
Adventure awaits!





''Jingfei wins! 23-7.'' Tommy shouts out.

''Aaaagh! God damn it...'' David yells in frustration while swimming back to the ship.

''You're so weak now... Maybe I should be the captain instead?'' Jingfei taunts.

''Huh? You barely even beat me that time!'' He snaps back.

''Wait! Is that...'' Tommy mumbles to himself.

''Hey guys! I think I can see the red line up ahead!''

''Really? Let me see.'' David climbs up on the lookout tower and squints his eyes.


A red wall fills his eyes up to the clouds.

''Jing! Come have a look!''

She climbs up and stands next to David.

''Wow... It's bigger than I could have ever imagined.'' She responds.

After staring at it in awe for a few seconds they steer the ship towards the entrance of reverse mountain.

The waves splash harshly against the deck of the ship as they travel up the current.

''Whooo! It's like a rollercoaster!'' Jingfei shouts as they travel up.

When they reach the top they stare at the top of the clouds in awe for a few seconds before rushing down.


''Aaaaah!'' Tommy screams on the way down.


''Ha! That was fun!'' Jingfei exclaims.

''Amazing...'' David whispers to himself.

'...?' As he looks out to the ocean he sees something flying towards the deck of their small ship.

'A cannonball?'

He moves to where the ball would land and grabs it before it touches the deck, the force causing the wood under his feet to crack.

''Ha ha ha! Give up your treasures and women and just maybe I, The great Mizaki! Will spare your pitiful life!''

David and Jing look each other in the eyes and prepare to fight.




''Let's see here, "iron storm" Mizaki, Dead or alive, 33 million 500 thousand berries.''

David picks up the man's steel fighting stick and throws the unconscious captain, bound up, into his own quarters.

''Oh! There's another one here for 5 million!'' Tommy shouts out.

''Great! Bind him up and throw him in the quarters aswell.''

''Throw all the others in underneath the deck!'' David orders.

He then jumps in the water and swims back to the old ship and puts it in his inventory before sailing off in their new one.

''So, 50-50 right?'' Jingfei asks.

''As we agreed.'' David answers.

''Hey guys! I think i found some kind of treasure map in here!''

''A treasure map?'' David calls questions.

''Yeah, let me check...''

''It looks like it leads to... Foolshout Island.''

''...Do you know how to get there?''

''Well, let me show you something else I found...'' Tommy pulls an eternal pose out of his pocket.

''Huh? What's that?'' David asks.

''It's an eternal pose. And I think it's one that'll lead us to Foolshout.'' Tommy responds.

''Oh, like a navigation thingy? Cool.''

''Let's think about this a little first guys.'' Jingfei cuts in.

''How did they get a hold of this map? And who buried the treasure?''

''And most importantly... How many other people know it exists?''


''This is a big opportunity!'' David looks at Jingfei with a big smile.

She responds by smiling back.

''We're gonna get rich!''


As David finishes of his training for the day he lays down on the deck, looking at the night sky. After staring for a few seconds he opens up his status to see how much he has improved.


Name: David Baird

Condition: Tired, Wistful.

Hp: 100%

Affinities: (Skills), (Learning), (Understanding), (Brawling).

Sp: 107

Skills: {Stab/LV.9(UP)} {Danger sense/LV.3} {Basic gun mastery/LV.5} {Basic footwork/LV.MAX} {Basic knife mastery/LV.7} {Mental tolerance/LV.6} {Kick/LV.7(UP)} {Thick skin/LV.5} {Basic climbing/LV.MAX} {Basic stitching/LV.MAX} {Sense weak point/LV.5} {Killing blow/LV.5} {Run/LV.10(UP)} {Slash/LV.12(UP)} {Trolls body/LV.MAX} {Sniper's intuition/LV.3} {Enhanced eyesight/LV.4(UP)} {Spear throwing mastery/LV.5} {Leap/LV.2} {Throwing/LV.4} {Strengthen Legs/LV.MAX} {Strengthen organs/LV.MAX} {Strengthen arms/LV.MAX} {Strengthen neck/LV.MAX} {Vampiric traits/LV.MAX} {Weight lifting/LV.10(UP)} {Training mastery/LV.9(UP)} {Strong body/LV.MAX} {Basic spear mastery/LV.9(UP)} {Basic axe mastery/LV.9(UP)} {Basic halberd mastery/LV.10(UP)} {Hero's legacy/LV.1} {Brute force/LV.1} {Devour/LV.3(UP)} {Swimming/LV.2(NEW)}.




increases your swimming proficiency.

Gives you a percentage training boost equal to this skills level times ten while swimming.

Gives you insight into the true nature of what it means to swim.

Currently providing:

S: [Very small endurance boost]x2, L: [Very small strength boost]x2 , U: [Very small endurance boost]x2.


David uses the stored power in devour to increases his strength and tries to pull the old dragon's hatred out of his inventory again.




The halberd moves a few millimeters before David loses his grip and falls on his butt.

'...It moved!' He thinks to himself in amazement.

[Ha! I knew you'd be able to do it!]

[And you still have 10 days left! I knew it wasn't a mistake picking you!]

'He he he!'

David's nose grows a little longer as he gloats about his accomplishment.

''Hey cap! We're getting close to the island! I think we should stop for a night's rest before we start!'' Tommy suggests.

''Sounds like a plan!'' David shouts back at him.

The three then walk under the deck and pick out a ''bed'' they like before going to sleep.

~The next morning~

As the group finish their morning routine they jump off the ship and take a dinghy to the nearest port city.

They rent a space and head of towards the location of the treasure.

''Now let's see...''

