
Stream on Verse Fiction

Adrian is a simple man and lives an ordinary life. One day he died because a truck was speeding very fast and hit him. As darkness engulfed him and his consciousness faded away, he became aware and found himself in another World. More precisely he was in the world of Naruto, he became young again and was in the same year as Naruto. However, he did not have any cheat other than his age which was 7 years old and it continued until he graduated from the Ninja Academy. [Multiverse Streaming System Activated ...] [You get the starter pack] [Congratulations !!! You get ...] ... Hello Everyone, the author is here. I will make Fan Fic experience various kinds of travels of the Universe, whether it be Movies, Anime, Manhua or Manhwa. But don't get your hopes up. Enjoy....

DKNM · Cómic
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14 Chs

Chapter 11 - Bell Test ( 2 )

In the training field, Yugao is in front of his 3 genin students and explains about the exams that will be carried out.

"Your test is to take this bell from me. There are only two bells and that means that only 1 person will be returned to the Academy. So the other two will remain as a team "Yugao said. He watched his students, Akiko and Tonbo have the desire to get Bell but Kira had a calm gaze and understanding of what was going on.

Kira already knows about the purpose of the test given by Yugao and like Kakashi it is the same.The Goal is to show about their cooperation, if not then they will endanger themselves in the mission.

Yugao didn't want to take such a dangerous risk, if they couldn't cooperate with each other. Return to the Academy and that experience will make their minds especially Akiko better.

' It would be a shame if he returned to the Academy. it's just a waste of his talent, maybe I can ask the Hokage to put him in the Anbu ' Yugao Thought.

" You can start now! "As those words fell, Yugao disappeared from his place and appeared in front of Akiko.

It happened suddenly, much to their surprise and Akiko was not prepared for the attack launched by Yugao that aimed straight at her face. She tried to block the attack by crossing her arms over her chest but shocked, Akiko couldn't properly mount her defense.

Yugao's punches hit nothing other than the empty space where Akiko was pulled by Kira and taken away from him by Kira's and Tonbo's clones trying to block Yugao from chasing them.

"He made a good decision to run away so he could build a plan first ... But facing that spoiled girl, can he?"


" Hokage-sama, the most prominent of the 3 is Kira Musabori. He leads the rest of the team and allows them to work together. Team 3 passed my test " Yugao said with a calm expression, but there was joy in his eyes as he said that. This is his first team so of course She hopes more.

The team can pass even though their coordination is still lacking. but as time passes they their coordination will get better.

" Oh ~ Looks like you really appreciate Kira "Said the 3rd Hokage

Yugao nodded his head and said "Yes, because he is the one who can make Akiko, the spoiled girl from the Hyuga clan can follow his plan ..."

She recalled the memories regarding the previous bell test.

* Flashback starts *

Yugao walked over with the wooden sword she had from the storage scroll. she looked left and right where the 3 Genin might be.


A large number of Kunai and Shuriken flew at him from his left swiftly, trying to attack his waist and stomach. But as a Jounin and Kenjutsu user, she had a sword close to it that was only wood but he thought it was enough to deal with brats like them.




She parried it but not all of it because that much kunai and Shuriken wouldn't be able to be repelled with a wooden sword, it would only break it. She jumped to the side but her hand that was holding the sword stopped because it was wrapped around threads.

It took him very much by surprise and used more force to draw out his wooden sword. But the person who wields this thread has strength that is not inferior to himself.

Then after a shout was heard.

" Now is the time !!! "

Under those words, Akiko and Tonbo ran at their maximum speed towards Yugao. Tonbo, using his insects, begins to block the vision of Yugao and Akiko moves closer, trying to hit Yugao in the stomach.


But when She hit Yugao, her body turned into white mist and turned into a wooden stick where Yugao used the body change jutsu.

" She is behind you Tonbo "Akiko shouted because he had activated his Byakugan and the field of view became 360 ​​°.

Yugao swung his sword fast but there wasn't much strength, he didn't want to cause Tonbo to break bones. But didn't have time to dodge as the attack was so close and the sword was about to hit Tonbo's body but an insect shield formed blocking the attack from hitting him.

Then the insect flew towards Yugao who jumped back and Akiko appeared near him while launching a Taijutsu Hyuga attack on him.


Yugao dodged the strikes with relative ease when she retreated from either side. Akiko continues to attack her along with the Tonbo Insects from the other side. She swung her sword at the insects while blocking Akiko's continuous attacks.

When She wanted to hit Akiko, Shuriken appeared forcing her to pull her hand back.She forgot that there was one more person who attacked her, if it weren't for her instincts it was certain that she would be hit by the Shuriken.

So now there are three sides that attack him simultaneously, Yugao finds that they are attacking each other but at the same time they are protecting each other except Kira. The man was at a distance and was relying on Shurikenjutsu to attack and help both of them, as if he was reading the movements of Yugao.

A few minutes later, a large number of Shuriken flew towards him, Kira did not run out of one because in every Shuriken there was a binding thread. The Shurikan scattered from all directions and tied Yugao's body.

It was when she felt the threads at the same time that she found the bell had disappeared.

" How is our Sensei working together? Did we pass? Kira asked calmly as she jumped from the Tree and walked towards them.

" It's all thanks to me. Thanks to the Taijutsu Hyūga, we can win. "Akiko was usually arrogant and even because of this he was able to boast.

"Narcissist" muttered Tonbo so as not to be heard by Akiko as he also walked towards Yugao.

Yugao looked at the three of them with surprise in her eyes, as well as appreciation for their truly great cooperation. Even if he didn't use their full ability because it would get them killed, but at least they could cause trouble for the Jounin.

She had a bright smile on her face and nodded.

" Yes, you all pass "

"Yesss !!! Kira, give me the food you promised!" Akiko exclaimed and looked at Kira with a greedy gaze.

"Yes, Yes ... this is yours" Kira took out a storage scroll and brought up the 4 Portions of food he made to eat together. Akiko immediately ran towards him and took the largest portion and ate it.

* Flashback end *

Yugao had a grin on his face and thought 'I want to eat guess food again, it's delicious! '

Not only him but Akiko and Tonbo also thought the same thing.


At Team Guy's training ground, Kira joins them to train. But he felt his right thigh become sore.

" I feel like my money will run out quickly "muttered Kira as he continued training.