
Super Gaming System

Zhuge Xiang, an aspiring disciple of the Shura Sect, dedicated himself to mastering Qi and achieving the coveted status of an official sect member. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the extraordinary "magic weapon" known as the Super Game System. As Zhuge Xiang's strength grows, this mystical device unveils a plethora of enchanting functions: Character profiles, an experience-based leveling system, skill enhancement, inventory management, task assignments, an intuitive map radar, and valuable life skills. Join us on a journey as we witness Zhuge Xiang's remarkable ascent, guided by the power of the game system, to become a renowned figure known throughout the realm.

Nebula_The_King · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Ch.3 Elixir of Defense

The Shura Sect, a demonic martial arts sect, thrived on conflict and war. Its disciples embraced combat as a means of promotion and believed that even in death, they would continue their battle in the Shura Realm. This was the core tenet of the Shura Sect: to resolve disputes through combat.

Initially, Li Bin limited his bullying to the amiable Niu Geng and never crossed boundaries with Zhuge Xiang. He secured a promise of a Blood Spirit Fruit from his cousin, Zhao Feiyun, and already considered himself a successful qi energy cultivator. He was confident that he would soon become an official disciple of the Shura Sect. Consequently, Li Bin had grown bolder, and Zhuge Xiang's tepid reaction only fueled the growing tension between them.

In any realm, there are sensitive topics that should never be touched upon. Zhuge Xiang, hailing from a humble background, considered his education a sore spot. When Li Bin insinuated that he lacked education, he unwittingly brushed against Zhuge Xiang's raw nerve. Consequently, Zhuge Xiang challenged Li Bin to a duel.

In a sect that championed conflict resolution through force like the Shura Sect, the acceptance of a duel was almost never declined. Refusal not only led to disgrace among fellow disciples but also drew the scorn of masters and elders throughout the sect.

Caught off guard, Li Bin never expected Zhuge Xiang to propose a duel. His face froze as he grappled with the unforeseen turn of events. In the Shura Sect, even beheading an opponent during a duel was considered a minor punishment. As he gazed into Zhuge Xiang's bloodshot eyes, Li Bin regretted his provocation. He had unwittingly placed himself in a precarious position. Although he believed that once he obtained the Blood Spirit Fruit, he could undoubtedly become an official disciple of the Shura Sect, he hadn't acquired it yet, and, like Zhuge Xiang, he remained an ordinary individual with no mastery of energy.

"What? Are you afraid? Seems like you're all bark and no bite," Zhuge Xiang taunted as Li Bin hesitated, displaying his reluctance to engage. Zhuge Xiang saw through his opponent's hesitation and wore a derisive smirk.

"You're no different from me, just an ordinary individual without energy mastery. What are you so proud of? I'll take you on," Zhuge Xiang declared, goading Li Bin. While Li Bin may have been confident of victory, he hadn't yet grasped Qi, and Zhuge Xiang perceived no reason to fear him.

"Hit me!" Zhuge Xiang didn't waste any time once Li Bin agreed. He initiated his attack swiftly, launching an unexpected and vicious punch at Li Bin.

Although he hadn't yet mastered Qi, Zhuge Xiang had undergone rigorous training during his year at the Shura Sect. While the Yang Qi Fist lacked considerable power, Zhuge Xiang's proficiency in the martial art lent his strikes a certain forcefulness.

In a fight, seizing every advantageous opportunity was essential. In his haste, Li Bin could only raise his arm to block the punch, but Zhuge Xiang's blow landed squarely on Li Bin's wrist with full force. Li Bin was sent staggering backward several steps, his wrist throbbing with numbness.

Capitalizing on his advantage, Zhuge Xiang pressed his attack, moving in like a lion pursuing its prey. There were no flashy techniques or elaborate moves, just another straightforward punch, delivered with 100% intensity.


With each successive punch, Li Bin found himself driven further back until his back collided forcefully with the room's wall. His internal organs shook from the impact. Cornered and with no means of escape, Zhuge Xiang's relentless assault continued, each blow as unrelenting as the last.

"Too much talk!" An enraged Li Bin bellowed as he faced Zhuge Xiang's third punch. In a desperate attempt to turn the tide, he launched his own straight punch, meeting Zhuge Xiang's head-on.

In the heat of the moment, with everything at stake, Li Bin recognized that he had erred in judgment. The first misstep had cost him the upper hand, and surrendering wasn't an option. He had to fight back, to press forward recklessly, even if it meant putting it all on the line for a chance at survival.