They walk a straight line through a desert and come close to a set off small mountains.

''Now, the path should go through these mountainous regions.'' Tommy explains.

''I think our best option would be to hike...





'What is that? An earthquake?' Jingfei wonders.


The group look behind them and see a giant yellowish orange sandworm towering over, showing off it's fangs.



David quickly puts Tommy under his arm and starts running, Jingfei follows close after.

''What the hell is that!?'' David shouts.

''Who cares!? Just run to the mountains!'' Jingfei shouts back.



The creatures pincers follow close behind them as they run.

''Aaaaah! Don't you have any way to get this thing off our trail!?'' Jingfei shouts out.



[Bought: [M67 hand grenade] For 8 Sp.]


He cocks the grenade, turns around and throws it into the creature's gaping maw.



The creature howls out in pain and stops for a few seconds, buying the group some precious time.

They make it on to one of the mountains and start climbing up it.


The creature makes an impressive leap after them.

David quickly drops Tommy onto the rocky surface below, takes Alvida's club and Mizaki's rod out of his inventory and throws the rod to Jing.

She quickly gets the picture and they both get into batting position.

''Ready!'' David shouts.

''Set!'' Jingfei shouts back.


''Strike!'' They shout simultaneously, each one striking the top of the creature's pincers.



David uses his brute force skill for a split second, the small amount of extra power pushing the creature back.


The creatures pincers crack and it's head falls backwards, down to ground, where it quickly rushes into the sand once again.


David's right arm falls down limply at his side.




He pops his shoulder back into it's socket and wraps his arm in some cloth.

''...'' Tommy looks on in awe.

''Are you sure that'll be fine!?'' The boy shouts out.

''Yeah, I'll heal in like half an hour.'' David responds, calmly.

''Ha! Troll's body right? I got that one too.'' Jingfei says to David.

''Yup! Good skill.'' He replies with a smile.


''It should be somewhere around here...''

''Well, Let's start digging!'' Jingfei suggests and pulls two shovels out of her inventory, throwing one to David.







As they dig out small holes around the area the day turns to night, until finally...



''Hey! I think I hit something hard over here!'' David shouts out and quickly starts digging it out.

Jingfei and Tommy run over and look to where David is digging. A shiny blue exterior quickly shows itself.

''That looks like treasure!'' Jingfei exclaims.

David takes the chest out of the hole and starts examining.

''Looks like... Seastone.'' He says.

''There's a keyhole here too...''

''Give it to me! Daddy taught me some lock picking a while back!'' Tommy shouts out.

''You can work on it when we get back to the ship.'' David says, noticing some pirate ships approaching from the distance.

''Let's take care of our "visitors" first...''

He jumps in the water and swims towards the ships while Jingfei stays back and looks after Tommy.

''Hey captain... I think there is something approaching us from underwater!'' A crewmate shouts out.

''Prepare the harpoons!'' The captain orders.

The crew comply, getting out a myriad of different harpoon guns from the deck and aiming them at David.

'Ain't no sea creature gonna stop me from getting this booty!' The captain thinks to himself.

David swiftly dodges the harpoons underwater and pulls a big sword out of his inventory and stabs it into the bottom of the ship.

'I stand next to a mountain...'

He slashes the bottom of the ship in half.

'...And chop it down with the edge of my hand!'

He takes both his hands in between the cracks and pulls the the ship apart from beneath.


'What the...!' The captain thinks to himself.

The deck of the ship starts bending before cracking open and falling inwards.

The captain quickly jumps to a safe place above the water before David climbs out from the floorboards, wearing his demon god's footsoldier armor and holding Alvida's giant club.

''Waku Waku No Mi: Railgun!''


The captain's sword races towards David at an alarming speed.

He puts the club in the path of the sword.


The sword harshly bounces of the club.

David jumps towards the man, mace in hand, causing the floorboards underneath his feet to break.


The captain blocks the blow with another sword, but is pushed of the side of the ship, falling into the water.

''Aaaaah!'' The man shouts out.

''Brother!'' A three meter tall man, standing on another ship cries out before jumping at David with his massive sword.

David puts the club into his inventory and dodges the blow.

'...!' The man's eyes widen in surprise.

Before the man can react David takes both his hands and smacks one on each side of the mans head, causing his ears to bleed.

'Who the hell is this guy!?' The man thinks to himself before passing out.

David punches away a cannonball coming from the ship with his left hand, before pulling out a halberd and throwing it at the ship.



The Halberd rushes straight through the ship and into the water, causing the ship to sink into the depths below.

''Aaaah!'' The crew scream out in fear as they jump out into the water to try and escape.

David quickly grabs both the captains and swims back onto the shore.

'...What the hell?'

Bodies and limbs lay strewn about all over the shore, disemboweled, decapitated, the person having committed the act clearly not showing any mercy to their enemies.

''Did it go well?'' Jingfei asks with a big, unconscious, bloodied man over her shoulder.

''Y-Yeah...'' David responds, dumbfounded.

''Bleeeh~'' Tommy pukes up his dinner and lays down on his stomach, crying.

''...'' David looks on in pure amazement.

''Y-You don't think you went a little too far maybe?'' He asks, carefully.

''Eh, he'll be fine.'' She answers, nonchalantly.

''G-Guys... L-Let's just go back... Please...'' Tommy begs.

Heloo once again everybody! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Sorry abot the delays but i was doing some planning on the upcoming story, as well as re-watching some parts of one piece for research, so you'll have to forgive me.

If you don't, then leave some angry comments down below to release your frustrations ;)

I might be able to get another chapter out today so stay tuned!



EpicestGamercreators' thoughts
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