
Strongest Dragon Mage

Rohan felt an acidic sear in his throat as he woke up from his dream—he searched his body immediately for the fatal strike his best friend had dealt upon him. Was everything a dream? No. Everything that happened in his first life was too bitter and cruel to be just a nightmare. Rohan the Last Dragon Mage had travelled back in time, sixteen years before he is slain by the people he trusted. "Forget saving the world," he huffed in cold sweat, "I'm going to ruin you all."

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25 Chs

Chapter 19 Voglio

"I want to challenge this student!"

Varian couldn't help but smirk as he examined the drawing. "Is that drawing... supposed to be a dog?" he quipped, an amused tone coloring his words.

Rohan grinned, shaking his head. "Close. It's a bitch!" He held up a portrait he drew. The longer Varian stared at the portrait, the more apparent it became that Rohan's talent was far from the realm of artistic ventures. The girl's eyes seemed to wander in different directions, her hair appeared as a chaotic sea of indigo waves, and her facial features defied any conventional definition. Furthermore, there was an unmistakable exaggeration in certain areas that left Varian raising an eyebrow.

Varian chuckled heartily. "Well played, young one. So, this 'bitch' is your chosen opponent, I presume?"

Rohan tucked the portrait into his pocket. "Can you… Say, convince the head master?"

"I'll try my best but every time I see Tobias he always has this glum look on his old face," Varian chuckled. "I can wrestle him for it."

Friends in high places are the best!

Rohan began to talk about the previous night. He shared the story of how he had witnessed Sydnia tormenting a fellow student named Mira and her sister stepping in to defend her. As he spoke, Rohan's conviction to face Sydnia in the retest was evident. He wasn't just seeking to prove his magical prowess; he was aiming to make a statement.

Varian listened attentively, nodding occasionally as he absorbed the details. Once Rohan had finished, Varian leaned back in his chair, an intrigued expression on his face. "You have quite the fire in you, Rohan. Challenging Sydnia will be no small feat, but it's clear you're determined. I respect that."

Rohan's resolve was unwavering as he met Varian's gaze. He knew that the path ahead would be challenging, but he was ready to face it head-on.

To spank or not to spank? Now, that is the question.

As Rohan contemplated his upcoming duel with Sydnia, a battle waged within his mind. On one side, there was the burning desire for vengeance, a need to make her pay for what she had done in his past life. The thought of gravely injuring her, perhaps even rendering her incapable of participating in the future events involving the Demon Lord, crossed his mind. 

After all, he had seen the depths of her cruelty and knew that she was not to be underestimated.

Yet, as he gazed at Varian, a man whose very core was built upon the principles of pacifism and the responsible use of magic, Rohan couldn't help but hesitate. He understood that Varian would never condone inflicting harm upon another, and he respected the older mage's philosophy. It made him ponder whether Sydnia's cruelty had reached its peak, or if she could still change, perhaps with a nudge in the right direction.

"Why do you always look like your mind is in another world?"

Rohan looked up at his mentor. Varian has an expression of curiosity. "I don't know," Rohan said, "it seems my mind sometimes wanders to another life."

Varian shrugged.

In the end, Rohan decided that while he would use this duel as an opportunity to stand up against Sydnia and exact revenge for what she did to Mira, he would not resort to gravely injuring her. Instead, he would aim to defeat her in a way that showcased his own magical prowess and use her as a stepping stone for his future plans.

In the bustling cafeteria of the academy, Rohan and Mira found themselves sitting at a table, their trays of food before them. As they began to eat, Rohan turned to Mira, a determined look in his eyes.

"I've been thinking," he said, his voice low, "about challenging Sydnia in the retest. It's partly for my own sake, of course, but it's also because of what she did to you. I can't just let her get away with it."

Mira couldn't help but smile faintly at his words. "You're doing this for me?"

Rohan nodded. Well, that too, but mostly to teach Bytchnia a lesson. "Yes, but also because it's the right thing to do. No one should be subjected to her cruelty." The image of Azure's suffering flashed across his mind.

With a grateful expression, Mira said, "Thank you, Rohan. I appreciate it..."

Rohan then shifted the conversation, his tone becoming more serious. "Tell me, Mira, what do you know about Sydnia's abilities? How skilled is she as a mage?"

Mira hesitated for a moment, her brow furrowing. "Well, to be honest, during our duel at the entrance exam, I was able to beat her, but just barely. It was a really close match, and she's definitely skilled. I've heard rumors that she's one of the top mages among the new students."

You beat Sydnia? Is Sydnia that weak during this age?

Rohan nodded, processing this information. "I see. So, she's not to be underestimated. I'll need to prepare myself thoroughly for the retest."

Mira offered him an encouraging smile. "I have faith in you, Rohan. You can do it!"

As Rohan and Mira were busy with their conversation, the lively chatter of the cafeteria suddenly hushed, and the atmosphere changed. The click-clack of stilettos seemed to echo through the cafeteria, breaking the hum of voices and clinking of cutlery. Mira's attention was immediately drawn away from her sandwich, her fingers releasing their grip on the half-eaten meal, which landed with a soft thud on the table.

