
chapter 1 Welcome to Tokyo

The bird start to sing the window, at the airport to wait my plane America to japan to start a new life,

I hope to make new friends in japan and some good looking guys in Japan to like me just too like me just I am, said Cadence"

Oh honey it will be just to make new friends plus you will get a handsome guy and get cute grand baby's said mom"

But mom I don't know that he will like me back because I'm shy and he not like a ugly girl like me! said Cadence

You are not ugly honey my mom touch my cheek and just be you, said mom

and are you ready to Japan said Mom"

Hmmmmm yea, said Cadence"

Then the annoncer say, the plane, of Japan is will be here.

Hi Are you ready Cadence, said mom"

yes mom I am ready, said Cadence

I'm going to miss you honey and don't forget to message me honey, say mom

"Don't forget to get a part time job honey and get good Grades in your new school in Japan and I still have Japanese money for you honey don't forget to spending the all the money! say mom

Ahhh.... oh ok mom, said Cadence

I... love you honey, say mom.

I... love you too and I am going to miss you so much mommy. said Cadence

I hug my mom and I want you go with me mom...! said Cadence

And I put my one bag already in the plane and I walk to the plane and take my seat.

"I wave my mom and we went off in the sky and listen my music on my iphone and fall asleep on the window!

"The everything is the normal in the plane,

"But I still miss my friends and my family too and I don't know what kind of apartment in Japan to live?

"The plane that I am is pass to Country to Country but I hope we almost their to Japan.

"I woke up what is going on....?

"The announcer, say we are here in Japan and I hope have a great day.

"I turn off my iPhone and my headset in my bag and Anyone is about to out the plane and I grab my bag and out the plane first to the Japanese airport,

"And wow Japanese airport is big, said Cadence"

"And I look around for a the airport at the Japan,

"I saw some a man with a welcome Sign to me said Cadence"

"I walk to him and he said Welcome to Japan and he bow to me and I smile and about to start to bow to him and I say thank you to him"

"We start walk out the Japan airpot and I saw A moving track for me and I walk to the Japan texis he open the door for me and I say thank you and I went in side of the Japan texis and the door is close and I went off,

"I look at the Japan Texis window and see some buildings and shops too and we went fair from it.

"And I saw a two-story Japanese apartment building in front and the Japanese taxis to stop it and I open the door from Japanese taxis with my bag with me and close it too and then they left for me a alone,

"Then the Women step in front of me and then she say that I'm your landlord she dow and I dow too said Cadence and do you want to rent the apartment then she say,

"Then I say yes said Cadence"

" then she give me a paper then I signing the Paper,

"And she say will done the apartment is yours and the landlord will say the movers will put your stuff in your new apartment and I ask the Japanese decorator will Decorate your apartment say the landlord"

"And then I will get a part time job and sign up for my new school said Cadence"

"I start to walk up two town and I saw a Bor coffee &wine cafe and I went inside and the Woman say welcome can I give you something to drink.?

"Hmmmmm no I come to a part time job, Said Cadence"

"You are in the right time, say the Woman and you need to sign up the paper work"

"oh ok I will sign in the paper work said Cadence"

" alright the woman walk Hold a paperwork for me to sign in,"

"And I start to Sign in the paperwork"

"Well done your first job is tomorrow said the Woman and she smile"

"She walk to the locker room and she come back with a maid outfit uniform and this is for you she give me a maid outfit uniform she bow"

"I take it and bow and thank you said Cadence"

Then I left the Bor coffee &wine cafe and then I walk to the school"

"Then I get inside the School and I saw a headmaster hen he saw me and walk to me and he say you are not from the school? He say

No sir I need to sign up for go to school said Cadence"

"He say great and he walk to his Secretary and grab some paper work for me to sign up and he walk to me and he say here you go and then you done and see my Secretary say the Headmaster"

He walk to his office and I start to sign up the paperwork and then I hear screaming, say Jojo and I saw a tell guy surrounded by girls around him"

"I start to stair at him and did not notice. I start to blush how handsome he is when he look at he from his corner of his eyes And I turn my head and doing my sign my paperwork.

The one his crazy fan girl say what's wrong Jojo?

"And he look away and he say good grief It is nothing he tilts his hat and he walk off with by girls"

"When I done the paperwork walk to the headmaster Secretary and say here you go said Cadence"

The Secretary she give me a purple school uniform in to my arms and I say thank you said Cadence"

"And your first day of school is tomorrow say the Secretary"

And oh ok said Cadence"

"And I walk out the school and I start to walk to the town and some food and bento box and stuff for my new school and new bag for my new school for me "

Then I walk to my new apartment and the landlord she say your apartment is ready is all ready Decorate for you "

"And I walk into my new apartment is so pretty and I put my maid and school uniform in my dresser"

And I make stuff inside my new bento box for my first day of new school and put my school stuff in my new bag for tomorrow"

"And I make ramen and after I eat clean my dishes and put them away and take a shower and brush my teeth and change in too my cute pajamas on walk in to my bed and turn off the lights and walk in to my bed and cover me in and I hope tomorrow, is a good day for my new life in Japan and fall a sleep"

To be to continued.

I hope you like my story

Jackie_Griffincreators' thoughts
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