
Super Cyborg in the World of Magic

A Super Cyborg from the future Earth ends up on a different planet with life while attempting to go back to the past. "This gravity is less. This isn't earth." "Dragons? Elves? Empires? Magic? Where in the hell did those maniacs send me?"

Krish5061 · Fantasía
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1 Chs


World War 3; the ten-year war that started between two small Korean nations dragged the whole planet after all the major countries joined.

2103 - World war 3 ended. Only five percent of 11 Billion population survived along with 21 nations.

After the end of the war, the world entered into the era of unification where the concept of nations and countries has been abolished and a single world government formed which brought a hundred-year peace to the planet before the world entered into the age of Robots where the mankind began to depend on robots for everything.

Year-2170 - World's first Android with super A.I. was built.

Humans evolved Robots into Androids and they started to blend into human society not just as simple servants anymore.

Year-2205 - Unexpectedly an Android evolved into a Super Android because of a virus. It became free from all controls and started to think on its own.

Year-2210 - Ambush on the world's first Super Android Ken has been failed as it started to control the Androids and create more robots.

Year-2215 - Super Android Ken declared war against world government with an army of robots and Androids.

Year-2218 - Humans lost the war and were reduced to 25 million population. A deal has been made between the leader of the world's government and Ken. Humans took shelter in City Hope, the city built with an impenetrable defense.

Year-2230 - World's first Cyborg formed. Humanity entered into the age of Cyborgs to defend themselves and the city.

Year-2235 - A Cyborg named Ray a.k.a B213 evolved to become a Super Cyborg due to continuous experimentations. He gained the power of near indestructibility as his body can automatically repair itself with the help of Solar energy, although it's a fact that his body is extremely durable for even to get damaged.

After the scientists failed to produce another Super Cyborg Warrior, they began to think of another strategy that can make mankind survive again. After numerous trials, they finally created a fully functional untested time machine which in theory can make one-time travel to a period of 150 years successfully.

Jan 01, 2241 - Humanity tested Time-machine and succeeded by going 1 day into the past.

As the discussions were going on whether it's okay to trust the time-machine and send their most powerful soldier B213 to the past to kill the scientist so that no Android can be built.

But, what they didn't anticipate is a human traitor among the research team who sided with Ken and deactivated the defense mechanism which helped one of the ken's commanders to invade the city and take control of it so that their race wouldn't go extinct.

As the city went under attack all of a sudden, panic spread among the people while the cyborg army began to fight against the invaders to defend the city.

Meanwhile, Ray who was getting ready for the battle got summoned to the lab. Looking at the head of the research department; Ray asked, "Sir, why did you summon me at this time?"

The department head replied, "you won't lead this battle but instead, you will proceed with your mission, right now. Quickly, follow me to the lab. We have no time."

As they reached the lab and Ray entered the capsule, the scientists set to the year when the research about evolving robots to Androids began to start.

Meanwhile, Ray closed his eyes as he heard, "you are about to travel to the year 2151 within a minute. Avoid opening the eyes and see through the glass in order to not to let your eyes damage permanently. Countdown set in 120 seconds"

"120... 100... 80... 60... 40... 20... 10... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

As the Time capsule disappeared from the lab, one of the scientists commented, "how come nothing changed? Did it fail?" The other one grabbed her head and started tearing up, "Is humanity destined to be doomed?"

Meanwhile, the time capsule that was supposed to revolve around the earth in light speed to breach the time was unfortunately caught into a temporary wormhole that was opened up for a fraction of a second and disappeared from the space.

Somewhere, in the Icy mountain region, Kingdom of Penguins;

Everywhere in the streets, as the penguins are roaming around and some stood as they were curious about this new species before them.

Before them, two humans, one who wore a cloak and hood, and a handsome teenager with blonde hair and blue eyes who wore a shining armor with a sword hanging on his waist was walking in the streets towards the castle while they were being escorted by Penguins in armors.

