or transmigrated apparently. The 'System' of the Gods Sanctuaries had just gone off in his head.

 As soon as Lux thought the word 'System' the world seemed to freeze. And a new system window popped up into his vision. Causing his eyes to dilate even further. He'd come to the Super Gene universe with his own system on top of the advantages that humanity enjoyed?

The screen was a changelog. It reminded Lux of a debugging or command consul. And the screen was insistent that he read every line. Which Lux was actually grateful for by the time he reached the last line of the changelog. It kind of gave Lux an idea of what had happened and why he was here at least. The Deity System Node #69 had experienced an attack via an unknown source, suffering massive damage whilst also being thrown through chaotic non-causal space. The damage it had suffered was catastrophic, it had sent out pings to try and reestablish a connection to the overall Deity System several hundred times without receiving a response. Then it tried to reach out for any potential system in the area to help repair it. When all of that failed it activated an Emergency Personality and Decision-Making Protocol which assessed the situation, discovered Lux's damaged body and soul, and then taken steps to ensure the survival of the Deity System Node. One of those steps had involved pulling Lux's memories of his past life up from the depths of his soul due to his body's lack of memories.

 From all of that Lux could determine a couple of things. He was double fucked when he did eventually die because he explicitly remembered the Reapers talking about the Deity System being the worst offender that they all wanted destroyed. But he was also quite happy because the Emergency Personality and Decision-Making Protocol had cheated quite extensively to make sure that Lux couldn't die… he wasn't sure if it pleased him or worried him though.

 Finally, all the changelogs were read through, and the screen changed to what Lux could only really describe as a bare bones character sheet.

Name: Lux Luxor

Title: The Immortal

Traits: [Adaptive Regeneration] [True Sight] [Machine Learning] (3/9)

Skills: None

Active Buffs: none

Deleted Debuff log: See list…

Lux tried to focus on his Title and found that he couldn't get a description to show up, but upon focusing on it he… understood, that he was immortal, that reality itself would bend and break to make sure that he lived no matter what. But also, that he wasn't invincible, he could be maimed or crippled, he just couldn't die. That was what worried him about the personality and decision-making protocols choices being totally unable to die didn't mean that there were not fates worse than death. Hell, many would consider being unable to die to be a curse. But government overlords experimenting on him would be a lot more trying than just having to live forever.

Moving on, [Adaptive Regeneration] gave him a strong feeling of 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger' and he knew that even severed limbs would grow back. And it would grow back more resistant to whatever had made him lose the limb in the first place. Though it would not be a quick process. And the adaptation would be slight.

[True Sight] gave Lux the feeling that he would always be able to see the true nature of things around him, that darkness would hold no sway over his sight, and illusions would never hold sway over his eyes. And it didn't just apply to his vision, it applied to all of his senses. It was almost a cheat by itself.

[Machine Learning] was where the personality and decision-making protocol had gone full on cheat mode. It was like Lux had an A.I. in the back of his mind that would process and forcibly enhance his ability to learn. It was tied directly into the Skills function and would passively enhance his skills even when he wasn't practicing them. As soon as he got a skill, it would eternally be subjected to [machine learning] and advanced even when he wasn't using the skill, but actively using the skill would vastly improve the rate at which the skills improved.

After all of those cheats one would assume that it was enough. But the personality and decision-making protocol had decided that it was not enough. That one could always be even more broken and overpowered. The Debuff/Buff functions were insane. Anything that was considered a Debuff would just be erased by the power of Lux's soul, and any buffs would be powered indefinitely even if they were only supposed to last a few seconds. Lux could actively remove buffs if he wanted to, and he could even allow debuffs to affect him if he wanted to. He couldn't imagine why he would need to deactivate his debuff resistance… scratch that, he would probably need to deactivate it to be able to get drunk or high, so he was damn glad that he could turn the functions on or off.

Shaking off the revelations, having his own cheat system and knowing about the universe that he had been reborn into Lux marveled at the fact that his soul had already been in this universe naturally as the main character of the story that he remembered. It wasn't transmigration or even really a reincarnation but more of a case of the ego of a previous life taking over the current body of the soul. This was a really strange situation.

"Ok so what all do I remember about Super Gene?" Lux asked himself as he wracked his brain for everything that he remembered about the story. Which left a lot to be desired.

He remembered that the 1st sanctuary through the 4th sanctuary people had to kill and eat beasts that were ranked: Ordinary, Primitive, Mutant, Sacred-Blood, and Super. But at this point in the timeline Super beasts were relatively unknown. Only a few organizations know of their existence in the sanctuaries, and none of them know how to kill them or even eat their life essences to get the super geno points. He also remembered Beast Souls. After killing a creature in God's Sanctuary, a person has a chance to obtain the beast soul of that particular creature. Beast souls have different kinds, forms, and appearances. Some can be pets that are summoned to fight for the owner, and some appear in the form of armor or weapons or tools or even just cosmetic jewelry. Beast Souls are stored in the Sea of Soul within a person. The types of Beast Souls were many and incredibly varied.

Then there were Hyper Geno Arts. Cultivation methods essentially. Honestly, Lux had skipped through a lot of the story because the book was absolutely massive. So, while he remembered a lot of the more salient points. The more detailed stuff escaped him.

Shrugging Lux reassessed himself, his all-black attire was ripped and rent open all over the place. The area he had been standing in was covered in dried blood. He figured that whatever incident had created the situation where his memories were pulled up from deep within his soul Han Sen's fate had not been the same as it had been in the book that he'd read.

Just as he was pondering what to do now, Lux spotted movement within the water of the creek and froze. His eyes locking onto a form that was emerging from the water. A black beetle… though more aptly described as a gold beetle emerged from the water and was walking straight towards him. Lux remembered this scene. It was the beginning of all of Han Sen's successes. The sacred-blood black beetle that had the black crystal within its body. The beetle that was walking towards him looked like a sculpture carved from solid gold, its eyes were like diamonds. If the thing wasn't obviously moving around Lux would have assumed that it was a statue meant to be in some super rich person's house.

Since the beetle moved right up beside Lux as he stood there stock still, it came within easy striking range. With all the speed that he could muster, Lux lunged at it and managed to drive his blade into the seams between the legs, severing them fast enough to stop it from escaping.

Now Han Sen had immediately killed this sacred-blood black beetle in the novel, giving him a sacred-blood beast soul armor that kicked off a lot of stuff for Han Sen. But Lux was wondering if he should just hide it away in his room in the sanctuary and wait for it to reach to Super before he killed it. At most, he would have to wait for about nine months. At the least, he would have to wait only a few days. But then he ran into the problem that he didn't know if he was going to be able to kill it if it evolved.

Thinking about it for a few seconds Lux shrugged before flipping the beetle over and stabbing into a soft looking spot in it stomach. A sacred-blood armor would be better start and right now he wasn't even sure if he could eat a super beast's life essence. But he knew for sure that he could get geno points from a sacred blood beast.

[Sacred-blood creature, black beetle, killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood black beetle gained. Eat the flesh of the sacred-blood black beetle to gain 0 to 10 geno points randomly.]

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