
Steins;Gate— The Singularity

Ruka Urushibara, that's my name. Today is New Years Eve but I never expected this day to be more extraordinary than usual. I remembered the memories of my past life and how this world is from an anime. "Why do I have to be a trap though?"

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15 Chs

C1 Ordinary Day

{ A/N: This is a new fanfic I made to take a break from writing my other fanfic. So maybe the updates will be a bit unstable... like always.

Also, I will be using Ruka as the MC's name instead of Luka, which is the English translation, due to my preference. }


??? PoV:

Green leaves fell by the cold breeze of the wind. The cold wind shook the trees, making them sway as if dancing to the beat of nature.


Amidst the falling leaves stood a person in the middle of a spacious yard, swinging their wooden sword repeatedly.


Their clothes swayed as they swung their wooden sword towards the rapidly falling leaves.


With a voice oozing of femininity they shouted as they continued their sword practice in this cold morning.

"Daga otoko da..." I muttered as I looked down with tears in my eyes.

"Okarin, what are we doing here? You said we're going to May Queen."

"Yeah, we're going there. I just decided to check up on my disciple." I said with a smirk in reply as I combed through my hair up with my hand.

"You have a disciple?" Daru said in disbelief.

"Wha— Of course someone sees my greatness so they decided to be my student!"

"Masaka... I don't believe it."

"You—! Rukako!" I just decided to call him here cause this barrel otaku would not believe me at all.

The person swinging their wooden sword in a shrine priestess outfit stopped and looked at our direction. They then smile seeing us and waved at us.

"Okabe-san! I didn't expect you to come today!" They said as they ran towards us.

"Ooohhh~! Here it comes! A frail shrine maiden is running our way!" Daru yelled with smoke coming out of his nose as he breathed heavily.

I really pity you, Daru. I just shook my head as Rukako arrived in front of us. His world view would be shattered later.

"Why did you stop by, Okabe-san?" Rukako asked me while holding the wooden sword in their left hand.

"Ah~ Nande mo nai. I just stopped to check my student's practice. It seems like you are working hard, Fuhahahaha! As expected of my student."

"Chuunibyou fail! Can you not be like this Okarin even for a sec?"

"Nai! Call me Hououin Kyouma! I know no such person named as Okarin! Fuhahaha!"

Ruka PoV:

I smiled wryly looking at Okabe-san laughing madly. It has been a week since I transmigrated or should I say remembered my past life's memories.

"Rukako, though it's good that you practice your swordsmanship you must not neglect exorcism as it is what a shrine priestess normally do."

This past week I've adapted and accepted my current situation. People must move forward to achieve progress that's why I must too. Though I still can't accept one thing.

"Okarin, why are you calling Ruka-chan by such a crude name! That's blasphemy!"

There it is. Curse you! My beautiful trap looks! Everyone just mistake me for a girl, but could I blame them cause I really looked like one except for my flat chest.

"Umm... I'm not..." Ahhh! This is embarrassing!

"Hmm? What is it Ruka-chan? I'll do everything for you!"

"I'm a... guy."

As soon as I said this, I thought I heard an imaginary glass shatter to pieces. Daru had a betrayed expression on his face. It looked like everything he knew has been a lie.

"A g-guy?" He then looked at me and scanned my body with his eyes.

"Delicate skin, beautiful face, feminine voice, and dressed as a shrine priestess. It's true! The legends are true! Such a cute girl must be a guy! Everything's a lie!"

"Ummm... Okabe-san, what happened to him?"

I looked at Daru kneeling to the ground with tears in his eyes, yelling. I know he would be shocked but this is on another level. His betrayed expression is so amusing. This may be an interesting thing to do later.

Okabe-san patted Daru's back as he said with sympathy, "I know that feeling Daru, I know."

Daru then got up and wiped his tears as he looked at me. He then muttered something under his breath, something like '2D are better' or something.

"Ahem! Now with that out of the way, you must show me how much your exorcism skills have improved!" Okabe said with grandeur in a pose.

"But Okabe-san—"

"Arghh! My left hand is throbbing! It seems like the seal you placed on the demon in my left hand has loosened!" Okabe held his hand in mock pain as he said those cringey words.

"Chuunibyou fail! Who would believe this?" Daru stared at his friend blankly, wondering if he made a mistake of being acquainted with him.

I just sighed looking at Okabe-san. Two days ago he came here with Mayushii and he did this. I just went with the flow and pretended to seal his hand using the lines from an anime I watched in my past life. He was apparently impressed with it and now here it is again.

"Sigh... Wait for me, I'll go take my ceremonial bell!" I ran to the shrine to fulfill this irredeemable idiot's delusions.

Daru PoV:

I watched Ruka run to the shrine with a dumbfounded look. I mean who would go along with Okabe's shenanigans. Fayris might but she's a 3D girl with a 2D soul, she's an exception.

"Hey, Okarin."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Did you threaten him? Like you'll molest him if he doesn't go along with your chuunibyou shenanigans?"

"Oi Daru! He just saw my magnificence that your mortal eyes can't see. I guess not everyone is gifted, hmmm... right." He said as he combed his hair with his fingers.

I just shook my head at his words with a smile.

At this time, I heard bells ringing and saw that Ruka came back. He was running and sweating, with occasional gasps so feminine I almost blushed. Urghh... This is a trap, don't fall for it!

"I'm back Okabe-san! Ei!" Ruka chimed the bells with a sway.

"I cast you, demon, in a seal that runs till eternity! May you be trapped in an eternal dream of illusionary pain and suffering till you break and be purified! Ha!"

Yata! A shrine maiden priestess doing her best to seal an evil entity! Though this would be perfect if he wasn't a guy.

Only Fayris can purify my stained eyes and soul now. I'll ask for a "The World is in Danger" Omelet later from Okarin.

"Phew. Thank you, Rukako. I may ask for your help again at a later date."

It seems like he's done with his shenanigans. It's time to leave, I am craving love from Fayris-chan!

"Let's leave, Okarin! Fayris-chan is waiting for me!"

"Okay, Okay, just wait. Rukako, continue to hone your swordsmanship. When the day arrives, a sword befitting you would come."

"Stop your so-called epic speech and let's go! Fayris-chan is waiting for me!"

I dragged Okarin and started to walk away. I waved at Ruka as he waved at us as goodbye.

"See you again, Okabe-san, Daru-san!"

That was a heart warming goodbye... but. Daga otoko da!