
STB: Runes and Vampires [Hiatus]

Disclaimer: I write fanfic on my phone so don't expect I have quality content, though I edit the chapters myself since I don't have an editor so there will be some spelling mistakes and grammar as English is not my primary language. Synopsis: A teenage boy who's very obsessed with runes and born in the wrong era and world, one day when he woke up in his parallel self in a completely different place and world to make it worse the previous him managed to kill the 4th progenitor with a stick! Now he has to bear the weight of becoming the new 4th progenitor. ××××× For benefits like getting new chapters earlier and some leaks for my future work and If you like my work please feel free to show some support in my pa treon: pa treon.com/Mozuto Or just join my Discord server discord.com/invite/yjAR4GqxTq

Mozuto · Anime & Comics
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STB: Chapter 34

At 32,000 feet in the air, an airplane cruised smoothly through the clouds. Inside the cabin, two people sat across each other, engaged in conversation as the world below them disappeared into a sea of white.

"So, do you think they would mind my presence there?" Alex stirred his wine glass while holding a book in his hand.

"... So you plan to fly from Itogami Island to the United Kingdom without knowing if you'll be allowed to enter?" Sayaka looked at Alex with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Seeing your reaction I'll say, yes" Alex just shrugged it off as he doesn't care, they don't have the guts to deny a progenitor if they want their country to be out of the map.

"Well, just you going there without asking permission because the 3rd progenitor would put you in a difficult situation" Sayaka looked out the window and saw a sea of clouds.

"Politics huh, well, I don't care, if she has a problem then I'm sure she'll go herself to meet me" Alex smiled at Sayaka causing her to release a tired sigh.

"Don't worry I won't start a war with the 3rd progenitor, I don't have that much time at the moment" Alex stirred his wine glass before taking a sip.

"Ah... That tastes good" Alex leaned on his seat as he read the book about the history of the United Kingdom.

"Isn't that the wine you stole on Lord Vatler's cruise ship?" Sayaka gave Alex a weird look causing Alex to shake his head.

"Stole is a strong word Sayaka, I'm just borrowing it and won't return it without him knowing that I've borrowed it" Alex grinned at Sayaka before finishing his wine in one go. Then, he shook the empty glass in front of her, and she refilled it.

Without reason, Alex just chuckled as Sayaka looked at him curiously.

"Remembered something funny?" Sayaka looked at Alex.

"Not really, I just have a feeling this trip would be interesting" Alex just mysteriously smiled at Sayaka without elaboration further which Sayaka didn't mind and returned to writing Alex's plans.


Alex exited the plane and what greeted him genuinely surprised him.

"What's this? I didn't get informed I was getting ambushed like this" Alex looked at Sayaka who clearly also had no idea.

"Your movement probably got leaked due to your status as the 4th progenitor and leaving his home" Sayaka looked at the people who greeted Alex with the treatment of a VIP should have.

"Also is this normal?" Alex looked at the people who greeted him.

"Of course this is normal, you are a progenitor capable of destroying the world if you want to, they are probably here to escort you to avoid 'damages'" Sayaka looked at Alex who just shrugged as he didn't remember he caused damage in Itogami Island.

"I don't care what they think, but you know what to do" Alex looked at her with a smile causing her to sigh.

"Don't worry too much, I'll reward you at night~" Alex grinned at her blushing face as she hurriedly talked towards the representative that current 4th progenitor Alex doesn't want to be in constant surveillance.

Alex noticed Sayaka approaching him, a slight smile gracing her pretty face.

"That's quick, what did you tell them?" Alex curiously looked at Sayaka.

"I've told them if they don't stop the 4th progenitor might throw a tantrum and will destroy their country." Sayaka crossed her arms and looked at Alex still with a smile on her face.


"Is that what you see in me? Abused my powers?" Alex wiped the fake tears in his eyes.

"That's big coming from you, isn't that the reason why you got me wrapped around your perverted hands? You abused your power" Sayaka smirked at Alex causing him to just shrug.

"Touche" Alex smiled at her as the two of them headed towards the car.

Alex and Sayaka stepped into the car provided by the Lion King Organization. Settling into their seats, they asked the driver to take them to the country's largest museum.


As Alex and Sayaka asked the driver to park the car and as they both stepped out, they were greeted by the impressive sight of the museum. Its architecture seamlessly blended traditional and modern elements, showcasing a striking combination of glass, stone, and steel.

"This looks amazing" Sayaka looked at the structure with visible awe on her face.

"I thought as a war dancer you have seen a lot of places" Alex also looked at the museum.

"I didn't but don't have time to appreciate the view due to how vital my missions were" Sayaka then grabbed her phone and took a picture.

"Had enough?" Alex looked at Sayaka who nodded her head, entering the museum, they found themselves in a spacious atrium that immediately captured their attention.

From there, they could see galleries adorned with open staircases and sleek glass elevators, inviting them to explore further.

"Come let's take a picture together" Sayaka waved her phone in Alex's face as he nodded.

"Yeah, I need proof that we visited the museum for my parents" Alex chuckled as he remembered the reason he gave to his parents why he wanted to go to the UK.

Sayaka approached a random stranger and requested a favor to take a photo of her and Alex. Standing side by side, Alex gently wrapped his hand around Sayaka's waist as they both flashed bright smiles for the camera.

After the photo was taken, they both expressed their gratitude to the stranger before resuming their tour.

The museum offered a range of amenities to enhance their visit. An auditorium promised engaging programs and events, while a well-stocked gift shop beckoned with unique treasures. Eager for a break, they made their way to the café, where they could enjoy refreshments while admiring the view of the sculpture garden.

"Should we buy souvenirs?" Alex looked at Sayaka who was browsing a bunch of items in the gift shop.

"Sure, get some for Yukina and Astarte, and buy one for Natsuki-chan" Alex looked at Sayaka who nodded and began picking stuff, she also sometimes asked for Alex's opinion.

"What do you think about this?" Sayaka showed Alex a plushie.

"Really? Let me guess, you're going to give this to Yukina?" Sayaka widens her eyes as Alex grins at her.

"Come on Sayaka I can read you like an open book, just pick one for Astarte, I'm sure Natsuki-chan would appreciate some tea herbs" Alex pointed to the stuff he mentioned as Sayaka nodded and grabbed the item Alex pointed out.

After Alex paid for the souvenir, Sayaka efficiently stored the items they bought in her storage ring.

"Let's continue?" Alex looked at Sayaka with a smile as she nodded, who also had a smile of her own.

Impressed by the museum's commitment to inclusivity, they noticed the thoughtful incorporation of accessibility features throughout the space, ensuring that every visitor could fully enjoy and engage with the exhibits.

"That was fun" Alex smiled at Sayaka who had fun, even if his purpose here was to grab the fragment from the Excalibur, seeing Sayaka having fun like this wouldn't be so bad after all.

"It was, let's do this again sometimes!" Sayaka hugged Alex's arm as this was clearly a date.

"Yeah, let's do this again sometime" Alex gave Sayaka a peck on the lips and she smiled at the intimate action of Alex.

"Now that's done, let's go back to business" Alex grinned while Sayaka returned to her professional look fitting for Alex's assistant.


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