

The facility was a sprawling one, scientists, engineers, anyone who had a showed genius or Invented anything major to the war efforts. Here people were studying anything they could get ahold of that had been captured from the Germans, tanks, guns and even an enigma machine if rumor is to be trusted.

My first week was the explaining the principles behind the Transistor so the teams could use them in their projects. All the electronic departments were loving them is it cut down on needed materials and size of their machines by 30 to 50 percent now their computation machines were the size of rooms not building as were going to be getting smaller fast.

After that I was finally put on my post, before arriving I was put through numerous test to show my knowledge and skill in vastly different fields of study. So I was put in the "Mad Scientist" division were a group of us were given a goals and not told how to meet it.

I was given three goals based off my skills,

One work on computer and develop them to break codes or make smarter weapons after presenting my theory on smart weapons in addition to manned the government became interested.

Two, medical was to design and develop new and safe equipment that would be used as a medical kit. I was planning on making a variety of fallout medical devices like stempacks and addictal which would both be very useful when on the front lines.

Three, work on any alternative "power sources" after getting my stuff from the shop the government was very interested in my nuclear power and fusion power.

Before I did any of that I went to work making an automated assembly line for my work. From fallout 4 the automation DLC you can use these all in one assemblers to make any from stem packs to ammo, sadly that is video game physics for now but instead I got automated arms and even more advanced stuff than my Earth had in the 2020s.

Having a long enough chain of these thing would turn any scrap metal or old machines down to its base parts in a matter of minutes.

I had to clear out half of a spare warehouse to do it the main assembly line could make any non medical devices for now do to computation limits and the complexity of the machine. I finally got it working after a couple of weeks and the rest of the facility had joined to watch it come online.

Even Alan turning had showed up to watch the machine, he was nice but very quite and private man who enjoyed the company of his machines rather than people. But we would talk every now and then about computer and the the future I would hint at areas to explore and research, also I made a private promise to myself to not let home be killed by the government due to home being gay. (He was chemically castrated after the war and took his own life)

Turring-"Well Blár, it looks like your machine is ready to activate."

Dakota-"Yeah, it was a bitch to make all the parts by hand but now that it is working making the new parts will be quick now."

Joan who worked with Turring on his machine had come in along with the rest of their team and the head of the facility had joined them.

Joan-"Good evening Dakota, I'm glad you called everyone to watch the machine come online. We all could us some good news" referencing to the recent fall of Paris and the build up of Nazi forces near the channel.

Stewart Menzies who was checking up on us and is the head of MI6, also had joined us and was inspecting the machine which was covered in robotic arms and tools used from welding to drilling.

Stewart-"What is this thing Blár, I have never seen anything like it."

Dakota-"This sir, is a fully automated assembly and disassembly device or AAD it would take apart anything that is 5 by 5 feet to its base parts to be used in other parts. I had theorized it when I was looking for parts for my FN FAL, and with the scrap campaign going on I thought it would be a good idea actually build one on base for on demand parts for all of us mad scientists."

Which got a light chuckle from the man, and he went into thought about if this works it would be great help In the war effort when it comes to repurposing captured equipment or using crashed aircraft.

Stewart-"Alright turn the thing on Blár."

Dakota-"Yes Sir." And with a flip of a switch the machine came alive. A where and clicking noise came from a side room from the computer I used to run the machine. I then put allowed the scrap I had acquired to move on to the conveyor belt, then began to disassemble the it down to the screws.

This got a round of cheers from the crowd that had gathered. Expect Stewart who had been silent, still sat their and watched the machine he then spoke. "Show me how it can build something." I of course showed him and set it to build a FN FAL and a magazine of ammo.

The machine stoped and then came alive again and began to build the rifle and ammo. He then waited at the finished goods output and picked up the rifle inspected it for a moment and then the ammo.

Stewart-"What will it take to have one of these but bigger in every major city on in Britain, not the production part just disassembly."

I was gobsmacked along with my coworkers, then it clicked of course he would want one in every city it would be a massive boost in production of everything with skipping the entire process of scraping.

Dakota-"With the help of the machine itself and if I have some helpers from the other departments we could have one ready by the end of the week. But for the entire country a months and a bit for the larger cities."

Stewart-"Good, get going you just caused the second industrial revolution and caused me a shit load of paperwork." He then took the Rifle and ammo, then walked out of the building.

Alan-"Well, it seems we have a lot of work ahead of us." We all just nodded and began to plan how we are going to do this.

The Forge would trigger some time in the night as we worked out the plan and my coworkers would test *cough* play *cough* with the machine building anything I had implemented into the machine. After Alan had a couple of drinks I had to pull him away from the thing to keep him from disassembling the thing it self.


- Three Laws of Robotics (SB Dragonball Z) (600CP)

Isn't it annoying when those teenagers you kidnapped and subjected to brutal experiments against their will decide to kill you when free? Well no more, because everything you create, birth, or modify is simply incapable of betraying or harming you. While this only applies to creations which can think, you'll never have to worry about them working against your orders, in both wording and of spirit. You may choose whether or not this applies to whatever creation you make.


Which not of great use right now it will be of great help when I start to experiment with A.I in the future.

We worked on the disassembly machines for a week before the new hires were brought in to handle that part and to manage the use of the AAD as all the scientists wanted to use the machine to make their own parts, which the brass were more than happy to allow as it cut down on supply issues.