Sydnia, accompanied by her entourage of mean-spirited girls, sauntered past their table, her gaze fixed on Mira.

With a malicious grin, Sydnia raised her hand, and before anyone could react, a rush of cold water cascaded down onto Mira. The frigid liquid drenched her, causing her to gasp in shock and shiver uncontrollably. Her sandwich was now drenched.

Rohan's eyes blazed with anger as he watched his new friend suffer a second time. He clenched his fists, but he knew that retaliating now would only lead to more trouble and that could lead to expulsion. Instead, he focused on Mira, who was clearly distressed.

"Are you okay, Mira?" he asked, his voice filled with concern, as he reached out to help her dry off with a napkin.

Mira nodded, her teeth chattering. "I-I'm f-fine," she managed to say, her voice trembling from both the cold and the humiliation.

Sydnia and her entourage continued to walk away, laughing and reveling in their cruel prank.

"Sydnia!" he shouted, his voice carrying a mix of anger and frustration, causing her to double back in surprise. 

Rohan's outburst cut through the tension-filled air of the cafeteria like a sudden thunderclap. Heads turned, and hushed conversations faltered as the students focused their attention on the unexpected drama unfolding before them.

"Why are you doing this to Mira?" Rohan's voice was firm, his eyes ablaze. He couldn't fathom why she had chosen to target Mira, who had always been kind and considerate, minding her own business.

Sydnia, however, met Rohan's anger with an unshakable confidence. She arched an eyebrow, her expression bordering on cocky. "Oh, you really don't get it, do you?" Her voice dripped with condescension as she explained herself. "That's how power works. Mira might seem innocent to you, but she's the daughter of a baron, and I... Well, I'm the daughter of a duke."

Rohan's eyes widened with disbelief at Sydnia's audacity. He had known there were class distinctions in their society, but he had never expected that it was the case for those in aristocracy as well.

Sydnia continued, her tone laced with mockery, "And you, Rohan, the son of the legendary Marquis Aldric, hanging around a poor girl like Mira? You're quite the anomaly. You should thank me for showing you the world for what it truly is."

Rohan's eyes bore into hers, his gaze unwavering. "This ends now," he declared, his tone resolute. "I challenge you to a duel."

Rohan's challenge hung heavy in the air, a palpable tension enveloping the cafeteria. Students whispered excitedly, sensing that something extraordinary was about to unfold.

Sydnia, taken aback by Rohan's boldness, couldn't refuse the challenge in front of so many witnesses. She nodded, her expression a mix of annoyance and curiosity. "Fine, you want a duel? You've got it," she replied with a smirk, her arrogance showing.

Mira stood up, she refused to be a helpless victim any longer. Her first ever friend in the academy helped her, was kind to her, and now he is standing up for her. She was taught the value of friendship and courage by Rohan. This was her battle. 

Mira stands between Rohan and Sydnia, and with her chest puffed out, says, "No. I, Mira Voglio, only daughter of Baron Geoffrey Voglio, challenges Sydnia Schwartz to a formal duel."

Mira's declaration hung in the air, a profound silence falling over the cafeteria as the onlookers processed her words. She stood there, her chin held high, a picture of unwavering determination.

"H-huh?" Rohan was dumbfounded.

Sydnia, initially taken aback by Rohan's shout, now found herself facing an unexpected challenge. She blinked in surprise at Mira's bold move, then her eyes narrowed, her lips curling into a sneer. "You think you can challenge me, Mira Voglio? A lower noble like you?"

Mira didn't waver. She maintained her composure and grace, refusing to be intimidated by Sydnia's haughty demeanor. "I don't care about titles or status," she replied firmly. "What matters is that I won't stand by and watch you treat others with cruelty. I challenge you, Sydnia Schwartz, to a formal duel!"

As Mira removed her glove and tossed it to the ground in a symbolic gesture, the cafeteria buzzed with whispers and murmurs. The act of throwing down the glove was a traditional way to issue a challenge, a clear indication of Mira's resolve.

Mira's poise and determination radiated a certain elegance and strength, earning her the respect of some onlookers who had previously remained silent. Even those who had been dismissive of her background couldn't help but admire her courage in the face of someone as intimidating as Sydnia Schwartz.

Sydnia, however, seemed less impressed and more annoyed by the challenge. She glanced at Mira with disdain but couldn't back down from a formal duel, especially with the cafeteria's attention focused on them.

"Fine," Sydnia replied with a haughty toss of her head. "I accept your challenge, Mira Voglio. Prepare to be embarrassed in front of everyone."

Mira's eyes met Rohan's briefly, and she gave him a small, grateful smile. She knew she had learned from the best when it came to courage and friendship, and now it was her turn to stand up for what was right.

M-Mira, what are you doing? She's gonna kill you if I don't kill her first!