
Stuck in love

Laura a regular girl met Jason a formal superstar, who is now dragged into the business world due to some family crisis. And how she got entangled in his world.

Joy_Michael_ · Fantasía
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32 Chs

Chapter 3_ Meeting the boss

"Wait! Is this real? No no no Laura put yourself together. Is it because I've been Dreaming about him for the past year that now I'm daydreaming about him? Whoa, he's even more handsome than before" I kept mumbling to myself when I heard Sarah calling me.

"hmm.. sorry, what were you saying," I asked her looking disorientated.

"I said to meet the boss, Mr. Jason Hughes," Sarah said.

"OMG! This is real. I thought I was daydreaming. Gu... good day sir" I managed to greet.

" Sir, this is Laura Jones, one of the new IT students. She will be the one assisting you for now" Sarah explained.

" I thought I told you to find me an Assistant, not an IT student," Jason said to Sarah.

"I know sir. But, right now we are on a tight schedule".

"Then tell, me how will she be able to do the job," he asked her with one of his brow arches.

"Don't worry sir, I will teach her everything"

" Whatever. Just leave my office" he waved her off.

" Ok sir" she replied and we both started walking towards the door when we suddenly heard his voice.

" And where do you think you are going?" his voice echoed. Sarah and I turned to look at each other wondering who he was referring to.

" You the IT student. What's your name again..?" he asked.

" Laura" I replied.

" Yes, you. You are staying here .you can leave Sarah" he said to Sarah.

"Okay sir," Sarah said and left.

He sat on his desk facing the computer. Now that I'm alone with him I felt nervous. This isn't how I imagine our second meeting to be. "Gosh, he looked terrifying when he speaks" I mumble to myself. "Does he even remember me? I guess not" l just kept mumbling to myself.

"Hey! What are you doing standing there? Come up here and check those files over there" he said pointing to some files at the other side of the desk. "you will see a file with Scarlet Beauty written on it" he added.

"Ok sir," I said before going through the files. checking each one of them before I found it. "Here is it sir," I said shaking.

"Thank you," he said. " Now go and get your things we are leaving in ten minutes," he said without spearing me a glance.

"Okey sir" After that I Left his office. When I got to my station, Sarah walked up to me.

"How did it go?" she asked me.

" Fine, I guess" not sure of what to say. "I'm here to get my things. It looks like we are going somewhere". I said to Sarah.

" Yes, he has a meeting with the Scarlet beauty clothing line". Sarah said.

"Wait! Is that not the trending clothing line?" Jane asked.

" Yes," Sarah replied.

"Why Is the Hughes company interested in a clothing line?" Jane asked her again.

"Well," Sarah replied. "We are into different things. like Hotel management, Health and education, and so on. Mr. Hughes likes to invest in different areas as long as he makes a profit from it. How do you think we made it to number?" she asked. "Interior design is not the only area we are into we have different companies under us". she explained.

" Ok I'll be leaving now," I said and rushed back to his office and saw him still sitting, facing his computer.

"Sir, I'm ready," I said to him.

"Okey, let's go," He said while getting up from the chair.

We got into his private elevator before he passed the floor button. It was awkwardly silent standing beside him. I swear I can even hear my heartbeats. He started mumbling a song, but I can't make out the words.

When the elevator opened I followed him outside to the parking lot. His driver Was already waiting for us in a black SUV and we got into the car.

He took out his laptop and started going through some stuff as I sat down there quietly squeezing my dress. After some minutes the car stopped. then the driver Said, "We are here sir".