
chapter6:Arrival in Paris.

The plane finally landed in Paris.The city of lovers.We got inside the taxi and headed for the hotel.I was lost looking at the beautiful sceneries in Paris.The last time I was here,I almost died after I was attacked on my way home.It was about seven o'clock.I had just finished my meeting with the investors and was on my way home.Hardly had I stepped inside the car than the building collapsed.The explosion left me deaf for a month,shaking for a year and broken for life.My hard work,my sweat and time to build a career was torn.I had no idea who did this or why but I knew it was certainly an inside job.Something I felt deep in my gut.The horrific pictures of the lifeless bodies,my associates,staff and even business partners were all gone.I was left with a bunch of broken bones and I could hardly move.An incident that always leaves me shaking everytime I recall that day.

We finally arrived at the hotel.It was a familiar one because it was run by my brother.I covered my face using a cap just to be safe and headed for the elevator.Before I could hop in,my sight and hearing caught the attention of the television.The bumbuzzling headline.I was all over the news.My face everywhere.My name,my ID,everything about me.I had not thought of the aftermath and even if I would have,I couldn't have thought it would be this big of a deal.I had just hit the police desk as the most wanted.I just checked it out if my bucket list because now,it was reality not a wish.If the DCI gets involved,then my days as a free woman are surely numbered.At the bottom of my picture was a reward money for anyone who was able to find me and present me at the nearest police station.It was five thousand Grand.

My worries were way too much at this point.Something rough touched my hand out of nowhere.I tried to remove it but the grip stiffened.It was now like an iron grip.I turned and I realised I was being dragged.Dragged to oh no....Just kidding.To the elevator.

Paris,is abit different from all chapters.Here we find the truth,the truth behind it all.How every character is apart of Suzin's life.So for that keep reading if you want to know how.Rate,share and leave a comment down below

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