
The start of the special game.

''Holy shit what the fuck?!'' The woman screams.

''Shop!'' David shouts.


[Bought: [Parachute bag] for 20 Sp.]

[Items will be placed into inventory.]


''Help me pull the strap on mine and I'll help you''

''Good idea! But me first!'' The woman shouts, also buying a parachute bag.

The woman opens her inventory and pulls the bag out with her mouth.

''Ok!'' David answers.

David struggles to move his head to where the strap is and manages to pull it. The woman's fall slows down and she rushes away from David.


[Didn't think that one through did ya?]

'Shut up.'


''Hold on buddy, I'll help ya!'' The man chips in, laying to the side of David.

''Ok.'' David answers, pulling the bag out of his inventory with his mouth and prepares to hold on.

''Do mine first!'' The man yells.

''Oi! You really think I'll fall for that one again?!'' David yells back, dumbfounded.

''Ok, ok. You open mine and hold on to me!''

''Hell no! You open mine and hold on to me!''

''Uh... Listen man I'm a really weak guy! Can't you help me out a little, please?''


''Fine I'll hold on to you...'' The man says, slightly dejected.

The man prepares to pull David's strap.


He pulls on Davids strap and then barely manages to bite on to his thigh before he races away.


David turns his head to look at the man and lets go off his parachute.


''Oh SHIT!'' He yells out.

''WHAT THE FUCK! ARE YOU STUPID?'' The man yells at him.

[It was nice knowing you partner...]

''AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH'' The men scream in unison all the way down to the ground.

David feels something soft and squishy for a split second before everything suddenly stops.

''Gah!'' He can only let out a single sound before they both lose consciousness.


The woman looks down at the two men falling in glee.

'Hehe... That's two less contestants to deal with!' She thinks to herself.

{I wouldn't count them out just yet.} Her voice says to her.

{They're falling onto... Something soft enough to break their fall...}

'What the hell! Just tell me what it is! Don't use that cryptic language on me!' The woman yells back at her voice.

{Are you sure? It's kinda gross...}

'Yes I'm sure!' The woman says back, now infinitely more curious.

{Well... It's a p-pile of decaying corpses...}


The voice gags.

'Hey! Don't vomit in my brain you asshole!' The woman responds, annoyed.

'And that's it?! I've killed like 300 people already, what are a pile of corpses to you now?!'

{B-but they're old and d-dirty.} The voice responds trying to hold in her vomit. {S-so unclean...}



'Oi! How do you even vomit anyways?!' The woman asks, dumbfounded.

{Ugh...} The voice avoids the question, choosing to recover from her distress instead.

'Whatever...' The woman says to herself.

'How long is it gonna take us to get down from here?'

{We're just about to land actually...} The voice answers, having recovered a bit.

'What? Alrea-'


She lands on her back, knocking the wind out of her lungs.


She lays on the ground for a few seconds before a man runs up to her.

''Hey you there? Are you alright?'' The man calls out. She opens her eyes.

''Hey someone get a carriage!'' Another man calls out.

'What the hell?' She thinks to herself.

''It's ok! You're gonna be alright!''

''Hey let's bring her over to old man Oscar's place!''


'Ugh... Where the hell did I land?'

David opens his eyes and sees only darkness. His nose starts reacting to the smells around him.

'Ugh! It's smells fucking terrible in here.'

He starts feeling some pain from his right arm.

'probably broken huh? At least there is some feeling in it. Don't feel anything in my legs though.'

''Status'' He says, quietly, feeling like he just woke up with a really bad hangover.


Name: David Baird

Condition: Temporarily immobilized(Neck down), Fever, Broken right arm (Radius), Broken right leg (Femur)(Infected), Broken right hip (Gluteus maximus), Slight bleeding.

Hp: 77%

Affinities: (Skills), (Learning), (Understanding), (Brawling).

Sp: 2715

Skills: {Stab/LV.4} {Danger sense/LV.2} {Basic gun mastery/LV.5} {Basic footwork/LV.MAX} {Basic knife mastery/LV.2} {Mental tolerance/LV.5} {Kick/LV.3} {Thick skin/LV.3} {Basic climbing/LV.MAX} {Basic stitching/LV.MAX} {Sense weak point/LV.5} {Killing blow/LV.5} {Run/LV.3} {Slash/LV.4} {Trolls body/LV.MAX} {Sniper's intuition/LV.3} {Enhanced eyesight/LV.2} {Spear throwing mastery/LV.1} {Leap/LV.2} {Throwing/LV.1} {Strengthen Legs/LV.MAX} {Strengthen organs/LV.MAX} {Strengthen arms/LV.MAX} {Strengthen neck/LV.MAX} {Vampiric traits/LV.MAX}


'Why the hell does it smell so bad in here?' David tries to move his body but is unable.

'Oh right. Paralyzed.'

[You're in a landfill.] The voice responds.