I would finally be able to work on the AA device as the Battle of Britain is approaching fast and I wanted to have as many of these things near the coast as possible.

I went back and forth on the device, one design was a complete redesign of the AA we use to use a Gatling gun like what modern ships use but that would require a lot more resources but would be good for new equipment. The other was a retrofit to the current device, it is a hook up that would attach to the AA gun that would track to enemy aircraft.

Both devices would use a way more advanced type of radar and sensors that would I.D Nazi and Italian aircraft and fire at them. The Aeronautical division loved the new toys and began to implement the advances on the current radar system Britain used.

When I asked my friends at the facility they just said to mark both and let the brass decide as they both would be a great boon in fighting. The attachment would be great for ships as they would be placed in one of their cargo holds while the hole new devices would replace the old AA on land.

When Stewart came to look at the new device he brought someone with him and they wore robes of all things and then I remembered what Jenny said when I came here that their was a magical aspect to the war. Stewart also did not look happy, not at me but at the wizard beside him.

This in front of me is a wizard, then the forge triggered again.

-Schoolbooks (Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality) (200CP)

You gain a collection of all of your school materials for a seven year course at Hogwarts (assuming Defense Against the Dark Arts is taught by a competent professor assigning a high-quality set text for all seven years, so in reality probably a bit better in that regard), as well as Muggle school up through British Secondary School. Learning and teaching from these books is easier than normal, enough to almost make up for a lack of an instructor. Lost or gifted books are replaced via owl order within one week at no cost to you. Yes, even if there's no logical way for an owl to reach you with a full set of magical textbooks. If your starting age is above 11, you're assumed to have been learning at an appropriate pace from these books for however long you've been at Hogwarts, or should have been at Hogwarts in the case of a Drop-In. Post-Jump, anyone studying from a set of magic textbooks which they own gains the ability to use Atlantean Magic. Gifted and re-gifted books never lose the magic-granting ability, stolen books do not grant magic until returned to the rightful owner.

Then more memories came to me, Dakota Blár is a wizard I went to Hogwarts and when I graduated I never went back as it I thought them a backward people and didn't want to advance. My wand also appeared beside me, and from memory the only metal wand here in Britain (Bronze, Hair of Sphinx, Feather of a Giant Owl, and a Nail of A Valravn) apparently pre-insert Dakota had placed a block on his memories of the magical world as he hated it.

Stewart-"Dr. Blár let me introduce Hector Fawley the minister of magic as apparently you had previously known of magic before you worked here." Which he gave me a level glare as he was annoyed with me for not telling him. "Yes Sir, I did but I had placed a block on my memory to forget my time in the magical world as I wanted nothing to do with it." Which caused the edges of Stewarts mouth to quirk up at that.

Stewart-"Never mind that, my purpose for coming here was to alert you that you are currently the only magical here on base and will be asked in the event of a magical incident to help."

Fawley-"Yes, this war has a magical side. A Dark Wizard by the Name of Gellert Grindelwald has joined forces with the Nazis and wants to rule over wizard and Muggle kind." He spoke in a stereotypical upper class accent that just being around made me want to punch him in the face. "Now, as our fight is completely voluntary we will not ask you to fight but we will be passing messages though you." He from what I could guess simply did not want to be here and was completely dismissive of my and Stewart. "Now, excuse me I have work to do." He then teleported off.

Stewart-"Explain to me why a wizard is working here in the "Muggle" world and in the tech industry no less." He asked as he sat in one of the chairs on my office, thankfully no heat was in his voice rather pure curiosity.

Dakota-"*Sigh* Okay how much of the wizarding world do you know of?" I asked as I pulled a bottle of Hard lemonade. What I don't like beer and I don't want to drink a lot at work.

Stewart-"I know that they are a fairly backward people and have issues about "blood" purity and are mostly feudal when it comes to politics. But besides that not a lot." Obviously not happy about not having information as he took a drink of the lemonade.

Dakota-"Close enough, they are a backward people who believe that if you do not have magic you are worthless to them. They do not allow the advancement of their technology or their culture simply they are stuck in the past.

If you are "Muggleborn" you are a second class citizen and are worthless to them, no one will hire you even if you have better qualifications. It's like they are stuck in 1600s. I can promise you that any non mundane born student doesn't even know what a car is.

They have a complete section of their people that they refuse to allow to prosper or even function in both their and mundane society. And they have Thai lame excuse that magic doesn't work around mundane tech which is a bold face lie watch." I then cast a spell directly at one of my desk lamps which simply knocks it over not exploding it.

We both sat their in the silence and let my rant hang in the air. Till Stewart spoke again, "So, Britain has a population of out of work 18-20 year olds that have no jobs and magical abilities and are just looking for work."

Dakota-"Yes, even though I didn't keep in contact I doubt that they have changed any since I left, why do you ask.....oh. You want to make a magical division of the military don't you."

Stewart-"Yes, I'll have to make some calls and some meetings but if you could get in contact with some old classmates that would be helpful."

Dakota-"Gladly, now while your here take a look at the AA system I have been working on." We would spend an hour talking about the new AA guns and systems he agreed with the rest of the team to make both and eventually use the Smart Anti-Air (SAA) entirety, but that part isn't my job so I eat him take care of that part.

When I got to my apartment that night I began to write my letters to some old classmates who I knew didn't like how the Wizarding world was.

June, 20th 1940

~Going to change Dakotas name I feel it doesn't fit right~

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