
Succubus Sorority

A group of powerful Succubus Sorority girls initiate a new member. Female lead, female written.

Elwynn · Fantasía
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13 Chs


Kiki woke up cradled in Jory's arms, a comfortable little spoon. She stretched and yawned, feeling his breath change as he woke up from her movement.

"Good morning, beautiful woman." He said in a tired, raspy voice.

"Ah, good morning, my pet," she teased sweetly. Kiki thought, I should play with him before we get up. "Are you ready for breakfast?" She asked.

"I could eat." He answered.

"I've got just the thing for you," she kissed his forehead then sat on top of him, facing away. Kiki spread her legs on either side of his face and brought her clit down to his lips. At the same time, she kissed his tip and licked up and down his shaft. Once Jory got going enough to get her moaning, Kiki sucked and thrusted his hard cock down her throat. They took their time on each other, coming to a slow, simultaneous climax.

"You're pretty good for being so inexperienced."

"Unpracticed, but knowledgeable," Jory blushed.

Kiki checked the clock, "It's still early enough we could eat a real breakfast and have some time before we have to go to class."

"You stay in bed, mistress. Let your pet cook for you as thanks for all your praise." Jory put on the clothes that had dried over night and returned the forehead kiss she gave earlier before rummaging through the tiny kitchenette.

Kiki sprawled out on her back, smiling up at the ceiling. It had been a while since she had felt so satisfied, even with all the toys. It's much better with someone else involved. Maybe she was perfect material for a succubus after all. She would turn in the paperwork after class today and let the girls know she decided around lunch time. While she didn't exactly identify as strictly bi or pan, she didn't exclude her own gender. She liked the way a penis felt inside her, but she never turned down a good time based on gender identity. Kiki wondered if the succubus could only feed off of pleasure of the opposite gender. That didn't make too much sense to her, since it didn't really exist as a perfect binary. She'd have to ask that, and many more questions, by the time she fully transformed.

Jory came in, interrupting her thoughts, with eggs, bacon, and toast. "I fixed up something quick for us, cutie."

"Trying out pet names?" Kiki smiled, thanked him, and invited him to sit next to her.

"Well, you are cute, and I figure if we're going to try this out I'll give you my all."

She giggled, "you're something else. I like it. That's why I'm letting us eat in bed."

"We already had a little snack, to be fair," he played back. "Still would hate to cover your sheets in toast crumbs."

"I'm sure we can manage this once," Kiki grinned.

They munched in silence until they were almost done. "I saw some sorority paperwork out there. Not trying to pry or anything I swear!"

"No worries, I am going to fill it out today."

"Is this going to be a one time thing, then, us sleeping here? Together?" Jory sounded genuinely worried.

"I have a good feeling the girls I'm going to be with would be more than happy to let me have you over. We wouldn't have to worry about any hall administrators writing us up if we get caught like might happen here."

"Oh yeah, I was so wrapped up in you I didn't even think about that." He ran his hand through his hair, thinking.

"Just say something on your way out about picking up your homework before class. Simple but believable. You'll be just fine."

He let out a sigh of relief. "Such an Angel. Here, I'll take your plate." Jory walked the plates to the sink and rinsed them off.

Kiki had no trouble dressing in front of him. She picked a floral cotton dress, beige sandals, and a small sunflower hair clip for her long black hair.

"Stunning. Though that's true no matter what you are or aren't wearing."

Kiki hugged him, "you're becoming less shy by the minute. I must be rubbing off on you quickly."

"I do feel a lot more confident after our time together." He said kindly.

She could tell he was glowing, looking happier and brighter than he had when they were in class together.

When he left, Jory did as he was told and thanked her, falsely, for filling him in on the assignment he missed in case anyone was listening.

She took a few minutes to get her paperwork signed and tucked it into a folder before locking the door behind her. She made a mental note to her Jory set up with her mobile vibrator app next time he was in her room and made her way to her fist class of the day.