"My lord, are you sure about your decision? I don't think these creatures would be of any use to us," said the hooded man in a strange language that can't be understood by the penguins around them.

The young boy replied, "well, do I have any choice? As soon as the crown prince becomes the Emperor, who knows how would I end up. Before that happens, I need to do something that would at least make me look good in my father's eyes."

The hooded man then asked, "but why penguins? First, these creatures cannot leave this land, and secondly, even if a battle happens here, they will be of no use. We can go and ally with those White Bears instead. Then, we can try to conquer a part of these Icy regions as long as we don't disturb the overlord."

The young prince scoffed, "and do you think they will ally with me? For a mage, you are really muscle brained. The first thing they would do will be to kill both of us and fill their stomach. As for these Penguins, they can swim long distances.

They can be useful in naval battles. Not to mention, I got information that they have access to certain rare materials which are practically useless to them but can be useful for us.

Last but not least, I don't think they are useless considering they manage to keep their Kingdom intact even though they are surrounded by other dangerous creatures outside of the city. I'm sure it isn't because of their large population. There must be some secret."

The hooded man looked at him in admiration and praised, "my lord, you are very wise, indeed."

Just then, they heard a powerful roar coming from a distance which made him shiver in fear. As the Penguins began to panic and run in fear, the young prince asked, "Kal, what was that?"

Kal replied while his voice started shaking, "there's only one being that has this powerful roar in this whole continent. if I'm not wrong, then, someone angered Lord Drogcole, the overlord of Arkney. If it attacks the city, then we are doomed."

The penguin guards quickly escorted the guests to the castle and the army began to gather while the Prince met the King who clearly had a look of fear in his eyes.

A while later, the young prince saw a Gigantic Ice Dragon was just madly destroying the city without care while continuing to fly towards the castle. As it breathes the Icy wind towards the castle to destroy it, suddenly, the attack was blocked by an invisible barrier formed by ten Emperor penguins who were standing at the bottom of the castle with their beaks open. But, too bad that it wasn't able to hold for very long and it was destroyed by the attack of Ice Dragon.

Meanwhile, the sword that was on the waist of Prince Gavinus began to glow. Looking curiously, the Prince pulled it out while the hooded man was taken aback as he saw mysterious symbols began to appear on the sword. But, both of them quickly began to run as they weren't in the mood to care because the castle started to collapse.

Just then, all of a sudden, everyone heard a loud sound as something hit hard on the lord Drogcole's head and then made a huge crater on the ground while the Dragon fell with its head missing.

After a while, as Penguin King and others gathered around the dead Dragon, Prince Gavinus and Kal walked towards the crater where the head of the dragon fell, with a shock on their faces as they never saw a spell that can kill Dragon like that.

Looking at a white round shaped object stuck on the side of Dragon's head, Kal asked, "Is that a mysterious rock from the sky? The ones that were created by Ancient Sage to make disasters from time to time whenever he was in a bad mood?"

Prince Gavinus scoffed, "I already told you that there is no one such as Ancient Sage. Those are just floating rocks in the sky that lose the magic and fall on to our land."

Suddenly, a part of the white shaped object opened like a door and a human in a spacesuit stepped out of it to see hundreds of Penguins looking at him curiously and some with fear from above.

The Super Cyborg, Ray mumbled, "penguins? Did I just travel to Antarctica? Oh, there are two fellow humans here. That means did I really travel back to 2151? before that, now that I was spotted with this, should I kill them? Hmm, wait a second. I feel..."

As he felt something different below his feet, Ray jumped on to the ground to see a Giant Dragon's head which he only saw the shape in movies and animations. Then, he felt very light compared to before which explains the gravity is lesser. With two suspicions in his mind, Ray turned towards the two men and scanned the young Prince for a second with his left eye and saw he was wearing shining armor and a sword was hanging on his waist.

"This is neither Antarctica nor 2151. Just where in the f******g hell those maniacs sent me?"