
Strangers, Them.

Vacations can be exceptional even short ones but you never know what you might run into or swim into.

AuroraGraham · Fantasía
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18 Chs


I had finished eating first and was still sipping my tea through the straw. I wanted to savor the flavor and give him time to finish so that I wouldn't have to talk and make out his replies through his chewing. That would just be awkward for both of us. But he stopped eating and picked up his napkin. I wondered what for since he didn't have anything on his face. Then he reached across the table and wiped my cheek. I stared back at him, mouth agape a little as his hand retreated. His fingers softly brushed against my cheek as he did so. I began blushing again. At this point, I might as well be a tomato. "Sorry, not trying to invade your personal space but you had some sauce on your cheek." I smiled in thanks, nodding my head up and down as I continued to sip my tea. He chuckled at my reaction. "You sure do blush a lot, don't you?" I played with my hair nervously. "Yeah, I guess." I looked down at my lap embarrassed. He cupped my chin with his hand across the table, lifting my head up, and looking into my eyes. He said, "I think it's pretty cute. The way your cheeks turn all pink when I get near you or when I held your hand or before you respond or even now as I'm just holding your chin. It makes me want to kiss you. Sorry if that's too forward but it's true." I began to blush even harder at his honesty.  He had clearly abandoned what was left of his food and drink to rub circles on my cheek with his thumb as he waited patiently for a response. 

I have no idea what to say to that. "Um-mm..." I began. He got up from his seat to walk over next to me, extending his hand. "How about, I walk you back to your room, we'll exchange numbers, say goodnight, and see where it goes from there. What do you say?"  I took his outstretched hand to help me out of the seat and said, "Sure." He held my hand smiling, saying alright, one second ``M'lady." He added a bow for extra amusement and then cleared our trash from the table. I smiled at the playful side he has been showing every now and again. He returned pretty quickly and he held my hand the whole way back to the hotel. On the way I called Jenessa who didn't answer and I left her a message saying that I would be returning to the room; for her to be careful and return to the room at a responsible time. Tyler just smiled at me after I had hung up and nudged my shoulder saying, "I think we both know what they're up to." I laughed cause I did know as much as I wanted to deny that my best friend was like that, I knew she was. When we arrived at the door to my room, we exchanged numbers. Then I took the key card out of my phone case. Since I didn't have any pockets to carry it in. While I did so, Tyler held the bear for me. I didn't really need him to but I think it was an excuse for him to stay longer. "So, I guess this is goodnight." He said, rubbing the back of his neck, again. I turned toward him. "Yeah, I guess so. I had a good time. Sorry if I was too quiet." Okay, so that was three sentences, progress. Still, I think I could have talked more. "I did too and no need to apologize, we did just meet today. It will take some time for you to get comfortable around me. I mean that is if you want to see this ugly face some more." He smirked. "You're not ugly, you're hot and I do." Oh god, wait did I just call him hot out loud to his face? Kill me now. I stared down at my feet, blushing tremendously. "Well, I'm glad you think so." I could hear the amusement in his voice like he could tell I didn't mean to say that out loud. "I wasn't going to do this 'cause I didn't want to be too forward but you're just so cute." I frowned, still staring at my feet. "Do what?" He tilted my chin up to face him. He was mere centimeters away. When did he get so close? My poor heart was not having it. "I'm going to kiss you now, is that okay?" Yes! My brain screamed as my heart hammered and my head nodded yes. It was only after the second nod did he capture my lips in a passionate, toe-curling, kiss of wondrous dreams.