
Start Pretending To Be the Creator

At the beginning of the ancient times, who preached it? Who caused the Cambrian species explosion? Who caused the extinction of the dinosaurs? Why were humans born? In prehistory, who brought down the Great Flood to destroy the world? In the Supplementary Notes, who was the god-man whom Qin Shihuang met? Pieces of unsolved mysteries make people puzzled, until one day modern people understand, because… You are here! … “Spicy Chicken System, how did people find out what I did???”

CrystalPearl · Fantasía
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418 Chs


Chapter 246: Movie upload!

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Not long after Su Qi thought about it, he suddenly noticed something, and his face changed slightly.

With the ability to control objects with his mind, in addition to his mental strength soaring, his brain has also undergone some changes at this moment.

Some mental power is directed towards the pineal gland in the brain, as if to transform it.

"The third eye?"

Su Qi was surprised at first, then distressed.

If an eye suddenly grows on his forehead, shouldn't he be taken away for slicing research?

Su Qi thought strangely.

But fortunately, the next attempt made him relieved.

He can control those mental powers and disconnect the process of transformation.

"Forget it, let's transform it first, and just interrupt it before forming the eyes."

Su Qi can feel that the pineal gland is more perfect, and the strength will be increased.

After solving the pineal gland problem, he turned his attention to the newly acquired special ability.

Glancing at the room, Su Qi turned his eyes to the table, staring at the silver spoon in the blue porcelain cup on the table.

Trying to mobilize the ability in the body, a move in my heart.

The next second, a miraculous scene appeared, and the silver spoon in the porcelain cup was suspended inexplicably!

Su Qi was surprised to find that there were no power fluctuations in the process, just like the silver spoon was supposed to be suspended.

"What a miraculous, bizarre ability..."

Su Qi muttered to himself, "Can you control things just by thinking?"

Thinking like this, he couldn't help but imagine that the silver spoon was bent.

The silver spoon floating in the air made a slight sound, and it turned into a U-shape and bent down!

With the next thought, Su Qi's body suddenly floated up.

"Compared to mind power, this mind control object is really strong."

Su Qi sighed.

He even had a feeling that as long as he thought about it, unless his strength was exhausted, he could always float in the air, or even fly directly to outer space.

Overall, this ability is a very idealistic and unscientific power.

After testing the powerful special ability, Su Qi couldn't help but focus on the other thing that was brought out.

The fruit of wisdom!

With a thought, a pink fruit appeared on his right palm the next second.

Looking at this familiar fruit, Su Qi murmured, "I don't know what special abilities I will get after eating it?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, for fear that because of possessing another ability, the fruit of wisdom would become invalid.

Picking up the fruit, Su Qi was ready to eat it directly.

But at this moment, a warning sound interrupted him.

[When you are about to eat the fruit of wisdom, the archive of 'Gendaya Civilization 1' has been edited and uploaded successfully!]

Su Qi was stunned for a moment, then remembered the movie.

The next second, his right hand pointed towards the future smart watch.

A light curtain appeared in front of his eyes.

Su Qi skillfully found the origin network and quickly clicked in.


During this time period, there is also a lot of discussion on the Internet. Hundreds of millions of netizens are discussing the origin of the network.

"Is the movie coming soon?"

"Millions of years have passed, the dinosaurs have gone extinct, and the next should be the era of our humans."

"What will happen later, will the first generation of superhuman beings appear?"

Netizens are very curious about what will happen next.

At the same time, they also want to get some more news about the silver flying saucer.

After all, the other party has destroyed the dinosaur civilization, and it is very likely that they will also deal with their human beings in the future!

Some people even speculate that the meteorite that will soon be destroyed is probably the handwriting of the silver flying saucer!

In this case, netizens naturally want to get more information on the silver flying saucer and make a final struggle.

They don't want to die!

In addition to discussing what will happen after the age of dinosaurs, there are also some netizens who have heated discussions around one incident.

"I'm laughing to death, @宋大晙, Song Daxi, get out, didn't you swear before that God only exists for more than 10,000 years, and now you're slapped in the face?"

"Haha, his face is probably swollen, his parents don't even know each other!"

"Pfft, die laughing..."

Song Daxi sat in front of the computer desk, watching the ridicule of netizens, his face flushed red and full of anger.

Not to mention being slapped in the face before, and now being slapped by some people, how upset Song Daxi is.

The next moment, he was typing cracklingly, trying to refute some people.

He said, "Okay, you have won. God has existed for hundreds of millions of years. I lost. I admit that I guessed wrong and underestimated God. I thought God only existed for more than 10,000 years, but..."

After a pause, he said very unwillingly, "My other point of view, you can't refute it!"

"You think that God created the universe, but I don't think so!"

As he said that, he copied what he said before and directly confronted those people.

"God's power is very strong, yes, but visions have appeared in the solar system several times. Who of you has ever seen a situation outside the solar system?"

"So in my opinion, God's power is also limited, and it's not as terrifying as you say!"

"And since God's power is limited, where do you get the evidence that God created the universe?"

"Just kidding, do you know how big the universe is? The solar system may be created, but the universe is absolutely impossible!"

"As far as the universe is concerned, the solar system is no different from a piece of gravel. The two are not comparable at all. Where do you think that God can create the universe?"

Song Daxi then laughed and said, "Haha, can't you refute this?"

"Do you have evidence that God created the universe?"

"Do you really know how big the universe is?"

"This is still the scope of the observable universe~www.mtlnovel.com~ I wonder if the universe will be bigger!"

"So, does God really have such an unimaginable power to create the universe?"

"Anyway, I won't believe it! Haha~"

Opposite his series of questions, some netizens who refuted him suddenly got stuck.

Indeed, the universe is beyond imagination, so big that they cannot understand it at all.

So when faced with the question of whether God really created the universe, they couldn't help but feel hesitant and uncertain.

At this time, even people who are confident in the power of God are not very sure.

Just when some people wanted to forcefully refute Song Daxi's words, a message suddenly appeared, which stopped their discussion.

"Original.com has been updated, let's go!"

"Brothers, go!"

With the appearance of these speeches, Song Daxi and the others were startled, and they couldn't care less about tearing up. They found the familiar Origins website and clicked on it immediately.

Not only them, but all over the world, an individual poured into the Origin Network.

Brave Niu Niu, Fish Fly, Can't Defeated Air Man, Father Charlie, Professor Chen... High-level officials from all over the world have all clicked on the Origin.com.