
Super Gaming System

Zhuge Xiang, an aspiring disciple of the Shura Sect, dedicated himself to mastering Qi and achieving the coveted status of an official sect member. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the extraordinary "magic weapon" known as the Super Game System. As Zhuge Xiang's strength grows, this mystical device unveils a plethora of enchanting functions: Character profiles, an experience-based leveling system, skill enhancement, inventory management, task assignments, an intuitive map radar, and valuable life skills. Join us on a journey as we witness Zhuge Xiang's remarkable ascent, guided by the power of the game system, to become a renowned figure known throughout the realm.

Nebula_The_King · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Ch. 10 100 Year old Ganoderma Lucidum

In the midst of Zhuge Xiang's intense training for the Blood Thunder Slash, he felt the rush of power surging within him. His body, like a coiled spring, was ready to unleash its energy with incredible force. The Blood Thunder Slash technique demanded precise control of his body's energy, and Zhuge Xiang had been diligently practicing to achieve mastery.

As he propelled himself forward with the explosive impact, Zhuge Xiang's body moved like lightning. His muscles bulged with power, and he focused all his energy into a single point on his palm. The result was a swift and powerful palm strike, accompanied by a faint sound of wind and thunder. The blood-red light on the edge of his palm was a testament to the technique's formidable power.

With the attack executed, Zhuge Xiang's body gradually returned to a state of calm as the surging blood energy subsided. He had been practicing Blood Thunder Slash relentlessly, aiming to improve its speed and power. However, he also understood the limitations of the technique. Gathering the required Qi energy took time, and it consumed a significant amount of his energy. In a real battle, where every moment counted, this limitation could prove to be a disadvantage.

With just five days left until the testing conference, Zhuge Xiang pondered the effectiveness of Blood Thunder Slash in a practical scenario. While its power was unquestionable, its drawbacks could pose challenges in actual combat. Nonetheless, he remained determined to make the most of his training and face any challenges head-on.

Turning his gaze towards the small lake, Zhuge Xiang noticed Lu Yuling's graceful figure practicing the Qingbo Palm technique. Her movements were fluid and elegant, and she seemed to have mastered the art with proficiency. However, Zhuge Xiang was well aware of the danger posed by the Qingbo Palm technique, which could ensnare opponents with invisible threads of Qi energy.

Zhuge Xiang appreciated the progress Lu Yuling had made, and he couldn't help but acknowledge the difference in their abilities. Since comprehending Qi, he had noticed an increased interaction between himself and Lu Yuling. Disciples who had attained this level of cultivation were regarded as equals, and their conversations had become more frequent.

Lu Yuling, with her calm and composed demeanor, offered her thoughts on Zhuge Xiang's Blood Thunder Slash technique. She recognized the technique as a nearly successful cultivation but pointed out its limitations, primarily the time required to gather Qi energy due to its inherent restrictions.

Zhuge Xiang appreciated the feedback and continued to practice, knowing that the testing conference was fast approaching, and he needed to refine his skills further. The journey of martial cultivation was marked by constant improvement and adaptation, and he was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead with unwavering resolve.

Zhuge Xiang nodded in agreement with Lu Yuling's assessment of his Blood Thunder Slash technique. He recognized that the time required to gather Qi was a limitation imposed by his current level of Qi cultivation. With further advancement, he believed the technique would become faster and more powerful. Zhuge Xiang was determined to continue his progress and become a formidable martial artist.

Lu Yuling then revealed a plan to Zhuge Xiang. She had discovered a hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum in a forest that was nearly mature, but there was a one-star middle-grade demon fox nearby. Lu Yuling believed that with Zhuge Xiang's Blood Thunder Slash and her own Qingbo Palm, they could potentially defeat the demon fox.

Zhuge Xiang's eyes lit up when he heard about the hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum. He understood the significance of such a rare elixir. Elixirs and spiritual fruits like this could greatly enhance a practitioner's essence, blood, and Qi energy, which were crucial for refining and transforming Qi. The opportunity to obtain a hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum was not to be underestimated.

However, Zhuge Xiang also recognized the danger posed by the one-star middle-grade demon fox. These monsters were formidable adversaries, equivalent to the strength of the third to fourth ranks of the Qi Cultivation Realm. They possessed impressive speed and attack power, making them a challenging opponent for someone at Zhuge Xiang's level.

The risks were clear, but the potential rewards were immense. Zhuge Xiang knew that seizing the opportunity to obtain the Ganoderma lucidum could significantly boost his cultivation. With determination in his eyes, he replied to Lu Yuling, "I'm willing to try. The reward is worth the risk, and with our combined strength, we can do it. Let's prepare for the encounter carefully."

With the testing conference just days away, this challenge presented an opportunity for Zhuge Xiang to further refine his skills and potentially acquire a valuable elixir. The path of martial cultivation was filled with risks, and Zhuge Xiang was ready to face them head-on.

With a determined agreement and understanding of the plan, Zhuge Xiang and Lu Yuling wasted no time. They knew that time was of the essence, and with only five days left until the testing conference, they needed to make the most of every moment. The opportunity to obtain a hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum was too valuable to pass up.

Together, they set out on their mission to confront the one-star middle-grade demon fox guarding the Ganoderma lucidum. Lu Yuling's cultivation at the third level of the Qi Cultivation Realm gave Zhuge Xiang confidence that they could handle the challenge.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, their surroundings grew denser with tall trees and a thick underbrush. The atmosphere became tense as they neared their destination. Zhuge Xiang could feel his heart pounding with anticipation and excitement. This was not just a test of his martial skills but also a test of his courage and determination.

Zhuge Xiang took a deep breath, centering himself for the upcoming battle. He knew that the demon fox would not be an easy opponent, but the potential rewards were worth the risk. With Lu Yuling by his side, he felt a sense of reassurance.

Their journey continued, and the forest grew darker as they moved deeper into its heart. The air was filled with a sense of foreboding, but Zhuge Xiang and Lu Yuling pressed forward, their determination unwavering.