
Strongest Dungeon Boss on Vacation

In a peaceful and warm magical realm, there lies a concealed dungeon teeming with fearsome creatures that have never been seen before or been challenged. The mightiest heroes, fearsome demon kings, and strongest gods yearn to put their skills to the test against this renowned dungeon, only to be greeted by "Do not enter, Dungeon Boss on vacation.”

Notorious_911 · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Wallace Wycliff

That day, the man who used to love smiling, reading novels, and watching cartoons vanished.

The reincarnator's father remained strict and harsh until he turned eighteen.

On his eighteenth birthday, he requested a small sum of money and, with the help of his school, enlisted in the military.

He was relieved to finally escape from his parents, hoping to return to his home country after completing his military service to live a fulfilling life without them, seeking revenge.

He dreamed of rediscovering the joy of reading novels and watching cartoons.

Unfortunately, his dream was shattered when he, along with his dreams, perished in war.

Soon after, the reincarnator found himself in a new world that mirrored the magical and hierarchical systems of the games and stories he enjoyed during his childhood on Earth with his parents.

"Are you listening to me!!?" Baron Wycliff screamed at Lord Emberon's face. However, he just ignoring, recalling every memory of the reincarnator.

To the reincarnator, this new world felt like a fresh start and a new opportunity.

He had a mother and father here as well, with his father being Willard Wycliff, a Baron.

However, between the ages of 10 and 15, the Wycliff family ran a school for training knights.

In that school, there was a young man who resembled the reincarnator's former tormentor.

This young man was more skilled than the reincarnator, holding the rank of an 8th-level knight while the reincarnator was only a level four knight.

The young man was intelligent and would act kindly and morally whenever the reincarnator's parents were present, but treated the reincarnator as a target for abuse.

Moreover, during the test to become a magic knight, it became apparent that the young man had a high chance of becoming the first magic knight due to his strong affinity for fire magic.

As a result, the Baron and the reincarnator's mother showed favoritism towards the young man, causing the reincarnator to feel desperate and fearful that history would repeat itself.

Fearful, silent, and desperate, the reincarnator became defensive and distant, which strained his relationship with the Baron and his mother.

One day, the young man insulted the reincarnator, claiming that his parents favored him more than their own son.

This provoked the reincarnator to challenge the young man to a duel out of anger, but Baron Willard discovered the plan and grounded the reincarnator.

While grounded, the system arrived, and the reincarnator seized the opportunity to secretly venture into Lord Emberon's dungeon to retrieve an item, intending to prepare for the impending duel once he obtained what he desired.

However, in his desperate attempt to avoid repeating past mistakes on Earth, he overlooked a crucial factor—the butterfly effect.

He believed that, just like in the story and game, the heroes stumbled upon Lord Emberon's dungeon by chance while they were asleep. It turned out to be one of the most challenging and memorable dungeons to conquer.

Due to the reincarnator's carelessness and desperation, Lord Emberon now found himself here.

Baron Willard, his face contorted with anger, finally let out a scream that reverberated through the grand hall. His voice was filled with frustration and desperation as he exclaimed, "Are you listening to me, Wallace Wycliff!?"

His furious gaze locked onto Lord Emberon, demanding attention and recognition.

However, Lord Emberon remained unmoved by the father's identity or the mention of Wallace Wycliff's name. Instead, he directed his unwavering focus towards the young man standing beside Baron Willard.

"You," he said calmly and deliberately, pointing his finger at the young man, "let us duel."

He spoke the words casually, almost nonchalantly, as if suggesting a leisurely game of chess.

Baron Willard, already seething with anger, became even more incensed by the audacity of the young man to ignore his presence.

"How dare you, you impudent wretch! Ignoring me, the Baron!" he bellowed, his voice dripping with indignation and wounded pride. But before he could unleash a barrage of curses upon Lord Emberon, the young lord turned his gaze toward the Baron and interrupted his tirade.

"I apologize, father," Lord Emberon interjected, his tone composed and respectful, "but I wish to challenge him to a life-and-death combat, right here, right now."

The weight of his words hung in the air, the significance sinking in.

Baron Willard and his wife gasped in unison, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief. They were unable to fathom the audacity of their son's proposal.

Meanwhile, as Lord Emberon's gaze swept across the room, he noticed a lady positioned on the back of Baron Willard. Her countenance was etched with worry. He recognized her as Wallace Wycliff's mother, but she held no importance to Lord Emberon's plan, so he swiftly dismissed her presence from his thoughts.

Returning to the matter at hand, he addressed his father directly, his voice resolute and unwavering.

"How about this, father? If I lose, this man will become your son. But if I win, I will claim the title of Baron and rule over this territory."

The gravity of his proposition hung thickly in the air, the room steeped in anticipation and uncertainty.

Baron Willard, now wearing a mask of incredulity, scoffed at the sheer audacity of his son's words.

"What are you saying, you insolent brat!?" he spat, his voice laced with both anger and disbelief.

The mother, her maternal instincts kicking in, interjected with a mixture of concern and worry. Her words reflected the typical worries of a protective and loving parent.

"Are you sure about this, my dear son? Engaging in such a perilous duel for the sake of power and control... It could cost you everything. Please don't do it," she pleaded, her voice tinged with a mother's love and apprehension.

Lord Emberon, with a cold and composed demeanor, looked at the woman who was Wallace Wycliff's mother.

Then, he pointed his hand at his mother and declared, "Father, if you don't accept my offer, I will end her life, right here, right now, even if you all try to stop me."

Personally, Lord Emberon didn't hold any ill feelings toward the young man, the Baron, or the mother. After all, he was only pretending to be Wallace Wycliff, so there was no grudge between them.

However, the current situation necessitated Lord Emberon obtaining a noble status. He had found a better solution for everything.

Once he became a noble, he would have the freedom to pursue his desires without obstacles.

Moreover, Lord Emberon had a persistent worry—a concern that mastering certain techniques might have unforeseen consequences, resulting in either excessively strong or regretfully weak abilities. As the lord of a dungeon, it was at the forefront of his mind. Choosing to secure a noble rank seemed like the most sensible path. If he couldn't personally capture monsters anymore, he could delegate the task to others.

To achieve this, however, obstacles needed to be eliminated, and this young man, standing alongside the Baron and the mother, was one such hindrance.

That's why Lord Emberon deliberately caused the destruction of the library—a calculated move to capture Baron Willard's attention and set his plan in motion.