
Super Gaming System

Zhuge Xiang, an aspiring disciple of the Shura Sect, dedicated himself to mastering Qi and achieving the coveted status of an official sect member. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the extraordinary "magic weapon" known as the Super Game System. As Zhuge Xiang's strength grows, this mystical device unveils a plethora of enchanting functions: Character profiles, an experience-based leveling system, skill enhancement, inventory management, task assignments, an intuitive map radar, and valuable life skills. Join us on a journey as we witness Zhuge Xiang's remarkable ascent, guided by the power of the game system, to become a renowned figure known throughout the realm.

Nebula_The_King · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Ch. 20 Zhuge Ziang Appears

Hua Nongying's cheerful and lively personality, combined with her mastery of the flexible and ever-changing Ghost Step, made her resemble a lark that effortlessly eluded capture. She and Lu Yuling possessed vastly different temperaments, but each had her unique strengths. Regardless of their talents and abilities, their mere presence and charm were exceptionally captivating.

Lu Yuling held no ill will towards Hua Nongying. In fact, despite her naturally cold demeanor, she had a kind heart. In response to Hua Nongying's words, Lu Yuling smiled and nodded. Together, they gracefully danced on the stage, their ethereal figures flitting about like enchanting specters.

While Hua Nongying's cultivation level was only at the second level of Qi Cultivation Realm, her mastery of the integrated Ghost Step made her movements elusive. Although disciples at the Qi Cultivation Realm generally lacked the ability to withstand powerful blows, Hua Nongying had demonstrated her ability to defeat opponents at the third and fourth levels of the Qi Cultivation Realm. After all, for Qi Cultivation Realm disciples, a higher cultivation level primarily translated to increased energy and attack power, rather than an improved ability to withstand attacks.

However, despite Hua Nongying's ghostly agility, Lu Yuling was a brilliant genius disciple. When she unleashed the Qingbo Palm, her movements were fluid, and her energy flowed gently like a pervasive net. Even though she hadn't closed in on Lu Yuling physically, the energy of the Qingbo Palm affected Hua Nongying's speed, making her feel as though her swiftness was restrained. Frightened, Hua Nongying hesitated to approach Lu Yuling, fearing she would become ensnared in the Qingbo Palm's binding energy.

This predicament posed a dilemma for Hua Nongying. Her usual strategy involved using the Ghost Step to surprise opponents and land a few palm strikes, but Lu Yuling's tactics prevented her from closing the distance. If she dared to approach Lu Yuling, she risked falling victim to the Qingbo Palm, which would hinder her speed and ultimately lead to her defeat.

Likewise, Lu Yuling couldn't find an opening against Hua Nongying, who consistently refused to get close. If Hua Nongying refrained from using the Ghost Step's fusion state, Lu Yuling would take advantage of the situation, forcing her to dodge while maintaining relentless pressure.

Their stalemate was apparent to Zhuge Xiang and the others, and many speculated that it would end in a draw. A tie would mean both participants had lost, and Zhuge Xiang's victory would subsequently determine the top three.

"Could it be a tie? That's impossible," Zhuge Xiang thought, shaking his head and dismissing the notion. Most onlookers believed that Lu Yuling and Hua Nongying were evenly matched, but Zhuge Xiang had a different perspective.

While Hua Nongying displayed impressive strength and her Ghost Walk technique was undoubtedly elusive, Zhuge Xiang couldn't easily accept the idea that Lu Yuling would be defeated so easily. He was prepared to withhold belief until he saw conclusive evidence of Lu Yuling's failure. In his eyes, Lu Yuling was not one to succumb readily.

The battles between Lei Potian and his three-axe victory and Ling Wufeng's swift dispatch of his opponent had concluded rapidly. However, the duel between Hua Nongying and Lu Yuling, though lasting less than half an hour, was a spectacle in itself due to the captivating showdown between two beautiful and talented women. Consequently, the spectators didn't mind the prolonged battle.

Just when it seemed the duel would continue indefinitely, it came to an abrupt end. Although Lu Yuling had struggled to catch Hua Nongying's elusive Ghost Walk throughout the fight, her determination had not waned. With her third-level Qi Cultivation Realm cultivation base, she maintained her stamina advantage over Hua Nongying, who was only at the second level of Qi Cultivation Realm.

