y/n has always been close with mike wheeler for as long as she could remember but what happens when her longtime crush falls for a girl named Eleven? [mike wheeler x fem!reader]
"Y/N! Wake up!"
My Mom Called me downstairs and naturally, I listened. As much as I'd rather sleep in, I didn't want to make her even more pissed than she already was. I got dressed quickly and came downstairs. "Finally, she sighed."Seriously Y/N, you better start using an alarm because you sleep in way too late."
"I get it, Mom, i say, and grab my backpack before we exited the house, i locked the door behind us and entered Mom's vehicle, School was never my personal strength, Hawkins was a shitty town that nobody really liked but also never wanted to leave, either. Mom sighed."Y/n, last night was unacceptable behavior,and you're 15 years old."
Last night, we got into a huge argument about something, i don't remember, but i broke glass and slapped my mother across the face a few times and now i was grounded, i couldn't even communicate with my best friends, Mike, Max, Dustin,Will, and Lucas.
Hopefully, they weren't worried about me, because i am fine.
We pull up to school, and Mom says,"Don't embarass yourself y/n." I nod."I won't, Mom." For many years, our relationship has been estranged, i guess, we haven't been close since i was 9 years old and after that, i stuck to Dad.
So believe me, Mom may as well hate me, her only child.
"Y/N! Dustin said."Why didn't you answer our calls last night? we thought you were dead." "Well, i'm currently grounded, I sighed."My Mom has hated me for years, but i am alive." Max laughed."Thank god, hey where's Mike?"
"Oh he is getting some books for studying, Lucas said, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend."Y/N, i think you like him." That was very random and honestly, that scared me. I blush."No, i don't, he's like a brother to me, you know that."
Mike came around after i spoke, he said,"what were you guys talking about?" "Nothing, we all said in a unison. "Anyways, Y/n, can i talk to you privately? Mike asked. I nod, before leaving my friends who were making kissy faces, we weren't 11 anymore and still acted immature, geesh.
"What's up Mike? I ask. "Since you're as smart as i am, would you like to study with me for an upcoming test that we should study for? He asked, this was an opportunity. I nodded."I'd love to, Mike." He smiled."Awesome, meet me in the library after school."
"Great, see you then, Mike!"
I was blushing like crazy as we walked towards our friend group, he was my longtime friend and crush, which is sort of embarassing to admit actually. "You Okay, Y/N? Mike asked, noticing my bright red face. "Yeah, i'm fine, don't worry, I assured him as we sat down at a outdoor table next to my friends.
Summer was coming closer than we expected, And almost immediately, we all rushed to our classes just a second after sitting down with them.
Once i sat in class, I was bored already and then, my teacher announced,"We've got a new student, she's been homeschooled up until now, so treat her with respect, Jane Hopper."
The girl who was named Jane, entered the class, and she was so pretty, her hair was middle-length, brown wavy hair, she had big brown eyes and an nervous smile on her face, she softly said,"Can i sit here?"
I smile."Of course, My name is Y/n L/n." "Eleven, She responded, i was confused, wasn't her name Jane?
I whispered,"Isn't your name Jane?" She nodded."It is, biologically, but i have always been called Eleven."
"Okay, Eleven."
She seemed to be a very nice girl and maybe, she would become part of our friend group, I mean, she seeemed to have a good personality. After class, i asked,"Have you met anyone else, Jane?" She shook her head."Not really, i mean, besides you, Y/n, i don't really have anyone else to talk to actually."
I sigh."I've got friends you can talk to, you would really like them." Eleven's eyes widened."Really? Thank You Y/N, you're really a good friend!" I blushed, that was how i took compliments."Thanks, i really want to help you out, ya know?"
Little did i know what was in store for Eleven, and me, i guess as well.