
Super Gaming System

Zhuge Xiang, an aspiring disciple of the Shura Sect, dedicated himself to mastering Qi and achieving the coveted status of an official sect member. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the extraordinary "magic weapon" known as the Super Game System. As Zhuge Xiang's strength grows, this mystical device unveils a plethora of enchanting functions: Character profiles, an experience-based leveling system, skill enhancement, inventory management, task assignments, an intuitive map radar, and valuable life skills. Join us on a journey as we witness Zhuge Xiang's remarkable ascent, guided by the power of the game system, to become a renowned figure known throughout the realm.

Nebula_The_King · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs

Ch.23 Blood-Sucking Vines

"Oh? Is it me in the first match?" Zhuge Xiang opened his eyes and stood up. After several duels in the final eight, Zhuge Xiang felt that the energy in his body had recovered by 60% or 70%. He raised his hand to stop Niu Geng, who was worried and about to speak, and went directly to the ring.

"Haha, I don't know if it's your bad luck or my luck is just too good. You were never my opponent in the first place. I didn't expect that you'd have even less time to rest than me," Lei Potian remarked with a confident and proud demeanor, laughing heartily.

Lei Potian had evidently fought in the first match of the top eight, while Zhuge Xiang was slated for the last. Although both had been granted some rest, Zhuge Xiang's downtime was far from enough for a full recovery.

"Have you finished your idle chatter? I'm in a hurry," Zhuge Xiang said calmly and without much emotion as he slowly drew the blood-refining knife from his back. He locked eyes with Lei Potian, his tone and gaze dead serious.

As Zhuge Xiang spoke, his scarlet qi surged, and phantoms of countless ferocious spirits emerged around him, exuding a potent and intimidating aura. The moment he stepped onto the stage, Zhuge Xiang activated the bloodthirsty technique.

"Oh? You're jumping straight into the bloodthirsty mode right from the get-go? Looks like I won't need to hold back," Lei Potian responded with a smirk, his massive axe slightly raised. His crimson qi, even more potent than Zhuge Xiang's, emanated from his body, creating an imposing aura. Both combatants were now bloodthirsty.

Bloodthirsty versus bloodthirsty—before the battle had even commenced, both fighters showcased their most formidable strengths. The spectators in the audience erupted with excitement, and the atmosphere crackled with tension. Sinister and evil spectral faces emerged due to the blood technique, casting a terrifying aura.

"Their strengths are evenly matched, so it's unlikely we'll see a quick resolution," Lu Yuling whispered to her companions. Zhuge Xiang's activation of the bloodthirsty technique indicated his acknowledgment of Lei Potian's threat, while Lei Potian recognized Zhuge Xiang's strength and the effectiveness of his peculiar method in slowing down an opponent's speed. This led to both of them opting for the bloodthirsty state to ensure their competitive edge.

"Senior Brother Ling Wufeng, who do you think will win?" A disciple who had a close relationship with Ling Wufeng asked from below the stage. His gaze remained fixed on the two figures battling on the stage.

"If Zhuge Xiang has some hidden tricks up his sleeve, then we can discuss it. If not, Lei Potian should have the upper hand. After all, Zhuge Xiang started at the second level of Qi Cultivation Realm, and his energy hasn't fully recovered. He's running on fumes," Ling Wufeng replied calmly, his eyes focused on the duel unfolding before him.

"Senior Sister Lu, do you think Zhuge Xiang can win?" On the opposite side, Niu Geng approached Lu Yuling and asked, his face filled with deep concern.

Turning her head to look at Niu Geng, Lu Yuling's expression remained cold as she responded in a flat tone, "It's irrelevant to me who your friends are. You've performed well in this regard, but you also need to learn to trust your friends. While we don't know the full extent of Zhuge Xiang's abilities, I'm anticipating his victory."

"Do I really need to learn to trust my friends?" Niu Geng pondered Lu Yuling's words, lowering his head as if contemplating them. Eventually, he nodded as if he'd grasped something valuable.

As the audience engaged in debates over whether Lei Potian or Zhuge Xiang would emerge victorious, the actual outcome depended on the actions of the combatants on the stage. Zhuge Xiang and Lei Potian, both of whom were aggressive fighters, ignited the spectators' excitement.

Despite Lu Yuling's formidable Clear Wave Palm and Ling Wufeng's impeccable Throwing Knife technique, the Shura Sect disciples found the showdown between Zhuge Xiang and Lei Potian, two fierce male combatants, the most exhilarating.

Lei Potian, boasted a third-level Qi Cultivation Realm and wielded a mighty battle axe, was a powerhouse capable of splitting mountains. But what about Zhuge Xiang? Although he was only at the second level of cultivation, even when he activated the bloodthirsty technique, he couldn't quite match Lei Potian's might. However, Lei Potian had just one weapon, while Zhuge Xiang possessed three magical items.

The Blood Refining Knife, Frost Headband, and Star Chaser Boots, with the latter enhancing his movement speed by 30%, rendered Zhuge Xiang faster than Lei Potian in terms of speed alone.

Both the Star Chaser Boots and the Frost Headband offered additional defensive capabilities. When combined with the blood-sucking effect of the Blood Refining Knife, Zhuge Xiang, despite sustaining injuries, seemed to have endured them more gracefully compared to Lei Potian in their head-on confrontation.

