
Stories of Androsia

A country man decides to be a teacher. A Great Warrior decides to settle down. A Rebellion against a Tyrant. A war with aliens? Here are many stories that describe the world of Androsia. Just so you readers know there is a couple notes and/or letters mixed in here. Just so you readers know I’m a NOVICE writer. Also most of the characters here are my creation. Some stories are first, second, and third person. I don’t know how to font dialogue Also the stories are NOT IN ORDER ALOT OF TYPOS Please tell me what I need to fix or do better.

TheStagnantReader · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The Raid (Part 1)

Year: 2134

I heard a alarm go off. My head snapped to the moniter to see what was happening. It was the second time today that it happened.

"The fuck...?" I said out loud before heading for my landline and dialing reception. When I heard someone pick up the phone I blurted out my questions. "What the hell is happening?" I asked, voice shaky with anxiety.

The person on the other end chuckled. "Oh you know the drill," they started as though they were telling me about a normal procedure in the office. "Someone went missing during one of our usual tests." The person on the other line explained how we had lost track of one of the scientists. They added some details here and there but by then I had tuned the person out.

"I want you to call security!" I exclaimed, "And I want an update every fifteen minutes on how the scientist went missing! Do you understand?!"

I shouted at the person on the other line, my nerves growing worse when they didn't respond.

After I hung up the phone I rushed out of the room. I looked all around the hallways trying to find the Control Room.

I could hear screaming coming from the floor below so that probably mean a raid was happening. Finally finding a door labeled "Control", I shoved it open without knocking.

I then spotted two armed men standing outside the entrance. "Where's the damn scientist?" I yelled, panting heavily from running down the hallway.

Before the guards could answer me I noticed another man standing just beyond them. I stared at him for a bit, confused as to why he wasn't wearing any armor or carrying anything. He didn't look like he belonged anywhere near here, and before either of us could say something, an alarm went off on the floor above us. "What the fuck is going on now!?" I growled, not bothering to wait for an answer. I stormed past the guards towards where the alarms were sounding from, not caring if the security guard tried to stop me.

I burst through the double doors leading into the Raid Shelter and came face to face with three more armed guards. I didn't bother talking and turned on my heel and ran back out of the Raid Shelter.

I made it halfway down the hall when the sound of an explosion filled the air and I froze in my tracks. Looking behind me I saw several people dressed in hazmat suits, who had taken cover behind the emergency exit door.

As I turned back around, another explosion rocked the building and my eyes widened when I realized a Thermal bomb had been tossed right next to me. Turning away from it I dashed over to where some guards were lying on the ground.

"Hey! Are you ok!?" I kneeled down beside a couple of their unconscious forms. One of them stirred slightly and opened their eyes before focusing on mine. "It's ok..." I said softly. His eye widen even more when he recognized me. "Wait... are you the Director?" He asked. I nodded my head in reply. "We've been looking everywhere for you…" He continued before his eyes rolled up into the back of his head and he collapsed onto the ground.

I stood up and turned back toward the door. Just as I got there, it blew off its hinges, sending me flying through the air. I crashed straight into an unsuspecting guard and both of us tumbled through the wall behind it.

I struggled to my feet, wincing at the pain from falling on a metal rod. A few meters ahead of me I spotted a large group of people rushing toward the control room. In response I ducked behind a pillar and pulled out my knife. The men running by caught sight of me but didn't slow down.

I waited until they rounded a corner and then sprinted toward the control room in front of me. When I finally got inside I immediately dropped to my knees when I spotted the bodies scattered across the control panels and monitors. My hand moved slowly up toward my face as horror began seeping through my mind and heart.

I felt like someone had stabbed me repeatedly with thousands of needles. Each hit left me feeling weaker and weaker. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I couldn't help but cry. This couldn't be happening again. I took a deep breath and wiped my face with my sleeve.

I could feel blood trickling down my nose and onto the front of my jacket. Taking my knife I used it to cut away my jacket's bottom half, revealing my black tank top underneath. I pulled the shirt off of my body and dropped it to the ground, exposing my skin to the cool night air. Once done I wrapped my jacket tightly around my shoulders and held it closed with my hands. Then I picked up the knife and walked further into the room.

When the alarms suddenly stopped I jumped. My heartbeat quickened and adrenaline pumped through my veins. There was no telling what would happen next.

Taking in a deep breath I walked farther into the center. My footsteps echoing in the quiet building.