



7 Years Later

Raymond Reynolds' POV

/"Welcome to Jeunesse Inspiring moins de 30 ans Mr. Reynolds/", a girl of about my age spoke while giving me a flirtatious smile with a glint of seductiveness in her voice.

Only one thought came to my mind after hearing this.


She gave me a card with my room number printed on it in golden italics. I pressed my lips into a tight smile and left after giving her a curt nod.

This is not something unusual for me. I get to meet these types of girls almost everywhere I go but I am not that Raymond anymore. Whatever happened seven years ago changed me, for good I suppose. Although I am quite sure my teammates wouldn't leave a chance like this.

Life can be unpredictable sometimes. I had no hope that I would reach here one day. That I would be able to fulfill my dream. Yet here I am Football Captain of U.S.A's team. I really couldn't have brought myself to do this if it wasn't for her.

I didn't want to disrespect what she taught me or what she changed in me. So I did what my heart told me to. I did what she would've told me to. I followed my dreams.

Walking through the Hotel's Lobby I made my way towards the elevator. I glanced at my master card and pressed floor number 22 accordingly.

Soon with a dinging sound elevator came to a halt. I made my way towards my room through the empty lobby. Once inside I saw my luggage already placed neatly on the stand near the cupboard. I decided to have some sleep since I was very much tired. I reached New York about an hour ago, earlier I was in Munich, Germany due to our International Football Association meeting. I had to fly directly here from Germany.

I changed myself into some comfortable clothes and plopped down on the bed. I switched on the Television and the first channel to appear on the screen was some news channel covering the Event for which I am here for.

I realized that this Reporter is standing outside the Hotel, where also all the fans are gathered. People holding banners are screaming, shouting, hooting and dancing, cheering for different nominees.

/" Celebrities, Sportsperson, Artists, Scientist and Entrepreneurs have started arriving here for The Year's Biggest Event 'Jeunesse Inspiring moins de 30 ans'. Let me remind you, ladies and gentlemen, that this is the year's most awaited Event. People Nominated for this award are under the age of 30 and are best in their respective fields. As you can already see fans have gathered here to show their support for the event./"

The reporter now turns to a girl holding We Love You William banner. She then asks /" Well, as we can clearly see you are supporting William-/" she now turns towards the camera /"-let me tell you, people, this is none other than William Gatterman we are talking about here. Yes, William Gatterman captain of Australian Cricket Team./"

The girl holding the banner starts jumping and shouting /"He's gonna win!/"

The reporter continues /" As you can see fans are going crazy outside and we just got to know that hotel is arranging for more security as the number of fans is increasing rapidly.

Some of the Nominees already arrived are William Gatterman , Cricket Team Captain- Australia and none other than our own charmer Raymond Reynolds, Football Team Captain- U.S.A

From the Business category, we have Yel-en Dang, C.E.O- Aurora from China. Enighbam Longhach, C.E.O - Vostro series from Germany. Levin Lockhard, C.F.O- Borealis from Finland.

From the Science category, we have young and beautiful So-/"

I turn off the television. There was nothing interesting on it. Sleep betrayed me somehow and I ended up taking a shower to refresh myself instead. We had been given a schedule of the activities taking place in the following seven days of the Event.

According to the schedule, we have an Interaction Session Party at Eight in the evening. It is only five right now. So I made up my mind and changed into a Maroon V-neck t-shirt and dark blue jeans. I put on my sneakers and made my way outside the room.

After exploring some parts of the Hotel I saw a library and started walking towards it. Although I'm not a book lover but I read some when I am on the verge of getting bored.

After going through some shelves my footsteps came to halt as I took in the appearance of the person standing in front of me.

She was beautiful with all the curves in the right places. She wore a plain black dress which ended up just above her knees. Her long black-brown hairs were tied neatly in a ponytail. She was reading some book with her lips slightly pouting. Red lipstick made them look more sensual. I clenched my fist and controlled myself because all I wanted to do this moment was to kiss her senselessly.

My heartbeat started racing and sweat appeared on my forehead. I was excited and nervous at the same time. She was too engrossed in her book to notice anyone near her and I was too engrossed in her beauty to let anyone else affect me.

It felt like it was only two of us in this room. Only me and her.

My body was tingling from inside and it became hard for me to keep my breath even.

Seven years and she had the same effect on me.

Raymond Reynolds' POV

Life is a like a heap of moments and memories. Some are happy, some are full of sorrow but most of them are empty. We don't realize what we are missing in that moment. We stop living the moment. All the worries, tension consume our thoughts and we forget to live the moment to its fullest.

I didn't realize what I had, what she meant to me until she was gone.

I miss our late-night talks. I miss our study-dates. I miss walking down the hallway holding hands with her. I miss the heat of her body next to mine. I miss her teaching me. I miss spending time with her in the library. I miss her sarcastic comebacks. I miss everything we did. I miss the sparkle in her eyes when she used to talk about her dreams. I miss the taste of her lips on mine.

When I was with her I was me. I didn't care about my bad-boy reputation. I didn't care about disobeying my father. I didn't give two shits about anything in the world. I had no worries.

The only thing which I cared about then was her.

And now here she is. In front of me and I can't even make a move. It's like I'm glued to the ground. I want to talk to her. Apologize to her. Feel her arms around my torso.

But I'm scared. Scared of rejection. Scared of rejection by her.

Because I know, no matter how much I want her she doesn't want me. It breaks me to know this.

She is still oblivious to what happened seven years ago. She still thinks that I left her on purpose.

After taking a deep breath, I finally made up my mind and forced my legs to make a move. As the distance between us decreased my heartbeat increased. With every step I took, I had to take a deep breath to calm myself.

My steps came to halt as I stood at a good two feet distance from her. Soon she realized my presence and looked up. Her light brown orbs gazed at me.

One glance at me and those beautiful shade of brown eyes knocked off air from my lungs. My heart started doing some crazy dance and a lump formed in my throat. Her eyes widened when the realization hit her and her face radiated pure shock.

/"Hey/" those words left my mouth while her gaze held mine.

/"Hi/" she replied. Her gaze holding me captive.

/"How ar-/" I was cut off by someone.

/"Here you are./" We both glanced in the direction of the voice.

/"Hey, sweetheart./" A guy mumbled and then his arms sneaked around Soaf's waist and he kissed her on the temple.

/"Uuhh...Hey, Justin/" she spoke. Her eyes glancing everywhere but me. An uncomfortable aura settled between us.

I felt a pang of jealousy in my chest. My jaw clenched and my teeth gritted.

Of course, she would have moved on. Why would someone like her wait for me? She deserves so much better than me. I was the one who left her, then how can I be so stupid to think that she'll accept me back.

I couldn't handle the view before me. That was the last thing on earth I would think of. My girl in someone else's arms. I felt anger rising inside me and before I could do any harm I decided to leave.

/"I-I'll see you around then?/" I asked. I cannot express the amount of pain I was feeling inside my chest.

/"I hope not./" These words came out of her mouth and she turned around with that guy still holding her waist and then they both went out of the library.

I stood there. Expressionless.

Before she went outside the library I saw her eyes becoming glassy.

Was she crying? I couldn't tell but I sure as hell was about to cry.

I saw her blending with the crowd in the lobby and then disappearing.

She hates me and it hurts.

It is fucking hurts.

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