However, Zhuge Xiang, well-versed in capitalizing on his advantages, was not about to let Li Bin regain his footing. Their fists collided without restraint, one side brimming with readiness, the other desperately countering. The power dynamic was clear as day, with the force of the counterattack reverberating through Li Bin's body, causing him to stagger.

A cold determination flashed in Zhuge Xiang's eyes as he seized the moment when Li Bin faltered. He raised his leg and delivered a punishing kick to Li Bin's abdomen.

Unlike other parts of the body protected by bones, the abdomen offered no such defense. A powerful strike could inflict damage several times more severe than any other area.

As Zhuge Xiang's foot connected with Li Bin's abdomen, the latter felt as though his intestines had been ruptured. Overwhelmed by the excruciating pain, he doubled over, clutching his stomach, and curled up on the floor like a wounded animal. His mouth expelled gastric juices and bile in a display of his agony. It was clear he could no longer continue the fight.

Disregarding Li Bin's anguish, Zhuge Xiang grabbed him by the neck and almost lifted him off the ground. He pressed Li Bin's back firmly against the wall, his iron-like palms squeezing with unyielding pressure, causing Li Bin's complexion to pale as if his throat were trapped in a vice.

"Zhuge Xiang, stop!" The sanctity of a duel within the Shura Sect meant that no one could interfere, even if the outcome remained uncertain. Niu Geng had watched the duel unfold with increasing concern but had refrained from intervening. However, now that Li Bin had clearly lost his ability to fight back, and Zhuge Xiang seemed poised to deliver a lethal blow, Niu Geng could no longer stand idly by.

Despite Niu Geng's plea, Zhuge Xiang paid him no heed. His eyes burned with ferocity as he drew closer to Li Bin's face. "Well, what's your decision?" he demanded.

With his insides in turmoil, his throat constricted, and the air supply cut off, Li Bin had no choice but to nod, a gesture of surrender. In a choked voice, he offered an apology for the offensive words he had uttered against Zhuge Xiang earlier.

"Ding! Defeat of ordinary man Li Bin. You gained 10 experience points and the Elixir of Defense."

Just as Zhuge Xiang defeated Li Bin and prompted his surrender, a mechanical voice suddenly resounded in Zhuge Xiang's mind, leaving him momentarily stunned. Simultaneously, he raised his hand to find a small pill had appeared in his palm, emitting a peculiar fragrance that wafted into his nostrils. The pill was light yellow in color, about the size of a soybean, and it exuded a mysterious aura.

Elixir of Defense: This elixir, when consumed, boosts physical defense by 150 points for a duration of 1 minute.

As Zhuge Xiang examined the pill in his hand, a series of information suddenly materialized before his eyes. Having already grasped the rules of the game system, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. It seemed that defeating opponents indeed granted experience points, and this time, something extra had appeared.

After a year of diligent training within the Shura Sect, he had accumulated 80 experience points. Astonishingly, defeating Li Bin had instantly added 10 experience points to his total. This single battle had yielded nearly a month and a half worth of self-cultivation.

The sudden influx of 10 experience points filled Zhuge Xiang with hope. He had been just 10 points shy of reaching the required total to level up, achieve Qi cultivation, and become an official disciple of the Shura Sect. Finally, that goal seemed within reach.

"I don't accept this duel. I wasn't prepared, and you attacked me suddenly. I won't accept it," Li Bin declared at that moment. His pain had subsided somewhat, and he sought to revoke the duel.

Despite having been defeated by Zhuge Xiang and having humbly apologized to him, Li Bin remained unyielding. In his eyes, both he and Zhuge Xiang lacked energy mastery, making his loss seem impossible.

"Unsatisfied?" Zhuge Xiang, hearing Li Bin's protest, couldn't conceal his eagerness to earn more experience points. "Then what do you suggest?"

"I want a rematch. Three days from now, there's a formal duel scheduled in the Martial Arts Field. Are you brave enough to face me?" Li Bin challenged Zhuge Xiang, his gaze unwavering.

"Li Bin, Zhuge Xiang, why are you doing this? We're all roommates sharing the same roof," Niu Geng interjected, troubled by the escalating conflict between the two.

Unperturbed by Niu Geng's words, Zhuge Xiang paid them little heed. Inexperienced but willing, he readily accepted the challenge, showing no intention of refusing