
Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Fortunately, he is a magician himself, and he also has the ability to trade across borders. Then he had to develop his own viscount, and the traded Dali Pills could increase his power? ! The exercises traded from the martial arts world can actually make the knights under his command greatly reduce the time to awaken the fighting spirit? ! And what’s the deal with a dragon? After many years… The people in the territory sighed: “Thanks to the Lord for saving us, who are living in dire straits, let us know what is truly alive.” “Religion? Serious people who believe in that stuff must believe in the science propaganda by the Lord!” Every businessman who came to the territory could not help but sigh: “This is the greatest city I have ever seen, no one.” “Lord Claire, your reputation is known to everyone from the orc kingdom in the extreme west to the mermaid kingdom in the sunrise!”

Mrchampions · Fantasía
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153 Chs

One more move and I'll shoot

Claire looked at Isaac and spread out his hands helplessly, "What should I do? Your uncle doesn't seem to give face. Do you have any more lethal weapons in your hand?"

Isaac shook his head, "I only have a few level-4 magic scrolls, do you have a level-5 scroll?"

Claire also shook her head, "It was too expensive to buy it."

I can't blame the two of them. Generally, a senior wizard can consume a level 4 scroll to be considered rich, and a level 5 scroll is not something they can consider at all. The price/performance ratio is too low. Zhang fifth-level scrolls may not necessarily be able to kill the opponent.

Isaac had no choice but to say, "Try the magic bullet."

Claire raised the revolver in his hand and aimed it at the opponent, put his index finger on the trigger and started aiming.

"Is this your thing that can kill high-level mages?" Hughes opened his hand, "Come on, I'll try its power."

Seeing such a proud Hughes, Claire pursed her lips and pulled the trigger with her index finger.

There was a loud bang, "Bang!"

A tongue of flame emerged from the muzzle, and the bullet shot out at a speed invisible to the naked eye, followed by the sound of breaking wind, and a stream of white water mist was drawn directly in the air.

Master Hughes moved his hands suddenly, leaving only an afterimage, and then stopped in front of his chest, his five fingers spread out as if each finger had a silk thread.

Claire's pupils shrank, and he saw that the bullet, which had disappeared before, actually seemed to have been used for a slow down time, and the speed dropped, which can be felt from the mental power, and finally visible to the naked eye.

Is the magician of the archmage level already strong to this point? It has been separated from his cognition, which is far from the level that senior mages can reach.

The bullet was still moving forward slowly, and finally stopped less than a meter away from Hughes.

Hughes stretched out his hand and lightly squeezed the bullet, moved it to him and looked at it carefully, "Is this thing able to kill a senior mage? It shouldn't be that simple. It's just that you can find a few intermediate mages at random, and it seems that the secret is still on the thing in your hand."

Isaac couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and slowly twisted his neck to look at Claire, "The gap in strength is too big, he just used his mental power to force the bullet to stop, we are not his opponents at all... "

After a while, he added: "Now I think it's pretty good that the two of us can get away with one."

Claire didn't answer, she put her index finger on the trigger again, her expression became serious.

"If you can't solve it with one shot, then make a few more shots!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Six gunshots rang out one after another, and the next few shots Claire didn't even have time to aim, and her ears rang in shock.

After seeing Claire looking at the gun, Isaac looked over with anticipation, but the next second his expression froze.

Hughes' body didn't even have any extra movement, it still maintained the appearance just now, but there were six bullets in front of him as if floating in space.

Hughes said in a hoarse voice: "The second blow, you still have a third chance, grab it, I will do it after the next blow."

After speaking, Hughes showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and raised his head towards Claire, "If you have any other moves, just use them."

Isaac looked at Claire with a worried look, "Let's run if we can't. I'll give you the queen. With my teacher's relationship, he shouldn't kill me. It's useless for Earl Green to kill me. Then you can redeem me with money."

"Don't be so pessimistic." Claire chuckled suddenly.

"When are you still laughing, and there is a final blow, if we can't do anything about him, we are finished."

"Crack!" Claire threw the revolver and threw the cartridge out, tilted down, and poured out the six bullets loaded and unloaded by the space ring.

Isaac widened his eyes, "You are..."

Claire wiped the space ring with one hand, a yellow bullet flashed in his hand, and quickly put it in.

With a "click", the bullet nest was thrown back again.

Isaac didn't see it clearly, but he had a hunch in his heart and asked, "Is this the bullet I designed at the beginning? The one that cost more than 100,000 gold coins?"

Claire didn't explain, raised the pistol again and pointed it at Hughes opposite, and said, "Do you think this bullet can kill an archmage?"

Isaac thought for a while, but shook his head slightly, "I think it's a little difficult, but it's enough to create a chance for the two of us to escape."

Claire smiled confidently: "Then let's take a look."

The opposite Archmage Hughes frowned when he saw Claire changing the bullet, and put a "force field shield" on himself with his backhand, then nodded at Claire, and said softly: "I hope you Do not disappoint me."

"I won't let you down, feel the power of this." Claire put her index finger on the trigger and pulled it directly.


This shot was no louder than the previous one.

After the gunshot, Isaac looked back suddenly, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

The bullet actually stabbed the fourth-level "force field shield" into a concave arc, and it was still squeezing inwards. The hands of the spell were trembling slightly.


It was like the sound of a balloon being pierced, and the position shield was directly pierced through a small hole, and then passed through the heart of Archmage Hughes.

"Hmm!" Hughes covered his heart and pointed at Claire with a shocked expression. He said hoarsely, "You..."

Before the words were finished, the body lost its vitality and fell directly from the sky. At the same time, the body of Earl Green in the back also lost the flying spell that Hughes had cast before, and fell from the sky together.

Isaac was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth, his eyes stared like a dragon's eye, and he muttered to himself, "This power is far beyond my imagination..."

Then he hurriedly threw a detection magic at Hughes, who was on the ground. After confirming that his life breath had disappeared, he was relieved.

Excitedly, he clasped Claire's shoulders and shook: "The thing I designed killed the archmage!"

Claire kept a shallow smile, looked over to Earl Green who had fallen, and said softly, "It seems that our advantage is back."

As he spoke, Claire's index finger passed through the trigger of the revolver, turned it, and slowly flew towards Earl Green, who fell down.

Isaac also laughed and flew after him, four dark metal blocks flying happily around him.

Earl Green turned over and got up, his heart was full of endless fear, an archmage died like this? Then, what kind of resistance does the golden knight of yourself have to do! Run away! Knowing that their Viscount Griffin was so fierce, he wouldn't dare to come and provoke this evil spirit if he killed him.

"Don't run! One more move and I'll shoot." Claire's words flew over gently.

All of a sudden, Earl Green was frightened and froze in place.

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