While jogging and listening to music, Frank looked at the nature within his surroundings, going jogging was something he would do to calm his nerves first and foremost, he was pretty average physique-wise at a height of 182 cm, though his stamina was above average as a result of the jogging habit he had made.
Remembering back to before he went jogging, his mother had scolded him for his performance in school, the grades were already above average, but for a poor household; anything less than perfect was unacceptable.
A few years back his mom had even told him to focus his education towards high-paying jobs for the sake of pulling the family out of the mire that was poverty, he had decided to become a doctor because of it. But his family was struggling to pay for even a fraction of the education, there wasn't a scholarship for him as he was very average, but he had made it to the last year of medical school at the very least, well he had racked up a student debt of around 160 000$, which was pretty good from what he heard of his friends, they had around 180 000$-200 000$ student debt, unless they had a scholarship.
His mother had been working to pay for his education too, so she had all the right to demand results, he was just too mentally exhausted right now, so he decided to do some meditative jogging.
Suddenly a spell of dizziness had come over him though, he hadn't eaten since yesterday and the jog had emptied most of his energy.
While cursing his stupidity, he turned and jogged towards home again, so as to not collapse outside atleast.
The more he jogged the more he felt his balance off and halfway home he had to stop and walk just to not fall over, he got a few worried looks from people walking by, but none would stop to help him.
Not that he would need any help, his pride scoffed.
But as he was about to cross the road a truck whoshed past him and into the opposite drivinglane aswell, making a car swerve to not get hit, and incidentally hitting frank as a result.
Just as he had thought he was safe.