
Steven Universe with the gamer system

I’ll keep this short…. Steven Universe the lovable cartoon character wakes up one morning and sees a pink screen In front of him(I made it pink because the color of his gem).He’s confused on what this is and was going to ask the gems but they went on another mission.He decided to check for himself what this weird thing is and once he finds out he’s determined to become stronger.Read as this Character becomes the Strongest Human and Gem in the Universe or maybe even the multiverse! This story takes place before episode one of Steven Universe precisely a few months before.Also if you don’t like harems please be advised.

TeuchiUchiha · TV
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15 Chs

Chapter 12:Meeting Espinela

I still have midterms but I feel good, so I thought I would post today.Also before you read I just want to warn you that the story is going in a really fast paste.





Steven was teleported into Pink's Garden.It looked abandoned and left for dead.Steven explored around trying to find the girl named Espinela.As he was looking around he found a small girl with pink hair with two buns making hearts.She also had a pink heart gem in the middle of her chest.

*This must be her*Steven thought and approached the girl who was standing their waiting attentively, only blinking and breathing and no more.

[Hello!]Steven said in a soft yell. Espinela turned around and saw Steven and was shocked.How long has it been since she saw anyone, she lost count.The girl continued to stare at Steven.

[Hey, are you still there]Steven says breaking the girl out of her shock.The girl then begins to respond to him.

[H-Hello to you too, what are you doing here]

[Well, I came to tell you you can move again]Steven said to her, but she didn't budge.She just looked at Steven and shacked her head.

[I can't move, Pink told me to stay here and I will until she comes back again, I know she will.She wouldn't leave me here!] Espinela exclaimed.This made Steven few even worst.Steven then lifted up his shirt to show her his pink gem.

[Pink Diamond is sadly dead, but I have her gem with me]Steven said. Espinela became sad, no devastated to hear what Steven just said, but at the same time happy.She looked at Steven's gem and new hope formed in her.She had a new goal now and that was to follow Steven.

[If she's dead then can I follow you, you have the same gem after all]Steven looked at her before replying.

[Is this what you want, I want you to be free and do as you please.You have been here for to long and I want to help you anyway I can.] Espinela looked at Steven Before replying.

[Yes!Im sure I want to follow you.I know this is fast and I just heard the news about my Diamond being killed, but since you have her gem it makes me feel better]Steven looked at her and nodded. Espinela then started to walk again but fell.Before she could hit the ground Steven caught her and carried her in a princess carry.

[You should be careful, since you haven't walked in a while we'll have to practice before you get back on your feet] Espinela nodded.She was also blushing a bit.Being carried this way was a huge dream.When she was made Pink would read her stories, and one of those stories was about a princess being saved by a knight in shining armor, and then they'd fall in love, get married and live happily ever after.

She saw Steven as that Knight and maybe she could be the Princess.What girl wouldn't dream of being like a Princess sometimes or a hot dude saving them, it had to be at least a thought that came to a girl once in her young life or even when they were older.

Steven then sat her back down which she was kinda mad about as she wanted him to hold her longer, but neither the less she didn't say anything.

[Ok let's start practicing before we go]With that being said the two practiced for a while before she got the hang of walking.

*System can you teleport us back*

{Teleporting user and one guest}Soon both Steven and Espinela despaired from where they once stood and was in front of Steven and the gems living space.Steven opened the door and saw three angry girls looking at him.

[Oh!Hey guys what are you doing up]

[Where did you go so late at night!]Pearl said.

[I told Garnet I was going somewhere and possibly someone to live with us]The girls looked at Steven more aggressively before finally realizing the girl next to Steven.

[Introduce yourself]Steven told Espinela.

[Hello!My name is Espinela and it's nice to meet you all]The gems looked at her and then looked back at Steven.

[Dude you left this late to bring a girl here, is this your girlfriend.Wow you grew up so fast] Amethyst said to Steven.Garnet didn't like hearing that and looked at Steven even more angrily.Inside of her Ruby was ready to defuse and attack Steven but Sapphire wanted him to explain.

[Can you explain why you brought her here]Garnet said.She hid her anger well, but after what Amethyst said she was mad.Would Steven go out and get another girl without her consent.Was she not enough.

[Well she was abandoned on her planet and I went to go get her, she was lonely and needed friends so I thought I should bring her here]Garnet looked at Steven before nodding.She would have a more depose conversation with him later.Pearl looked at Steven and said.