[Seems ''It'' was kind enough not to put you in the middle of a jungle or something. It's probably laughing it's ass off right now...]

'A landfill? You've gotta be kidding...'

[Unfortunately not.]

David lays for a bit and then hears some muffled voices coming from his side.

'There are people here?' He asks, confused.

[They probably saw you two fall.] The voice reasons.

'Wait, so I'm laying on my side right now?'

[Yup.] The voice answers.

The sounds of shovels digging comes closer and closer until a shovel bonks into the side of David's head.


''I think I hit a rock!'' The boy shouts out and then proceeds to start digging around David's head.

'Do I look like a rock?!' David shouts out in his head.


'Don't laugh!'

''Wait... It's one of the people!''

The boy quickly digs around David to try and pull his face out of the waste and bodies.

He pulls David onto his back. David opens his eyes and sees the boy's face.

'My savior!' David screams out in his mind.

''Ayayaya... There's no saving this one...''

''Give him a merciful end...'' A man says, presumably the boys caretaker.

The boy says a quick prayer and readies his shovel.



The blow hits David's throat causing a red mark to form on his skin.

''Ehg! Wait a minute here!'' David exclaims.

''What the hell? You're hard as a rock!'' The boy also exclaims, dumbfounded.

''Are you a devil fruit user?''

''Huh? How about you get me out of this hole, and THEN I'll answer your questions.'' David responds.

'What is a devil fruit user?' David asks the voice.

[Hmm... From what I remember it is some sort of special human on this world.] The voice explains.

[They gain their power from eating a fruit blessed by the owner of this world, Thus they're called devil fruit users.]

'Huh. Neat.' David responds.

''Can you move?'' The boy asks.

''No, not right now.'' David answers.

''What about the other man that came with you? Is he also a devil fruit user?'' The boy asks David.

''Him? Oh I don't know. He's dead though so there is no reason to bring him out of here.'' David respond nonchalantly, lying through his teeth.

''Who says I'm dead?!'' A muffled voice cries out from underneath David, annoyed.

''Umm...'' The boy ponders, confused.

''Bring them both out you fool.'' the caretaker demands.

''Ok!'' The boy responds.

The boy painstakingly digs them both out of the landfill, the people passing by looking on in disgust.

''What the hell are you looking at!'' The caretaker shouts out, causing the people to scramble away.

''Lift them onto the carriage.'' The caretaker once again demands.

''Yes!'' The boy complies and moves both the men on to the carriage, with difficulty.

''Hey wait! Where are you taking us?'' The man who fell with David asks, panicked.

The caretaker moves his face right into the mans line of sight.

''Is that how you act towards the man that just saved your life?''

''No sir! I'm sorry sir!'' The man responds.

''Me and my partner thank you dearly for saving both of our lives in these trying times sir!''

The caretaker's expression stays still, like a steadfast mountain, unmoved. A single bead of sweat rolls down the mans forehead.

''I just humbly request to know where we will be brought considering our situation sir!''

''Yeah! We just happen to be a bit new around here!'' David adds.

''New around here huh? Not weird considering you fell outta the fucking sky.'' The caretaker responds, loosing the reins on his horse, signalling it to move.


'What the hell do i respond to that?!' He asks the voice, slightly panicked.

[Just keep quiet.] The voice guides.

[Anything you tell him right now will just make you sound like a crazy person.]



''Well whatever. I've seen stranger things happen.'' The caretaker says.

''You can explain yourself once we get to my clinic.''

''Clinic? You're a doctor?'' David asks back.

''What? Don't look the type?'' The caretaker responds.

''I wouldn't know, haven't seen you yet.'' David says back.

''Oh right. Forgot you couldn't move your head. Well, have a look.''

The man puts his face in front of David's, revealing a scraggly old man's face. He looks to be around 60-ish, grey hair, without a mustache and a bit of stubble on his chin.

''Oh, You're right. You don't strike me as the doctor type.'' David responds.

''You look more like the homeless type, no offense.''

''Hahaha! I get that a lot.''

'He seems like a trustworthy guy.' David thinks to himself.

[I wouldn't trust him so easily David.] The voice warns.

'No this guy is good.' David responds, confident.

[How are you so sure?] The voice asks back.

'You can see it in his eyes.' David explains.

'Some people... You can just see it in them, you know?'



The horse slowly walks along the road, moving across the town. People sometimes stop to have a closer look at David and the other guy, but quickly recoil from the smell.

''I would suggest you two gentlemen take a bath once we arrive...''

''Yeah...'' They both respond.

''Doctor!'' A man yells at the carriage.

''Martin! What's the commotion?'' The caretaker yells back.

''You must hurry back! There is a woman who fell from the sky!'' The man explains.

''She cannot move her arms or legs!''

Hello once again everybody. I am now writing again. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you didn't, go eat a poopy stick.

Also leave a comment... If you want to... I promise I won't judge ;)


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