
Chapter 52

"Travis, could I sit with y'all today?" Mia asked as she approached the two.

"Sure. Who did you hang with honestly? I've never seen you with your friends," Travis asked.

"Oh, I used to sit in class with Ms. Bissette," she replied.

Travis nodded, and they continued walking towards the cafeteria. When they got there, they heard a ruckus coming from inside. A crowd gathered in a circle around two people fighting, or more accurately, one person beating the other person up.

"That's what you get for looking at my girl!"

This was Dexter, the classic dead-brained jock in every American movie. In this game, he is the epitome of that and takes pride in it. Being the guy who's dating the bitchiest girl in school, he knows that if she doesn't want him anymore, she'll simply fuck somebody else. This causes him to be very insecure, even though he'd never admit it.

Roxanne, the girl in question, sat with her friends wearing their cheerleader outfits as they ate at the lunch table.

"Roxxy, you're not going to stop your boyfriend?" Missy asked as she held a burger on her fingertips due to her nails being recently polished.

"Like I'd care what he does. He can fuck himself for all I care. I'm only using him, like I've said a thousand times already. So could we change the topic?" she said.

"You don't have to be a bitch," Becca retorted. Roxxy raised her middle finger at her and continued to eat.

'Wow, this is so cringy. It's like I'm watching a Disney movie, playing all their scenes at once,' he thought.

They went and sat at an empty lunch table.

"Like I said, remember, but this time it's more of him making a scene instead of them both. Would you believe me if I told you that he was a student well-being representative?" Eve said with a short chuckle.

"What? His dumb ass? That's very ironic since he's one of the causes of stress in students," he said.

"I know, right. What should I get you guys?" Eve asked.

"Here, get me a sandwich, and you buy anything you want with the change. Get something for Mia as well," he said, passing her a $100 bill.

He had so much money, money wasn't even a thing anymore. Eve took the bill with a surprised expression.

'Is he rich? I don't remember him balling this much' she thought.

Mia was thinking the same thing, but more along the lines of 'That's the same amount of money my mom donates to the church. I swear one day we'll go broke due to them.'

Eve left the table, leaving Travis and Mia alone. They both sat together on a bench, very close to each other. Travis put his hand on her thigh, which surprised her.

"What are you doing? What if they see us?" she asked.

"Mia, look around. We aren't the only ones doing this, well, we might not be on their level though," he replied.

She raised her head, scanning the area. She saw many student couples being quite intimate with each other without any care.

'Wow, how bold,' she thought.

"Okay," she said with a deep red blush on her face. Travis chuckled at how cute she was. He could practically see the steam coming from her head.

"How's your mom been?" he asked.

"She's alright. I'm honestly more concerned about my dad. He's coming home less and less these days. Yet, my mom doesn't even look worried or anything."

"Maybe she knows what he's up to. I mean, you know that they got us a cop to keep us safe from the mafia that keeps trying to harass us. He might be busy with that," he said.

"You're right, but I wish she'd tell me these things if they were to happen, you know. She's my mom, but she's more distant than anyone I know."

"You could talk to her, you know."

"I know, but how?" she asked.

"Umm, I'll think about it," he responded. Mia smiled sweetly as she leaned onto him.

"You're the best," she said.

Eve came back and glared at Mia, who smiled smugly. She moved from where she was sitting before and came to sit with them. Travis was now in the middle of two girls who were beefing for his attention.

'I love my life,' he thought.


When break ended, they returned to class. It was history, so Travis decided to go on an expedition.

'Where should I go? I've already dealt with Louis today. Though I haven't really gone to Coach Bridget. Let's go see how she's doing,' he thought.

He sprinted towards her office and slid on the floor as he stopped right in front of her door. Travis looked inside and saw that she was busy working out, doing squats.

'Interesting,' he thought.

He opened the door. Fiona turned towards the door and saw Travis enter. A smile appeared on her face as she stopped doing squats. She got a towel and wiped her face. Travis closed the door behind him and made sure to lock it.

"You seem busy," he said as he approached her. She giggled and said, "Well, I have to stay in shape, you know. It's not easy keeping such a figure as a woman."

"But you manage to do so, which I'm honestly proud of, Fiona," he said in a deep, enchanting tone, which made her blush.

"Thank you. Are you here for some fun?" she asked.

"Why, of course, but not ordinary fun. I'm here to test your limits."

"Hmm, that does sound fun. What do you propose?" she asked.

"Well, I want you to do squats while naked in the hallway."



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