When Lu Yuling made another charge towards her opponent, Hua Nongying instinctively retreated. However, she felt her feet suddenly constricting, entangled by incredibly tough silk threads that had somehow appeared unnoticed on the ground during their battle.

The realization struck Hua Nongying as her feet were bound by the thin but strong silk threads. She had failed to detect their presence amidst the heat of the battle.

Without hesitation, Lu Yuling seized the opportunity. Closing in on Hua Nongying, she knew she couldn't afford any delay. Recognizing the grim situation, Hua Nongying made the decision to surrender.

"Hehe, Senior Sister Lu, you're indeed very strong, but Xiaoying will keep striving." Despite her loss, Hua Nongying's cheerful voice and resilient spirit shone through. Her demeanor, marked by a lively and energetic attitude, impressed Zhuge Xiang. She displayed humility in victory and grace in defeat, qualities that Zhuge Xiang found commendable.

As Zhuge Xiang prepared to step onto the duel stage for his match, he couldn't help but contemplate the question that had been on his mind: Did Lu Yuling have any hidden trump cards beyond her well-known techniques like Qingbo Palm and the silk threads? He had observed her throughout the competition, and her consistent use of these techniques had made him wonder if she possessed any other powerful abilities. Zhuge Xiang knew that Lu Yuling's reputation as a formidable disciple was well-deserved, and this only heightened his sense of caution.

Among the remaining top four contenders, Lu Yuling's strength was undeniable, and Zhuge Xiang was determined not to underestimate her. He remained vigilant, ready to face whatever challenges she might present in their upcoming duel.

However, before Zhuge Xiang could step onto the duel stage and confront Lu Yuling, he had to deal with a comment from his opponent, Yuan Kai. The boy, who exuded an air of arrogance and confidence, approached Zhuge Xiang with a provocative tone, suggesting that Zhuge Xiang was merely contemplating how to lose gracefully.

Yuan Kai, a third-level Qi cultivator armed with a pair of short knives and a mastery of the Yuanyang Saber Technique from the Tibetan Martial Arts Pavilion, had earned his place in the top eight through his remarkable skills. His weapons and techniques posed a genuine threat, even without a magic weapon in hand.

Zhuge Xiang couldn't help but smirk inwardly, recognizing that his earlier act of feigning weakness had led Yuan Kai to underestimate him. Yuan Kai's overconfidence only served to amuse Zhuge Xiang, as he knew that he couldn't afford to hold back any longer. Facing a formidable opponent like Yuan Kai, who could instantly boost his attack power, Zhuge Xiang was aware that he had to go all out to secure victory. Pretending to be injured was no longer an option; it was time to reveal his true strength.

Zhuge Xiang's response to Yuan Kai's arrogance was measured and confident. He made it clear that he wasn't just contemplating how to lose, but rather how to make Yuan Kai lose with some dignity. Yuan Kai's overconfidence and boastful remarks only fueled Zhuge Xiang's determination to prove him wrong.

As the duel began, Yuan Kai's mandarin duck swords became a blur of flashing blades, creating a storm of sword energy that surged towards Zhuge Xiang. Unfazed by his opponent's flashy display, Zhuge Xiang held his blood refining knife firmly, prepared for the impending clash.

While Yuan Kai's words were filled with bravado, Zhuge Xiang remained focused and determined. He knew that his injuries were a significant disadvantage, but he was not one to back down from a challenge. He believed in his own resilience and determination, which had been honed through relentless training.

As the battle raged on, Zhuge Xiang and Yuan Kai clashed fiercely on the duel stage, their weapons clashing and sparks flying. Yuan Kai's relentless attacks tested Zhuge Xiang's limits, but Zhuge Xiang refused to give in.

Meanwhile, Lu Yuling, who had advanced to the semi-finals, observed the battle with a calm and indifferent expression. To her, the outcome seemed almost predetermined, and she saw little reason to waste her energy on watching Zhuge Xiang and Yuan Kai fight.

The duel between Zhuge Xiang and Yuan Kai was a battle of determination and willpower, with Zhuge Xiang determined to overcome his injuries and prove himself against his confident opponent. Whether or not he could achieve victory remained to be seen, but Zhuge Xiang was not one to shy away from a challenge.