Zhuge Xiang's resilience left Lei Potian feeling somewhat helpless, but in a way, he had anticipated this. Both combatants were using the bloodthirsty technique, making it unlikely for either to secure a quick victory. Lei Potian needed to conserve his strength for the final duel awaiting him. Imitating Ji Wuxue and Yuan Kai, Lei Potian suggested, "Zhuge Xiang, it seems difficult for us to determine the outcome quickly in our current state. How about we agree on a three-move contest to settle this?"

A three-move contest? Surprisingly, Lei Potian proposed the same idea that Ji Wuxue and Yuan Kai had, and many eyes turned to Zhuge Xiang.

Both Ji Wuxue and Yuan Kai had agreed to a three-move contest after their duels with Zhuge Xiang. Given that this decision had been mutually beneficial, it seemed that Zhuge Xiang would agree to Lei Potian's request, especially since it would help him save energy for the final battle, right?

"I refuse," Zhuge Xiang responded resolutely without hesitation, stunning the onlookers.

"Are you refusing because you're afraid of losing to me in three moves, thinking that even if you lose, you'll wear me out?" Lei Potian's temper flared, unable to comprehend Zhuge Xiang's decision. He believed that Zhuge Xiang was intentionally targeting him, attempting to drag him into an energy-draining, drawn-out battle. This infuriated him, but he couldn't do anything about it.

While Zhuge Xiang did indeed refuse in order to gain an advantage in the duel, Lei Potian interpreted it differently. In Lei Potian's eyes, Zhuge Xiang was deliberately creating a situation where they would both exhaust themselves, a move that seemed reckless to him. Despite the difference in their cultivation levels, Zhuge Xiang's superior speed and his ability to prolong the battle created a situation where Lei Potian couldn't secure a quick victory.

The bloodthirsty technique was indeed potent, but its effects were short-lived, lasting at most for one minute. Afterward, the user would experience a severe period of weakness. Lei Potian recognized that if he allowed this duel to drag on too long, even if he managed to defeat Zhuge Xiang, he would be in a disadvantaged state for his subsequent duel. Whether it was against Lu Yuling or Ling Wufeng, it would be a challenging battle. This outcome was not what Lei Potian desired.

"Zhuge Xiang, are you out of your mind? You should be well aware of the side effects of the bloodthirsty technique, and you must know that it's impossible for you to defeat me. Instead of this, why not conserve your strength and use it to fight for third place?" Lei Potian shouted in a mixture of anxiety and anger, but Zhuge Xiang responded with actions rather than words. He launched a swift attack, using his knife to send a clear message to Lei Potian.

Lei Potian was furious and helpless. He had been scratched a few times by the blood-refining knife, albeit only with shallow wounds. Zhuge Xiang's actions pushed him to the brink. "Bastard!" Lei Potian exclaimed, frustration and anger burning in his eyes. "Since you don't value your own life, don't blame me."

He warned Zhuge Xiang three times, his eyes gleaming with murderous intent. In his rage, Lei Potian intended to unleash his final ace, revealing the trump card he had kept hidden until now. Under his anger, he was determined to kill Zhuge Xiang on the spot.

Lei Potian's hidden trump card? The crowd grew even more serious as they considered this revelation. Lei Potian was already incredibly powerful; what other trick did he have up his sleeve?

In a fit of anger, Lei Potian reached into his chest, took out a seed, and tossed it onto the ground. The dueling platform, originally constructed of blue stone, saw the seed burrow directly into the stone. Within moments, a dozen violet vines, as thick as a child's arm, burst forth from the blue stone. These vines writhed in the air, resembling venomous serpents.

"These are blood-sucking vine seeds that I stumbled upon during my adventures in the endless mountains. They can only survive for a few minutes before withering, but they are more than enough to help me defeat you," Lei Potian declared.

Under the influence of the bloodthirsty technique, Lei Potian's scarlet eyes were filled with murderous intent as he angrily shouted. Simultaneously, his massive battle-axe rose into the air, transforming into a blood-colored blur that charged toward Zhuge Xiang. At the same time, the ten vines quickly swept toward Zhuge Xiang.

"Blood-sucking vines? I never expected Lei Potian to obtain blood-sucking vine seeds," Hua Nonying said with a slight frown, while Lu Yuling commented in a low voice. She noted that when it came to entanglement abilities, more than a dozen blood-sucking vines were even more formidable than her Qingbo Palm. Such a revelation was hard to ignore, especially considering the added blood-sucking function of the vines.

"Lei Potian has kept his secrets well. Luckily, blood-sucking vines wither if they can't drain the flesh and blood of at least ten people, so it's highly unlikely that the sect would allow him to plant them on the martial arts arena," Ling Wufeng remarked with a touch of gravity in his voice.

"Zhuge Xiang is doomed..." The audience below began to assert after Lei Potian unleashed the blood-sucking vines.

Given Lei Potian's immense power and the support of the blood-sucking vines, even someone at the fourth level of Qi Cultivation would struggle, let alone Zhuge Xiang. Lei Potian's strength seemed to secure his position as the Grand Tournament Champion.

"Blood-sucking vines? It looks like I have to break through early..." Zhuge Xiang frowned as he observed the more than a dozen flexible blood-sucking vines. If he were entangled by them, breaking through would be impossible, even with his unique abilities.

Reaching into his chest, Zhuge Xiang retrieved the experience scroll and tore it apart. A faint light enveloped his entire body as he made his move...