
Succubus Sorority

A group of powerful Succubus Sorority girls initiate a new member. Female lead, female written.

Elwynn · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Slow Peak

Jory gasped as Kiki moved down him, kissing from his chest to his hips.

"Tell me if I need to stop," she said softly. Kiki felt him nod in response. He was ready, upright and pulsing with anticipation. Kiki kissed his tip and all down his shaft, then ran her tongue back up. She lifted her eyes to meet his, and he stared back in shock and pleasure.

This is clearly his first time, she decided, and worked him as slowly as she could so he would get the most out of it.

Sucking, moaning, licking, and rolling her eyes back for Jory's amusement, she made the most of each long second.

"Please," he begged, unsure of what he needed.

She felt him thickening as he got closer. Knowing it wouldn't take him long being the first time, she wasn't surprised. Kiki stared deep into his eyes again, head bobbing with his fingers gripping her hair.

Jory let out an uncontrollable moan, throwing his head back and flexing his legs. She went harder and felt her mouth fill. His eyes met back with hers. Kiki stuck her tongue out and let some of the hot cum drip back on to him.

Jory softly moaned in response, then gasped for air as she swallowed and went back, sucking off the mess she purposefully made. He cried out several thankful curses and kept gasping after she finished.

She left the room shortly to clean up, finding him exactly how she left him when she returned.

"Thank you," he said, wide eyed.

"Oh it was my pleasure." Kiki came back to straddling him so she could whisper directly in his ear. "Come around me whenever you want, I'll teach you anything anytime." She but his earlobe to solicit another little moan.

"I will," he agreed. "Are we…" he thought of the words, "you know, like, together, now?"

Kiki giggled. "Hmmm, we'll see if you can keep me satisfied and how much you really like me, then go from there."

"Okay," he said nervously, clearly not sure what to do next.

"Come back tomorrow or tonight if you really can't wait. But if you're gonna go you should get ready now before I take it too far."

"Yes ma'am!" Jory agreed without contest. He kissed her cheek awkwardly on the way out and she laughed once the door was closed. He was definitely dorky, but she loved how easy guys like that were to please.

For now, she needed to please herself after getting so worked up. She didn't want to go through the mess and time it might consume to bring out any of her toys. So instead, she decided to take a hot shower. Still naked, Kiki turned on the water and adjusted the shower head to her favorite setting. The high pressured beam of warm water wouldn't take long to wash away the pent up need for release she has been carrying all day. In moments she reached a climax, throwing her head back and quietly calling Jory's name to herself.

When she was done she went on as usual and washed her hair and body, trembling only slightly from self pleasure and the excitement of the day.

If Jory proves to be a good subject, she won't need to pleasure herself as much, even if she could keep it interesting she would much rather have the help of someone else.

He was pretty big and probably didn't know it was impressive. Plus, if he has enough pent up energy he might even have multiple rounds in him in a day. Kiki didn't want to be tied down, but she was willing to consider loyalty to Jory if that's what he was seeking in her.

Most of the men on her campus were happy being on their own, not having to worry about a relationship. She was used to this and didn't bother her because she enjoyed trying new things too. Jory seemed like a sweet one, though, and she didn't want to lead him on or play with his heart. Honestly would be crucial for them if they continued communicating or intimacy together. Honesty is always important, but she knew he would need straightforward, no beating around the bush conversations.

Next time she planned to go all the way with him. Maybe start fulfilling his deepest desires and fantasies. She realized she didn't give him her number but shrugged it off. They would see each other inevitably. She would just have to wait up to a couple days.