[Steven you know you can't just bring people in the house to live with us without consent]She like at Steven with anger in her eyes.Steven was changing and becoming to grown to fast and she didn't like it.She was going to have to punish Steven soon.

[Im sorry but she is on of Pink Diamonds gems and since I have a gem similar to Pink Diamond she came with me]The gems looked at Espinela who was quite the whole time.They we're surprised to see one of pink diamonds gems since one hasn't been seen besides Steven and Rose.

(They didn't find out that Rose is Pink Diamond yet)

They looked at Steven and could slightly understand why he did it.The gems decided to put this case for tomorrow as it was already 2:00 A.M in the morning.Garnet went to her room and Steven followed as well as Espinela.When they entered the room Garnet turned to Steven and said.

[You better not date anyone else without my consent, just remember I'm your first and second time]Steven looked at her and then planted a kiss onto her.

[I would never do that to you]Garnet nodded and Steven went on the bed with Garnet to sleep.

[Come here Espinela, your sleeping with us tonight] Espinela looked at Steven and nodded, quickly making her way over to him and laying on top of him.

[Can you hold me]She said in a cute voice.

*C-Cute*Steven thought.Seeing her face in a kind of blush was adorable.He grasped Espinela tightly in his embrace before saying.

[Sure I will]He then turned towards Garnet who even though had on her usual expression,Steven could tell she was jealous.That was her spit after all.

[I have enough space to cuddle you too Garnet]Steven said making Garnet's face light up.She went to Steven and hugged him.Steven got comfy in his new pillows.

[Goodnight you two]Steven said as he was getting ready to drift to sleep.

[Good night Steven/My love]The two said.The all went to sleep after that.Feeling the warmth in the embrace of each other.

(Time skip 1:00 P.M)

Steven woke up a while ago and saw his work out quest had come back, he didn't know why it was gone for a while but maybe it was because the system gave him a break.He did get a lover after all and needed more time for her.Steven had just finished his workout quest and walked inside to see the Gems and Espinela in the kitchen waiting for him.

[Good Afternoon!]Steven said coming in.He was shirtless and had a eight pack that could almost count as a lean 10 pack which was more then impressive.The girls looked at Steven and had blushes on their faces.They we're attracted to Steven for some reason and that was because of his Harem king title.

[G-G-Good Afternoon ] Espinela said.Steven looked at her and flashed a bright smile making the girl blush more then she already was.The other girls present blushed too.Steven then went to take a bath and change his clothes.He the sat down and read some more Icha Icha.

[What are you reading Steven]Pearl asked, the book in Steven's hand was unknown to her.

[This is just a book I found not to long ago and started reading it]Steven replied. Espinela went up to Steven and sat on his lap.It seemed that she wanted to claim Steven's lap as her sitting space.Garnet looked at her and showed a face of anger.

Steven patted Espinela head which made her blush more.Garnet then sat besides Steven and he stopped petting Espinela and started doing it to her.It was a small act but Garnet liked it very much for some reason.Steven looked at Garnet and said.

[Do you want to have some fun later]Garnet hid a blush.Steven just asked that so openly while everyone was here.

[ummm.S-S-su-Sure]She said embarrassed a lot. Espinela then looked at Steven and asked.

[What is this "fun" you two are going to have]She really wanted to know and maybe even join, maybe it was a game of hiding seek or a board game.

[Maybe you can join if we get to know each other better] Espinela just looked at Steven confused before nodding.Meanwhile Garnet was confused on why Steven told Espinela that she could join then soon.Of course Steven was going to show howler why later tonight.Steven then got up and said.

[Im going to head out into town for a bit to see everyone it's been a while, and also Garnet get ready because when I come back I won't go easy on you]Garnet hid her huge blush and just nodded and then Steven left.

Before Steven went though he decided to check in the quest for her had gotten and what were the


{Emergency Quest Complete :Go and see Espinela}

{Emergency Quest description:Espinela has been left on Pink's Garden waiting 6,000 years for her diamond and friend to return.Pink outgrew Espinela and left her their after she was given a colony.Show her the love she hasn't had in thousands of years}


Recorded Video Message from your mom

Lion summon:Summon a magical pink lion as your companion who has many of your mother's belongings.

Steven was surprised to get some more things from his mother and even a recorded message that was left for him.Steven would definitely check that out later, but for now he wanted to go into town and see everyone.It's been so long and they're going to be more then surprised at Steven's transformation from working out.

[Lets get going]thought Steven out loud.