10 Chapter 10

Rodrigo treated us to dinner at a Chinese restaurant down town. The table was filled with different varieties of food, like; Sichuan pork, Shrimps with Vermicelli and garlic, Chow Mein, Peking roasted duck, and spring rolls. As for drinks, we had red wine, and water to wash the food down.

Kevin later showed up at the restaurant, and we invited him to join us. He went to our place earlier to come pick up Lorenzo, but when Lorenzo informed him he was down town with my family and I, Kevin rushed over.

"So Elena, Diego has been telling me you're have issues with a math problem , or was it math topic. I think he called it Arthur. Diego what did you call it again?" Rodrigo said

"You're right, its Arthur " Diego answered smiling

Just then, Lorenzo coughed. It was more like he choked on something, I think, and Kevin burst into laughter immediately.

Diego was seated next to Lorenzo, so he quickly poured out some water into Lorenzo's glass and gave him to drink. Lorenzo drank the water and spoke immediately, which he wasn't supposed to do.

"Pardon me, a math what?" Lorenzo said, still recovering from the cough.

"Aren't you three attending the same class?"

Rodrigo directed the question to both Kevin and Lorenzo

I turned to Lorenzo and Kevin, please say yes- i prayed for them to say.

"Yes we are" Kevin answered firmly

"Then help her with the math problem. Or are you both having problems with it?" Rodrigo said

"No....we are both fine" Kevin answered speaking for himself and Lorenzo.

"Good then, help your sister out" Rodrigo said to them.

"Excuse me sir, here is the bill you requested for" a young black waiter informed.

"Oh okay, I'll be with you in a minute" Rodrigo said to him

"Diego" Rodrigo called

"Excuse us" Diego said, and he left with Rodrigo.

The both of them were gone for about 10minutes, but Diego returned alone.

"Where's Rodrigo?" Mama asked

"He would be with us soon, in the meantime, let's get ready to leave." Diego then turned to Kevin and Lorenzo "Kevin, Lorenzo, we are going to drop you two off right?" he asked

"No, my elder brother is on his way already." Kevin answered.

"What about you Lorenzo?"

"He is spending the night at my place" Kevin answered.

"When would your brother get here?" Diego asked

Kevin was about to answer Diego when his phone beeps. He picked it up, just see he had received a text from his brother.

I'm right outside the restaurant, you two can come out now....that's if your done eating- the text said.

"He's right outside" Kevin answered

Kevin and Lorenzo rose from their seats and wished us a happy night rest. "Thank you for dinner, bye mama" they both said lastly and they left.

"Bye boys" mama replied

Rodrigo returned immediately Kevin and Lorenzo exited the restaurant.

"Where are your amigos?" he asked

"They just left, and they were both grateful for dinner" I answered

"They are welcome....vamos a despedirnos mama" which stood for let's take our leave mum.

"Okay" she replied

We returned home 25minutes before 9pm. I was exhausted and the rest of us too as well. My mother went straight to her room to retire for the day, while my brothers locked the windows and doors. I stood at the middle of the hallway, waiting for them to finish. I could hear their conversation clearly. Rodrigo was talking about a girl he met, where he studied, and they had been dating for sometime now.

"Where is she staying now?" Diego asked interested

"She lives with her parents at Canada, but she's from Idaho" Rodrigo replied

"What's her name?"

"Jana" Rodrigo answered

"Wow" Diegi said amazed

"I know right"

"So when will you introduce her, or would she come visit one day?" I asked, completely violating their private conversation.

"Elena" Rodrigo burst out. He looked surprised instead of angry.

"Yes" I answered smiling

"Off to bed with you" he ordered

"Why aren't you in bed anyways?" Diego asked

"You both instructed me to wait" I answered

"Yes I said wait, but in the hallway and not the doorway" Rodrigo said.

"Well I got bored bored" I said stubbornly

"We are done anyways, let's just go in" Diego said

"Rodrigo you didn't answer my question" I said

"What question" he asked softly

"When would we see Jana?" I asked again

"When you learn to respect other people's privacy" he said

I could tell I had annoyed him by joining their private conversation. But I couldn't help myself, I was excited, Rodrigo likes a girl.

"I'm sorry" I said apologetically.

"I'm not angry believe me, I'm just correcting you okay" he said

"Okay" I was about to turn around and take my leave, then I suddenly remembered why I approached the doorway again. I honestly wanted to know why I was told to wait, I was actually tired of standing.

"Rodrigo, why did you tell me to wait earlier," I asked

"I only wanted to know more about this Arthur" he answered

"He's a friend that's all" I answered

Rodrigo and Diego glanced at each other before they focusing back on me.

"What, I'm serious" I said

"We didn't object. You're free to leave now" Rodrigo said.

"Alright, goodnight" I said to both of them.

"Goodnight" they both replied

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