
Super Gaming System

Zhuge Xiang, an aspiring disciple of the Shura Sect, dedicated himself to mastering Qi and achieving the coveted status of an official sect member. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the extraordinary "magic weapon" known as the Super Game System. As Zhuge Xiang's strength grows, this mystical device unveils a plethora of enchanting functions: Character profiles, an experience-based leveling system, skill enhancement, inventory management, task assignments, an intuitive map radar, and valuable life skills. Join us on a journey as we witness Zhuge Xiang's remarkable ascent, guided by the power of the game system, to become a renowned figure known throughout the realm.

Nebula_The_King · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Ch.4 Lu Yuling and The Qingbo Palm Technique

"You are so impulsive, and you actually disclosed the news about the Blood Spirit Fruit. If the news leaks out, aren't you afraid of it being discovered..."

In a bright and clean large room, a young man, about thirteen or fourteen years old, with a look of hatred on his face, unceremoniously said to Li Bin in front of him. This young man who spoke was none other than Li Bin's cousin, Zhao Feiyun, who had comprehended Qi three months ago.

Among the one hundred thousand disciples of the Shura Sect, those who hadn't comprehended Qi could only live in a small room with three people. However, if they comprehended Qi and reached the first level of the Qi Cultivation Realm, becoming an official disciple of the Shura Sect would be assured. Both food and accommodation conditions would improve. Like Zhao Feiyun, he could already live alone in a larger room.

Although it was his cousin in front of him, when Li Bin heard his words, he didn't dare to reply. He just smiled coyly, saying, "Didn't you see Zhuge Xiang's reaction? A person without an understanding of energy, yet he dragged you into this. Besides, you are the only relative I have in the Shura Sect, so you must help me."

"Don't worry. When we joined Shura Sect, my aunt told us to support each other, and I will naturally help you," Zhao Feiyun replied, nodding his head. "Are you planning to challenge him in three days? Time is running out, actually, you could wait until you acquire the Blood Spirit Fruit."

At this point, he paused briefly, looked at Li Bin with an embarrassed expression, and knew that it was pointless to discuss these matters at this time. So he changed the subject, saying, "However, as long as you make good use of it, in three days, you can defeat someone who lacks the energy comprehension."

"In the past few months, my understanding of the Ghost Walk technique has started to show promise. Even though you don't have energy comprehension, you may not grasp its essence, but after three days of practice, even those without energy comprehension will find it hard to keep up with you. After three days, don't hold back. The fewer people who know about the Blood Spirit Fruit, the better."

Towards the end, Zhao Feilong had a determined look on his face, and Li Bin nodded happily, as if he could already envision defeating Zhuge Xiang: "Haha, with you teaching me the Ghost Walk, what's Zhuge Xiang? In three days, I'll definitely give him a run for his money."

Li Bin followed Zhao Feiyun's instruction to practice the Ghost Walk in preparation for the big battle in three days. Meanwhile, Zhuge Xiang went to a small lake, not bothering to seek help from Li Bin. He knew Li Bin would likely go to Zhao Feiyun for assistance. Unconcerned, Zhuge Xiang focused on his own cultivation.

Why did Zhuge Xiang return to the Shura Sect? The reason was simple: he didn't want to live as a beggar. The Shura Sect offered the promise of wealth and status. By becoming an official disciple of the Shura Sect, he could control his own destiny, free from the fear of becoming a destitute beggar, beaten and killed for no reason.

However, as Zhuge Xiang reached the small lake, his footsteps paused briefly. This small lake was quite remote and secluded, located some distance from the Shura Sect's main base. Yet today, an unexpected visitor had found her way to the lake.

Dressed elegantly with fair skin and a graceful figure, a young girl in a white gauze skirt was practicing by the small lake. As she gracefully moved her hand, a soft blue light emanated from her.

Clearly, she was practicing a set of palm techniques. The gentle palm movements resembled the serene waters of a blue lake, unassuming yet pervasive. The technique didn't seem overwhelmingly powerful, but every movement created ripples in the air, even causing sand and stones on the ground to be lifted by the air currents. It appeared that once someone got entangled in these movements, it would be difficult to break free.

"Lu Yuling?" Seeing the uninvited guest by the lake, Zhuge Xiang was slightly surprised.

Lu Yuling was indeed in the Shura Sect, and she was a renowned figure. Among the one hundred thousand disciples, the goal of a year's hard work was to comprehend Qi. She had achieved this feat half a year ago. Among Zhuge Xiang's peers, she was one of the most outstanding geniuses, shining like a star.

Her graceful figure and the aura emanating from her palm techniques captivated Zhuge Xiang's gaze. Unbeknownst to him, he had been watching her practice for quite some time before she finally spoke up: "Have you been watching for so long without coming out?"

It was considered taboo to observe someone else's cultivation. Hearing her words, Zhuge Xiang realized he had been watching her for an extended period and felt a bit embarrassed. However, he replied candidly, "I apologize. I was entranced by your palm technique. I usually practice by the lake alone, and I didn't expect anyone else to be here today."

"So that's the case. I found this secluded lake by accident. It's a quiet environment with ample water vapor, ideal for practicing the Qingbo Palm. I didn't expect someone else to be using it today." Lu Yuling's initially furrowed brows relaxed as she spoke.

Looking at Zhuge Xiang, Lu Yuling couldn't help feeling a bit embarrassed. Qinbo Palm was a recent addition to her repertoire. Ideally, it required a relaxed environment for practice, and this lake, with its pristine surroundings and abundant water vapor, seemed perfect. However, she had noticed someone else was already practicing here.

In principle, she should have left, but she found it challenging to part with such an excellent practice location. This was crucial for her growth and cultivation. For a cultivator, few things were more important than personal cultivation.

After a moment of hesitation, Lu Yuling decided to be honest and asked, "I see that the lake is usually deserted, and you're the only one who practices here, right? Would you mind if I stay here and practice too?"

"Ah!?" Lu Yuling's request to stay and practice caught Zhuge Xiang by surprise. "You want to stay and practice as well? Don't you usually avoid having others watch you during your practice? Moreover, you're the top student in our class, a prodigy."

With a smile on her face, Lu Yuling shook her head. "Qingbo Palm is just one of the martial arts in the Cangwu Pavilion. Anyone who understands Qi can access it. It's not an exclusive secret technique. What matters is that this environment is conducive to practicing the Qingbo Palm. As long as you don't mind me practicing alongside you..."

"I don't mind at all. It's a spacious place anyway," Zhuge Xiang replied with a smile, indicating his acceptance.

Zhuge Xiang had developed a positive impression of Lu Yuling, not just due to her appearance and strength but also her kindness. After